Hello Everyone

Hello my name is Jenni. I am a 33 year old mother of 5 children and wife. I am currently trying to get approved to have the gastric bypass surgery and on top of the many many medical tests and such I need to loose 33lbs and quit smoking. Im working on eating more healthy right now and slowly weaning my soda out of my diet and the cigarettes also. I tried going cold turkey on both and was very sick. Tomorrow I do groceries so I thought I would come here and read the stories and get some motivation to shop healthy and find healthy recipes etc. Not sure if anyone else here is on the same path I am taking but even if your not Im always looking for other moms and friends to get to know and share our stories with. Well thats a little about me. Hope to get to know some of you also!


  • slimmedawn
    slimmedawn Posts: 33
    added :) xx
  • Hi Jenni, welcome to MFP its a great site with lots of great people who support and give great advice, feel free to add me as a buddy and good luck in your journey!

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  • jenny_fur
    jenny_fur Posts: 73
    Hi Jenni, Im Jenny! Just joined this site this morning and am excited about it! I, too, am trying to quit smoking.... and I need to lose 40 lbs... would love to have you as a friend!!
  • rashaell
    rashaell Posts: 5
    welcome...i just started on here myself, i considered the bypass but opted out to try this on my own by making smart healthy choices, it's not easy at all, so my hands up to you! I can say here are some things that have helped me, eating eggs for breakfast every morning or if i just don't have time, eat a fiber one bar, they are very tasty and fill you up. Bring bottled water with you everywhere and use the crystal light or wyler light to add to it if you just can't stand it, but the water increase really helps to stay away from the soda, also i went to diet soda and since i don't like it that much, i only drink 1/2 a can and maybe 3 times a week, so this way i'm not over doing it on my calories but i still get that taste in my mouth of soda. Also i love love love salad when made like this, i use spinach, pecans, craisen's, feta cheese, sometimes apples, light rasberry vinegarette, this is so good it's not really like eating a salad and i usually eat that as my main dish at dinner and something small on the side, i think its the vinegarette that does it...anyway hope that helps a little and see you around on the site!
  • avsingleton
    avsingleton Posts: 98 Member
    hi jenni, welcome aboard! i wish u the best with ur health fitness goals. hope all goes well with ur surgery. is surgery ur only options? is there a chance u have another alternative? just asking bc surgery seems sooo serious and i think health fitness is a learned behavior....i'm sure u've considered this or u wouldn't be here on myfitnesspal.com. hope u have a great day and a great week!
  • giggle528
    giggle528 Posts: 1
    I just starting using this website last Wednesday and have lost 2.5 lbs already and I am the worst dieter. Every time I try to diet, I always gain more weight instead. But I have found that by checking into this when I can throughout the day it helps keep me stay on track. Also, I was addicted to caffeine, Mt. Dew mostly. I went down to one a day for three days, then quit completely. I had bad withdrawal headaches up until yesterday and now they are mostly gone and I actually feel more energized not having any caffeine. I love love love Mt. Dew, so if I can do it, you can too. =) Also, I found salt free almonds as a good snack that make me feel full. Best of Luck!!
  • avsingleton
    avsingleton Posts: 98 Member
    hello rashaell, so glad u're at myfitnesspal.com! i'm a short timer to the site but a very long time dieter. i have been on a diet every day of my life since i was 20 years old and now that i'm over 50 it doesn't get any easier. i like ur tips, but i would watch doing the egg every morning, u could build up way too much cholesterol and if u're in my age bracket, that is not a good thing either. i know, getting older sucks, but we're smarter! :wink:
  • yodasgal
    yodasgal Posts: 5
    Wow Thanks everyone for the hellos I added the three that sent me a friend request to my friends. For me surgery is the option because Ive dieted so many times. My most successful diet I lost over 100lbs and it was really just eating appropriately and exercising. Then I got pregnant with my last child and just gained it all back plus some. Now because of some health problems Im having a hard time getting the weight off and finding myself exhausted. I want to be healthy for my children and be able to run and play with them without getting winded after five min and need to sit. Every time I see the doc for migraines, sore joints, muscle spasms its always the same thing loose weight and you will feel so much better. So personally for me i decided to do the surgery. I swore as a young adult Id never reach 200 lbs then when I went over that I swore never to go over 300 now Im over that and just tired of being tired and hurting all the time.
    Pepsi and cigarettes are my two bad bad bad habits and my goal is by the end of the month to have kicked them both. I have the patches and may try those to get me over the hump of the nicotine withdrawal but Id love if I could just go cold turkey lol. I know Im in for some doozey Migraines but if I can get through them then It will be smooth sailing from there. Well I must get back to work. Take care all and can't wait to share my story and hear your stories and make some good friends!
  • sbrown6
    sbrown6 Posts: 334 Member
    Hi and welcome to MFP. I've been here 5 days and am LOVING IT! Check out these awesome success stories from this site:


    These should offer some serious motivation and inspiration.
  • cgreg1277
    cgreg1277 Posts: 20 Member