P90X People

For all of the people who do P90X I have a few questions for you.

How long did you do he X before you started to see results? Did you loose weight weekly/at all or did you just loose inches? Did you weigh yourself at all? Did you just do the program and take picture/measurements at the 30, 60 and 90 days? Did you follow the diet plan? Did you follow the diet plan as recommended? Do you see the same results as the people on the TV?


  • TAMMY_76
    TAMMY_76 Posts: 199
    I started seeing some results after 2 weeks although it wasn't on the scale but in inches..after i hit the 2 month weight started dropping really fast....i dont follow the diet plan but still eat as clean as possible eliminating alot of bad carbs...and yes i have seen lots of results i only got 2 more weeks of the program. i also weigh in weekly when i started p90x i weighed 162 i am down to 144.4 as of today..and i do do my progress pics did 30 and 60 day almost ready for my 90 pics :)
  • Madmumlee
    Madmumlee Posts: 25 Member
    Hi. I started off and did 3 weeks of it religiously in terms of exercise, but I pretty much ignored the diet. I just joined myfitnesspal and logged my food to keep a check on cals and protein etc. I didn't eat nearly as much protein as they suggested, but, I'm currently doing a Nutritional Therapy degree and they say that too many people put too much emphasis on protein. Most people should be getting more than enough. If you have too much it puts strain on your liver and gets stored as fat anyway.

    I noticed results after the three weeks in looks more than anything, but then the weight started dropping gradually. I then kept going away and visiting friends etc and so lost my way a bit. I have been doing bits and pieces on and off for two and a half months.

    I think I will come back to it and do it all properly from the start - maybe at the end of summer x
  • Madmumlee
    Madmumlee Posts: 25 Member
    Just read the other post, forgot to mention my weight.

    I think I only lost about 6lbs, but that's after 3 or 4 weeks. My percentage body fat came down from 37.1% to 35.5%.

    It is hard work to find time to fit it in almost every day, but worth it I think.
  • syd1980
    syd1980 Posts: 283
    my first round , i lost 20 lbs and 25 inches. i didnt follow the diet, but ate as healthy as i could. i weigh everyday, which helps keep myself accountable. so you can pick a weekly or just do the 30,60, or 90 weigh ins. it was near my 60 days that my body just started dropping the weight and inches.

    i just finished week 1 of my second round. eating alot healthier than first round. lost 4 pounds so far.

    the results will come as long as you push play everyday. this is one of the best things i have ever done for myself. big difference between my day 1 and 90 pics. cant wait for my next 90 days pics.
  • golferd
    golferd Posts: 400 Member
    No weight loss, all I have left is recovery week 13. Inches dropped, strength gains, definition in upper body. I hate I have not lost weight, but I also plan on doing another 90 days. I am pleased on the results, and I spend 90 minutes everyday doing exercise with my wife everyday. Great for both of us.

    I was following nutrition plan, but started changing and altering trying to get weight to drop.

    My wife started with no exercise ability or mentality. This program has helped her to gain both. She has even gained the ability to do cardio, and there was no way that was happening before p90x. She has a two pack and down about 6 pounds.

    We do the program when we both get home, starting many times around 9pm, and we eat dinner after this ie 10-11:30. You have to push yourself to bring the X. We also tried to increase a weight or number of reps each time we did an exercise. Don't allow yourself to get complacent.
  • Girl1Beagle4
    Girl1Beagle4 Posts: 78 Member
    Thanks for the input. It does help. Have a Great Sunday!
  • Girl1Beagle4
    Girl1Beagle4 Posts: 78 Member