Noob...Getting started

Allo there! So I hope this is right place for some advice.

A little bit about myself; Name's Jason. I'm 40 years old...Although I act, look and feel much younger. I'm a divorced father of two boys (Ages 9 & 11). I live and work in Northwest Indiana (near Chicago) as a Civil Engineer/Land Surveyor. It's a desk job for those wondering. I have joint custody of the I have them 3 or 4 nights a week. I'll explain why this is important later. I'm 5'8" and weigh about 180 lbs. I used to be a very active / athletic person...not so much anymore. I graduated high school at about 135 lbs and have gained a consistent 3-4 lbs every year. I joke that "Every time you see me I'm the heaviest I've ever been" and it's generally true. But I haven't been feeling right lately. I have no energy. I've done little things to change my diet...I quit drinking pop (cola for those of you not in the midwest) altogether. I pretty much only drink water, black coffee and the occasional juice. I really cut down on the red meat also because of stomach issues related to it. The reason I have no energy:

My day:
Alarm goes off at 6:10...I snooze until 6:30
The kids and I get ready for school/work and we leave by 7:10
After dropping the kids off at school in a different town 30 minutes away...
I arrive at work at 8:00
I sit at a desk in front of dual monitors all day and crank out construction plans for roads, bridges, parks and pipes.
I leave work at 5:00
Pick up the kids from after school care at 5:30
Get home at 6:00
Cook dinner while the kids are doing their homework.
Eat dinner and review homework.
We all read for 21 minutes a house rules.
Clean up / do laundry as needed
Kids take showers / brush teeth / go to bed at 8:30
I sit down at about 8:40
Veg in front of the TV until about 10:00
Maybe read some more and go to bed about 10:30 / 11:00
Wake up the next day and do it over again.

Weekends I try to get out and do yard work / work around the house / activities.

So here is my plan...I'm going to join the YMCA's family membership. I can work out before work on days that I don't have the kids. I can work out after work on days the kids are with me...they can do their homework and read during my workout. Kids love to swim and they have open / lap swim on the weekends. I can swim laps while they are playing in the pool.

So my goal weigh is about 155 I need to lose about 25. What do you think is a good goal date to lose 25 lbs? Is it feasible to lose it in a year? I also have a goal of running a 5k this year and performing the illusive kick flip on a skateboard that I was unable to pull off as a kid. :)

Also; I'll need some help and motivation. So I'm looking for some friends here at MyFitness. Thank you to anyone who actually read this whole post and I look forward to messaging you and hopefully making some friends along the way.


  • Ohwhynot
    Ohwhynot Posts: 356 Member
    You can TOTALLY lose 25 in a year. In fact, you'll likely lose it quicker if you log religiously and stick to your plan. Add me!
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    25 is VERY doable in a year...won't even require crazy three hour workouts or starvation diets. :)

    My only additional suggestion to your plan: Log your food. Ultimately, as long as you have a moderate calorie deficit the weight will come off. However, usually we put the pounds on because we aren't paying attention to how many calories we're consuming.

    As far as the 5K, I would suggest you look into Run for God (nationwide program). If you're not interested in a program with a Christian component, then I'd go with Couch to 5K (there's a group on here for those using that program specifically). Honestly, Run for God uses the C25K training plan more or less as their base and it's what I got started with.
  • Ohwhynot
    Ohwhynot Posts: 356 Member
    I used c25k and now I'm using c210k. And totally agree with @GBrady43068 - log, log, log. Everyone is like, how did you lose 40 lbs? Did you cut carbs? Did you go gluten-free? Nope. I just squeeze all my carbs and gluten (aka beer) into my budget (on most days ;) ).
  • beslinger
    beslinger Posts: 17 Member
    25 pounds and running a 5k are totally obtainable in a year. It's a good, slow, steady and HEALTHY pace. And easy to plan and stick to. You can do it. I also sit behind dual monitors all day. I sneak away at lunch and bust out a 30 min amrap workout, though. I have lost over 100 pounds and have 20 more to go. I eat, breath, and sleep fitness and nutrition now. I love hearing stories like this... its a great starting point and should be super excited because you just made yourself accountable. I love it! You have nothing in front of you but success :) Please add me :) we all could use motivation and support. I suffer from a devastating sugar addiction...ever seen the move The Gremlins? It's like them, after that's why the 20 pounds keeps hanging on. Damnit
  • shivi484
    shivi484 Posts: 17 Member
    Added you!
  • jlspain1
    jlspain1 Posts: 8 Member
    25 is VERY doable in a year...won't even require crazy three hour workouts or starvation diets. :)

    My only additional suggestion to your plan: Log your food. Ultimately, as long as you have a moderate calorie deficit the weight will come off. However, usually we put the pounds on because we aren't paying attention to how many calories we're consuming.

    As far as the 5K, I would suggest you look into Run for God (nationwide program). If you're not interested in a program with a Christian component, then I'd go with Couch to 5K (there's a group on here for those using that program specifically). Honestly, Run for God uses the C25K training plan more or less as their base and it's what I got started with.

    Thanks for the suggestion!
  • jlspain1
    jlspain1 Posts: 8 Member
    beslinger wrote: »
    25 pounds and running a 5k are totally obtainable in a year. It's a good, slow, steady and HEALTHY pace. And easy to plan and stick to. You can do it. I also sit behind dual monitors all day. I sneak away at lunch and bust out a 30 min amrap workout, though. I have lost over 100 pounds and have 20 more to go. I eat, breath, and sleep fitness and nutrition now. I love hearing stories like this... its a great starting point and should be super excited because you just made yourself accountable. I love it! You have nothing in front of you but success :) Please add me :) we all could use motivation and support. I suffer from a devastating sugar addiction...ever seen the move The Gremlins? It's like them, after that's why the 20 pounds keeps hanging on. Damnit

    Quick high calorie breakfasts generally are my weakness. Oh I love sausage egg and chesse bagels...I'm beginning to convince myself that oatmeal is just as good. Added...thanks!
  • jlspain1
    jlspain1 Posts: 8 Member
    shivi484 wrote: »
    Added you!

    Accepted! Thanks.