How to stay motivated during body recomposition

How do you stay motivated during body recomposition?
Im pretty motivated with the exercise part. I love trying new thing and challenging myself.
I started jogging in May, 42 mins to finish a 5K, trained and started doing 3 miles 3xweek. I just ran 2 official 5K this fall, 31-33mins to complete. My goal next year 10 official 5K and a fall 10K.
Started weight lifting. Did machines then Dumbbells and now barbells. I do strength training 3 X week. I've progressed to doing heavy lifting 1 week and light higher reps then next to mix it up.
I kick *kitten* on recumbent bike doing HIIT, barely can walk after.
So I think I'm doing good with exercise part 4-5 X week consistently.
Food part:
Limit simple carbs. Eat tons of veggies. Try to eat a decent Amt of protein, I think my diet is pretty good. Always could be better but I think I found a happy medium to not feel deprived and want to go back to my unhealthy eating.
My problem is the actual calorie amount I'm at 1600 on rest days and 1900 on workout days. It's the 1600 I can't seem to stick too.
I'm most comfortable at 18-1900.
I feel my body changing but I know it's such a slow process.
Since May I've lost 5lbs and i know from my clothes it looks like more.
I did reach my first goal and have maintained it for a few months. I'd like to lose another 15lbs of fat and replace with muscle.
I'll still be on the higher end for my height but I think I'd feel comfortable there.
My stats
40 female
SW 230
Cw 175
Gw 160

It took me a year to lose the first 55lbs but I did all the right things and made
Incredible life long changes to my life and my families.

I'm in the home stretch but getting impatient.

Any advice if going through the same thing or did?


  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    The best way is to pick a lifting program instead of doing what you are currently doing. Most people start with a strength based program like Stronglifts or Starting Strength. That way they see the weights increase weekly, which provides motivation. Some do New Rules of Lifting, which teaches them a lot. Tracking the numbers is the biggest way to stay motivated because it's where you see progress. Take measurements as well because that's how you see fat loss.
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    edited December 2015
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    Agree with @usmcmp about picking a structured lifting routine - most people simply don't have the experience/knowledge to design their own program an end up not getting as much out of their workouts as they could.

    Your goal of "I'd like to lose another 15lbs of fat and replace with muscle" is ambitious and will take quite some time. Good news is that there's a much bigger difference in appearance losing a few pounds of fat close to goal weight.

    I'm the same as you regarding struggling to stick to my calorie goal on a sedentary day (or even a strength training day) I want to eat more! Maybe look at increasing your day to day activity or swapping out HIIT for a higher calorie burning activity?

    As for motivation: I love goals, targets and challenges. I'm very self competitive! More weight, faster, further - it all works to drive me on.
    Changes are subtle so measurements and photos do help to see progress.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    My first routine was something I picked off of They have tons of free workouts. Each exercise has a video to show you what to do. There are TONS of programs out there written by professionals that you can access for free.
  • lavrn03
    lavrn03 Posts: 235 Member
    Thanks I have been looking at one on
    Some look good. 12 weeks transformation program.
    I keep trying to remind myself I've come a long way and have done amazing changes to my lifestyle I truly feel will be apart of my life forever.

    I'm just getting impatient. I know my calories in needs some work.

    I was thinking of sticking to what I'm doing for now and concentrate on not gaining anything thru the holiday season. And start January 1. Not too many distractions Jan to march i.e.. Vacations, special events or holidays.

    Ultimately I just want to be in a healthy weight range and live a balance healthy life.

    I am so busy with working fulltime, my son, helping my aging mom and sister ( recent widow with 2 kids).

    So slow and steady has worked so far because anything too extreme would just be another stress in my life.

    Thanks for listening just needed to vent! I think the already busy holiday season is stressing me out.
  • curlyslim
    curlyslim Posts: 64 Member
    Well, it has taken me about 2.5 years to lose 55lbs! So I totally understand how hard it is to stick to a certain calorie calculation. So I guess, I don't think I am one for giving advice, but I think it's important to remember that this is a lifestyle choice, there really isn't a competition, (unless you are competing for something, then ignore :P).

    I do wonder if switching things up a bit help too? Like more hiit- on the day you are doing strength, or try a different exercise type, alongside your usual.

    But like you, I am looking to lose another 15 ish pounds, (currently about 150), about 5.8.
    But really struggling with holding back on the eating!

    You are not alone :)
  • Photograhicsoul
    Photograhicsoul Posts: 23 Member
    I totally get the impatient part! Especially when you are working hard for it.

    I agree with the said about. Small changes and goals are challenging. I would break down that goal of yours into few goals, that way you would feel like you achieved something even earlier. Also, I work on flexibility too, and for me there is nothing quite as motivating as the change you see in yourself. We as humans have short memory in a way. You know you lost 55 kg, but you forget quite how you felt then, how it felt losing that weight...Make a "before and after" side by side collage picture of yourself for those 55kg. Do this for yourself and look at that picture. Nothing more motivational that seeing how far you already went.

    Also switch around what workouts you do, or crosstrain. Keep yourself surprised. And your body- the more you switch the workouts, the faster your body learns to adapt, plus you won't get bored. Enjoy your achievement until now. Get something you feel you look amazing in. Join in more activities- go climb a wall, go ice-skating, hiking, dancing...try new things. Surprise yourself. Keep yourself from thinking too hard about the end goal and concentrate on what you do day to day.

    Good luck!
  • lavrn03
    lavrn03 Posts: 235 Member
    Thanks for your support. I am gonna try to mix things up, try a new plan, and look at my old pics too.
    Today I can say I had a moment that showed me how far I've come since I've began this journey.
    First month in working out I could only walk 3 miles in 60 mins. TODAY I ran straight thru... 5.2 miles in 60 mins!!!!

    The scale isn't the only thing I need to keep focusing on