

  • Packerjohn
    Packerjohn Posts: 4,855 Member
    elphie754 wrote: »
    Ninkyou wrote: »
    Why not fit one or two into your calorie goal?

    I had 2 cookies today. Had 3 yesterday. I made them fit and they were yummy. Moderation. It's your friend. Especially during the Holidays.

    I would love to agree here, but the Op did say she already ate the left over dough. Left over dough plus cookies? Nope. For me it would be one or the other (and hands down raw dough would win every time). Doesn't sound like she is depriving herself.
    It's ok to let your mouth have fun sometime.
    But put in mind that to much "Sugar" can be bad... so go easy on it girl.

    Why is too much sugar "bad" of the op has no medical problems that would cause her to have to restrict her sugar intake?

    Too much sugar is an easy way for many people to get too many nutrient sparse calories.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    tatjanak87 wrote: »
    I just baked some cookies because I felt like baking. I scraped off all the remaining dough on the bowl and ate it. Now I am trying not to eat the cookies. They smell so good... planning to give them to my husband to share with his co-workers.

    Eat one. Log it. I don't know how much dough you ate but you should probably log that too if it was at least a tsp.
    If you have used up all your calories pre-cookies just have a maintenance day or get some more exercise. If you haven't used up your calories then eat lighter the rest of the day.
    Instead of resisting cookies, try planning better. Was this spontaneous cookie baking? If not spontaeous why would you bake cookies but not leave enough calories in your day to eat one or two?
  • missnikkij3
    missnikkij3 Posts: 2 Member
    I limit my self I just ate 1 sugar cookie and that's it I tend to over do it
  • vivmom2014
    vivmom2014 Posts: 1,647 Member
    elphie754 wrote: »
    vivmom2014 wrote: »
    My daughter is coming home from school next weekend to do some holiday baking. I've already bought a bunch of holiday-themed takeout containers so she can take some back with her and give them to friends. I'll keep some here of course, but most of them will be going to hungry college students. :wink:

    Homemade baked goods are a rare and wonderful thing. Those students are gonna love you & your daughter!

    It always rankles at our church bake sales when people just run to the grocery and buy stuff to sell. I'm old school that way: a bake sale means homemade!! But apparently not anymore. Sigh.

    Ack! No no no no!!!! A bake sale totally means home made!!!! Store bought is just not the same. If you volunteer for a bake sale, you need to bake.

    You said it. There's nothing worse than thinking "mmm, bake sale" and finding a bunch of sad grocery store fruit pies and some cupcakes with canned frosting. :'(