Would like some friends to help me on my way.

Hi, I'm 25 and recently divorced and have 2 kids. I'm in the process of giving myself a complete Makeover starting with my weight I've gained through having kids and a husband. I've lost 28 lbs in the last 2 months but I have 115lbs to go at least. My mom is my only friend on here but she's 65 and set in her ways even though the doctors and I keep trying to get her to change her diet. Her usual support for me and my diet consists of "Salmon!? Why the hell would you want to make salmon let's order pizza and if you must insist we'll get a salad too!" And the ever popular "you're beautiful just the way you are, men can't possibly like all those skinny girls. You're only 275lbs!" So, this is me wanting some real support through this challenge of my complete and total Makeover.


  • matttucker2015
    matttucker2015 Posts: 31 Member
    You got this! Feel free to add me :)
  • LUHAN27
    LUHAN27 Posts: 211 Member
    Hello! You can add me as well! :)
  • enoneil
    enoneil Posts: 2 Member
    Feel free to add me :) just started as well, good luck on your journey! Hopefully your mom will see your progress and change her views a bit :)
  • sherpacat123
    sherpacat123 Posts: 1 Member
    Add me too! I'm working on the baby weight too... Two years later. And it's tough when you have a two year old with different preferences and dietary needs when you're trying to diet. I'm committed to setting a good example for her and eat our meals together so it's tough to just make myself a big ol salad if she can't eat it (girl still doesn't have teeth yet) so yeah, I get the mom struggles. Add me if you'd like to!
  • tobefreeforever
    tobefreeforever Posts: 4 Member
    Hi happy to help in anyway I can. What help exactly you are looking for? Is it emotional support? Do you need more practical 'stuff' - good resources, etc?
    It's really difficult to try to change when we don't have supportive environment. Yet the bad news is that we can't change anyone so probably you have to let go of idea of changing your mum. But you can be determined to follow your own plan of eating and exercise, despite her choices. I would say - you can only focus on yourself, on your own habits and choices, not hers. It's tough, so be brave and I applaud you for your decisions.