I'm sick of feeling this way!

I'm sick of my clothes not fitting right. I'm sick of feeling uncomfortable in a crowd. I'm sick of the pain in my knees and feet because they are carrying around too much weight. I'm 170, the most I've been since I had my son. Right now while I'm writing this, I am so committed to this plan. But when the day starts and I'm at work and everyone is eating donuts or wants to go out to eat, then when I get home and would rather do 373627362 other things than exercise, my commitment waivers. I need help. I need accountability. I need people to call me out! I'm glad I found this community and appreciate all the help I can get! Good luck to you all! :)


  • drywall_painter
    drywall_painter Posts: 321 Member
    Exercise is part of the weight loss effort but staying within your calorie allotment is the most important. I understand how you feel, I'm not perfect but I keep trying , feel free to add me.
  • Ez233
    Ez233 Posts: 5 Member
    Add me too Maggie. I can use as much encouragement as possible lol
  • escotech2883
    escotech2883 Posts: 546 Member
    I honestly feel the same way. You are not alone hun
  • Soloflyergirl2
    Soloflyergirl2 Posts: 127 Member
    Start with psyching yourself up with what you are about to do..... lose weight the healthy way..... Start clearing out snacks . Put them in one cabinet or box.. out of sight.,closed, labelled... and put a Mr. Yuck sticker on the door. no kidding... Then.... start writing out your grocery list.... Bring a healthy snack to work so when they start noshing... you can too, only it will be a granola or an apple.. Start a walking plan..... Walk around the block four times... if you can't walk far. Drink a LOT of water..... Take your blood pressure.... and then do it all again the next day.... It takes about 21 days to make a habit and 21 days to break a habit.... There are many fine people in MFP..... so.. know that you are not alone... Best wishes...
  • Lu_wallace06
    Lu_wallace06 Posts: 107 Member
    feel free to add me!
  • rankinsect
    rankinsect Posts: 2,238 Member
    What works for me is planning my meals in advance, typically the night before but sometimes farther in advance. I don't just plan to eat beneath my calorie limit, I plan exactly how I will do so each day. It's a huge help.
  • cassandranken
    cassandranken Posts: 129 Member
    rankinsect wrote: »
    What works for me is planning my meals in advance, typically the night before but sometimes farther in advance. I don't just plan to eat beneath my calorie limit, I plan exactly how I will do so each day. It's a huge help.

    Ever since I started again, same here. But last night, for example, my bf accidentally ate my dinner and I had work. So instead of getting some crap food, I hit up the 7/11 and picked out a few keto snacks to get me through the night. I had almonds and 2 jerky sticks on hand with a coke zero and made it through the night without feeling like I was starving. But that was "an emergency" normally I cook my own food and portion it out and plan ahead. Tomorrow I'm going to cook and freeze some meals in advance too
  • christyltrujillo
    Start with psyching yourself up with what you are about to do..... lose weight the healthy way..... Start clearing out snacks . Put them in one cabinet or box.. out of sight.,closed, labelled... and put a Mr. Yuck sticker on the door. no kidding... Then.... start writing out your grocery list.... Bring a healthy snack to work so when they start noshing... you can too, only it will be a granola or an apple.. Start a walking plan..... Walk around the block four times... if you can't walk far. Drink a LOT of water..... Take your blood pressure.... and then do it all again the next day.... It takes about 21 days to make a habit and 21 days to break a habit.... There are many fine people in MFP..... so.. know that you are not alone... Best wishes...

    I love the idea about separating the food. I'm going to put my stuff away from my son and my husband's. Thank you! :)
  • NM1785
    NM1785 Posts: 7 Member
    I just started 3 days ago. I feel as if I could have written your post! I complete understand how you feel. Please feel free to add me as a friend. I did WW 3 years ago lost 35 pounds and was feeling great then hurt my back and gain it all back and then some. :( We can start out slow, make new habits and then add on more good habits as time goes on. This weight thing is a marathon not a sprint.