Breastfeeding mama's!

Hi all! I am Ebf my 2 month old son Charlie. I need to get this weight off. I put on 55-60 lbs pregnant...and have 40 to lose to be at pre pregnancy weight. Would love some other ladies who are nursing for some support!


  • nicolek81
    nicolek81 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! My son Hunter is 3 months old and I'm also exclusively breastfeeding. I put on around the same amount as you while pregnant (about 30kg, I'm in Australia). I've lost about 20kg, so I have 10 to go, and would like to lose another 10 after that. Last week I did 1800 calories and lost 3.1kg so I'm thinking it's a little bit low. How many calories are you eating?
  • umaarte
    umaarte Posts: 4 Member
    My Son is 5months this December 9, and I still have 30lbs to go to reach my prepregnancy weight. And just recently I started my vegan challenge and it seems to work.
  • umaarte
    umaarte Posts: 4 Member
    nicolek81 wrote: »
    Hi! My son Hunter is 3 months old and I'm also exclusively breastfeeding. I put on around the same amount as you while pregnant (about 30kg, I'm in Australia). I've lost about 20kg, so I have 10 to go, and would like to lose another 10 after that. Last week I did 1800 calories and lost 3.1kg so I'm thinking it's a little bit low. How many calories are you eating?

    Hello I'm from New York, I do 1200 calories which is not bad I can tell my milk supply doesn't change, also I'm doing the vegan challenge along with my 1200 calories and it seems to work.
    Can you please tell me what your diet consist of?
  • delatl
    delatl Posts: 7 Member
    Hang in there, it takes time but the weight will come off. I gained 60 pounds between IVF and pregnancy, EBFed for 6 months and am still breastfeeding my 1.5 yr old a couple times a day. I ate around 2000 calories a day when I was breastfeeding a lot and slowly cut back when I cut feedings. I didn't really even start counting calories until she was 3 months. I was so worried I would never lose the weight but I did--I'm almost back to my pre-pregnancy weight and just fighting those last 5 lbs.
  • osbornk9187
    osbornk9187 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all. My son is 6 weeks old and like you I gained about 50 pounds during pregnancy. Ready to get back to my salads and steamed veggies (which were repulsive to me during pregnancy) but I have to admit I have a bit of a sweet tooth problem too.
  • SavannahCSS
    SavannahCSS Posts: 50 Member
    Still breastfeeding here 2.5 years cut it down to once morning and evening and through the night. Ebf for 6 months. Lost 20 pound last year but put it back on. Hoping to be 130-140 by summer currently 192 feel free to add me x
  • JeninBelgium
    JeninBelgium Posts: 804 Member
    I am breastfeeding my nearly 8 month old daughter though, obviously, not EBF as she eats (some) solids now and I also pump/express milk while at work so there are definitely bottles involved. I reached my pre-pregnancy weight about 3 weeks after she was born though I think a lot of that was due to stress (she was in NICU for 10 days) and also because I was already obese before pregnancy so I really kept the weight gain in check (around 12 kg/25 pounds- still more than my dr would have liked). I am trying to get back into the exercise routine but find it really difficult to balance work/baby/exercise and our house is always a disaster!!
  • jss1130
    jss1130 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Moms! I am EBF my 2.5 month old son. I was overweight when I got pregnant so I only gained 6 lbs, but am now17lbs under my pre pregnancy weight, but want to lose another 20 to get me back to my comfortable jeans size (about an 8/10). I'm not looking to do anything drastic, my sons well being comes first. So I seem to have stalled out on weight loss, but I'm nervous about cutting calories. Between nursing and pumping, my output is roughly 30 oz/ day. Do you eat back the 500 calories the MFP gives you? I just started tracking and I wasn't too far off the 1400 MFP gives me plus the 500 for BF. I just ate when I was hungry, and drink lots of water.
  • abbyph311
    abbyph311 Posts: 45 Member
    Heyyyy! Been bf'ing my youngest for 20 months now. Got into the habit of eating whatever I wanted and not gaining weight because of it. Now he only nurses at night and the pounds are catching up to me. Looking to get healthier and meet some other mommies :)