Any crossfit lovers in here?

Hello everyone! How long have you been training crossfit? How often do you train? I can't live without it now!


  • AllanRutledge
    AllanRutledge Posts: 1 Member
    I have been training CrossFit for 2.5 years now and train approximately 4-5 time per week. It's really hard to imagine training any other way now!
  • oliwia_00
    oliwia_00 Posts: 10 Member
    I've started just 2 months ago. But it's the best way of training I've experienced! And I've tried a lot of sports
  • saynotocardio
    saynotocardio Posts: 30 Member
    Training for 9 months now. Best results ever. Lost 5 inches in my waist 23 pounds and not to mention all of the gains!
  • oliwia_00
    oliwia_00 Posts: 10 Member
    true, results are amazing! I haven't lost as much pound as you yet, but I lost lots of inches in my waist and thighs :) and I haven't lost that much weight couse I'm turning my fat into muscles now, but I absolutely see the results
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    oliwia_00 wrote: »
    true, results are amazing! I haven't lost as much pound as you yet, but I lost lots of inches in my waist and thighs :) and I haven't lost that much weight couse I'm turning my fat into muscles now, but I absolutely see the results

    Fat doesn't turn into muscles
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    oliwia_00 wrote: »
    Hello everyone! How long have you been training crossfit? How often do you train? I can't live without it now!

    I'm sure you could
  • oliwia_00
    oliwia_00 Posts: 10 Member
    oliwia_00 wrote: »
    true, results are amazing! I haven't lost as much pound as you yet, but I lost lots of inches in my waist and thighs :) and I haven't lost that much weight couse I'm turning my fat into muscles now, but I absolutely see the results

    Fat doesn't turn into muscles

    well it does. Not literally of course. But if you're working really hard, you burn a lot of fat and replace it with muscles. If you work out, not just keep the diet
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    You have to eat at a surplus and strength training using progressive overload to gain muscle. Also body recomp (losing fat and gaining muscle at the same time) is very very slow. A woman who eats perfectly with a surplus, lifts heavy and works hard might gain half a pound of muscle in a month.
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    You have to eat at a surplus and strength training using progressive overload to gain muscle. Also body recomp (losing fat and gaining muscle at the same time) is very very slow. A woman who eats perfectly with a surplus, lifts heavy and works hard might gain half a pound of muscle in a month.

    Not to mention that you're not going to gain any appreciable amount of muscle doing crossfit for two months eating at maintenance. It's just not going to happen.
  • oliwia_00
    oliwia_00 Posts: 10 Member
    okay, but I've seen my body composition tests and I'm really happy with the changes. The percantage of fat is decreasing and of muscles is growing. Besides I can see the changes in my body, strength and health and I'm really really satisfied ;)
  • robs_ready
    robs_ready Posts: 1,488 Member
    I've recently integrated crossfit into my program along side my cycling and rowing. It's definitely helping.
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    edited December 2015
    oliwia_00 wrote: »
    okay, but I've seen my body composition tests and I'm really happy with the changes. The percantage of fat is decreasing and of muscles is growing. Besides I can see the changes in my body, strength and health and I'm really really satisfied ;)

    Unless you used a dexa scan, bod pod, or a hydrostatic test, then any changes you've seen in body composition are within the margin of error for the accuracies of the other tests (calipers, measurements, bioelectrical impedance, etc.)
  • marathon_44
    marathon_44 Posts: 62 Member
    I'm finding Crossfit very fun and rewarding - challenging and easy to see how you progress over time with performance on benchmarks and lift PRs. There is a Crossfit Love group on MFP that you can join!
  • CathReese33
    CathReese33 Posts: 112 Member
    I have recently started. do 3 sessions a week and am on wk 5. I have already noticed a difference in my strength and endurance. I love it more than most other exercise because it is so varied. No chance for me to get bored, or put in 1/2 effort. Its full on and amazing. Not lost any weight or inches yet, but not eating at a deficit - working on it though!
  • taterfit
    taterfit Posts: 75 Member
    I started crossfit about 5 months ago and love it. Great community and excellent workouts. Gaining muscle and also losing some fat while doing crossfit has definitely been a bonus.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    oliwia_00 wrote: »
    okay, but I've seen my body composition tests and I'm really happy with the changes. The percantage of fat is decreasing and of muscles is growing. Besides I can see the changes in my body, strength and health and I'm really really satisfied ;)
    As long as you are happy and seeing results, don't bother with those trying to nit pick & bring u down.

    As for me, I average maybe 2 crossfit classes a week. I really enjoy it, but I could never use it as my only method of training. It has certainly helped me in a lot of ways with conditioning and appearance.
  • c50blvdbabe
    c50blvdbabe Posts: 213 Member
    Just started back last month. Crossfit is the only program that I have stuck with and have seen great results. I tried to trick myself into joining a regular gym (more cost effective) and DVD's at home (Insanity & BodyShred). I didn't stick with either of them because I got bored very quickly. I love the sense of personal training and community as well as the varied program.
  • nordlead2005
    nordlead2005 Posts: 1,303 Member
    crazyravr wrote: »
    I thought about it but all the cross gyms here are soooooooooooo expensive. I mean come on.... now I pay $20/m for my 24h gym. The cheapest crossfit gym I could find is $130/m it just doesnt make sense.

    This is why I didn't join despite being interested. While it looks fun you can get just as great results if you pick programs that work towards your goals. I do SL5X5, lost 40lb and over doubled my strength and a few of my muscles have some nice definition all in the last 7 months.

    The important thing with training is finding an effective program that you'll stick with. If it's crossfit, then good, if its something else, then also good.
  • katrn05
    katrn05 Posts: 20 Member
    Just started back after a year and a half off. I wasn't injured, just having personal issues and the jerk off I was seeing at the time was discouraging me from it because him being in the army made him think he had superior fitness expertise. I really missed the lifts.
  • ThatFatAsianNerd
    ThatFatAsianNerd Posts: 1,415 Member
    Giving this another shot at 6am this morning. I'm already hating it, to be honest. I'm probably just gonna say F it by the time 5am rolls around and go back to sleep for another 3 hours. It's free though, which is why I wanna give this another try.