Cant even run ONE mile???

Wow I am trying not to beat myself up but honestly...took me exactly 15 minutes to get around the track four times...running and walking...I was so out of breath...

please tell me this gets better? lol
also was debating doing this four times a week on top of strength training, sound good?


  • ald783
    ald783 Posts: 688 Member
    I'd say run as frequently as you think you will stick with. If you enjoy it, do it 4 times a week, but you can do other types of cardio as well. You don't need to run 4 days a week to build up your endurance.
  • MsJulesRenee
    MsJulesRenee Posts: 1,180 Member
    edited December 2015
    I took me 3 months of running/walking 3-4 times a week to get to a mile so keep going!! I never ran a mile or even a half mile before I started. Try the phone app Couch25k, it will help you gradually build up your strength. You don't want to jump right in and start running longer distances than you are used to, that may cause an injury. As for the breathing, that does get much easier over time. Try walking on a high incline every once in awhile, that helped me build strength and being able to keep my breath.
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    I can't even run 1/4 mile. HOWEVER, I can walk (and have) 24 miles in one day.

    In other words, run if you like it. Start slow and add to your time, speed, and distance as you build up stamina.
  • jenathp
    jenathp Posts: 92 Member
    It gets better....when I started I could only get through one of the biggest loser power walks (1 mile of walking in place in your home) and yesterday I did 3.5 of them :)
  • catwomansquats
    catwomansquats Posts: 131 Member
    thank you all so much for the encouraging words!!! Honestly even though I was horrible with it today, i absolutely do love running and want to suceed and getting better at steps I guess!
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Wow I am trying not to beat myself up but honestly...took me exactly 15 minutes to get around the track four times...running and walking...I was so out of breath...

    please tell me this gets better? lol
    also was debating doing this four times a week on top of strength training, sound good?

    Neither can I, but I don't wanna :)

    But I can squat my bodyweight and do HIIT

    Everything gets better if you work at it

  • zorahgail
    zorahgail Posts: 91 Member
    @catwomansquats yep it does get better!

    Like @MsJulesRenee it took me awhile, probably 4-5 months, before I could really run/walk a mile. One thing that helped me feel successful when improving my running fitness was to focus on time instead of mileage. In fact that's what I'm doing now as I get back to running.
  • hapa11
    hapa11 Posts: 182 Member
    zorahgail wrote: »
    @catwomansquats yep it does get better!

    Like @MsJulesRenee it took me awhile, probably 4-5 months, before I could really run/walk a mile. One thing that helped me feel successful when improving my running fitness was to focus on time instead of mileage. In fact that's what I'm doing now as I get back to running.

    My son runs on his college xc/track team and they train this way, by time rather than distance.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    I took me 3 months of running/walking 3-4 times a week to get to a mile so keep going!! I never ran a mile or even a half mile before I started. Try the phone app Couch25k, it will help you gradually build up your strength. You don't want to jump right in and start running longer distances than you are used to, that may cause an injury. As for the breathing, that does get much easier over time. Try walking on a high incline every once in awhile, that helped me build strength and being able to keep my breath.

    I was also going to recommend C25K - really works. There's several apps for it.
  • jlc102980
    jlc102980 Posts: 137 Member
    I agree with everyone here. It gets better with practice and persistence! I was completely out of shape and two bad knees to boot. I started just walking at a slow to moderate pace for fifteen minutes or so. Built up my speed and distance while walking. Then I started doing run/walk intervals - first longer walk intervals, then gradually increased the run intervals and shortened the walk intervals. Then one day I just ran a mile, slowly. Gradually increased speed and distance. Now I can run at least 5 miles without stopping (maybe more, but I haven't tried yet - working on my pace now). All this over the course of months, not days or weeks. Be patient and stick with it and you will see results! Don't give up. :)
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    I agree it gets better. One of my biggest challenges early on was that I didn't understand the definition of running. I thought running = sprinting. I would go all out for a minute and then end up walking for awhile. Then I found out that running = jogging also. I didn't have to go full speed all the time... that helped me go further and improved my average times as well (since it included less walking despite slower running time).
  • questionfear
    questionfear Posts: 527 Member
    It gets better for sure! Look at it this way, you made it around the track 4 times...that's a good start.

    Here's a story to help you feel better:

    When I was in college I played rugby. Since I was one of the bigger players, my coach didn't push me as hard on the cardio; we were doing a drill once where we were running on the track, and he let me drop out at .75 miles because "Hey, you're big like me, no need to run". Note to college rugby coaches-what you think sounds vaguely comforting in your head probably has the opposite effect on a 20 year old woman. ;)

    Several years later, I decided enough was enough, and headed out the door...and I have several 1/2 marathons and a slew of 5ks under my belt. And I wish I could go back and smack my 20 year old self upside the head.

    So running a whole mile, even in 15 minutes, is a great start!
  • bri170lb
    bri170lb Posts: 1,375 Member
    Try C25k. I think it will be just what you need.
  • BWFit16
    BWFit16 Posts: 22 Member
    Everyone starts somewhere, consistency is key with your training and the hard work will pay off. Best of luck!
  • jacklifts
    jacklifts Posts: 396 Member
    It took me a couple of months. I couldn't run for 1 minute contiguously when I first started. What I did was do a 20 minute "run" , which was really a run/walk combo twice a week. For me it seemed to work to get up to a mile. Next I wanted to run 2 miles straight, so I upped the minutes to 30 minutes. After a couple of more months, I was able to do 2 miles straight.

    Then I stopped cause I really dislike running.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    You'll be surprised how fast your body adapts to your new demands. Don't go more than every other day to give it time to respond and you'll surprise yourself. Log your progress (speed) and I am sure you will be pleased.
  • pondee629
    pondee629 Posts: 2,469 Member
    Wow I am trying not to beat myself up but honestly...took me exactly 15 minutes to get around the track four times...running and walking...I was so out of breath...

    please tell me this gets better? lol
    also was debating doing this four times a week on top of strength training, sound good?

    15 minute mile for a first time is not bad. You were on the inside lane for all laps, right? If not, your distance would be longer.

    Start out with a brisk walk, get warmed, break into a slow jog and keep that jog up for a long as possible. Slow to that walk and catch you breath (if needed), go back to the jog. Continue for that mile. Next week increase your distance (many say by no more than 10%) I say add a lap. Do it for a week. Add a lap. go on until you're running the distance you want. Speed will increase and distance increases and endurance builds.

    Or get Couch to 5K or, my favorite, Personal Running Trainer 8 Weeks to 5K (free from Amazon).

    But, most of all, enjoy it.
  • wennim
    wennim Posts: 276 Member
    It definitely gets better! In April 2015 I started with a 22 min mile..over half it walking. In October 2015 I ran (well 12 min miles) a half marathon. I was able to do it at a steady pace the entire time with no walks. Keep it up.
  • catwomansquats
    catwomansquats Posts: 131 Member
    I cannot believe all the amazing responses I am getting, THANK YOU THANK YOU so so much I am taking it all into account
  • Leslierussell4134
    Leslierussell4134 Posts: 376 Member
    Wow I am trying not to beat myself up but honestly...took me exactly 15 minutes to get around the track four times...running and walking...I was so out of breath...

    please tell me this gets better? lol
    also was debating doing this four times a week on top of strength training, sound good?

    It gets better! But I would start with a couple times a week and build up. Running is high impact and can trash you shins and knees if you go all out right away. Took me 3 months to feel comfortable jogging 2 to 3 times per week without my body killing me. I have knee problems and sometimes still have to take time off when it acts up.