Day 4 here.. Looking for some friends to be accountable to!

Sarah2365 Posts: 6
edited September 28 in Introduce Yourself
Hello Everyone,

So, today is Day 4 for me. Day 1 & 2 were "fails." I didn't really know what to expect and just filled out the food diary without really trying to make any concious eating decisions. Day 3 was a real learning experience as I blew my whole intake around noon with a very evil muffin that I will never eat again after learning it's nutritional content from MFP!! Day 4 - I am still riding on the shock value of the content of some of the things I actually chose to eat.. Under my intake goals @ the moment, but finding it hard to think of things to eat that are healthy & under goal values. Find myself trying to "save up" so I can eat something really delicious during the day. (Ie: I just spent the last 1/2 hr on the Swiss Chalet website trying to figure out how I can "afford" a Quarter Chicken Dinner tonight, lol...) I stopped myself when I realized that this was probably not the most healthy thinking.. or is this acceptable as long as I stay within my limits?

Anyways, to go on with introducing myself; my sister introduced me to MFP & I am really glad I signed up. The reason I joined is that I need to fit into the wedding dress I bought online & at the moment it doesn't zip up. :noway:

Any tips on losing "back fat" would also be appreciated!!

I have been browsing the website & I see many success stories. Just hoping to connect with some of you who are obviously serious about fighting this battle of the bulge.. Hoping to learn some healthy eating tips, menu suggestions, etc.

Thank you, and good luck on your journey!!


  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    Will send a friend request
  • oldscratch
    oldscratch Posts: 146
    need it to . friend request sent
  • I also have the problem of trying to save calories for bad food! Hopefully we can work together to try to get over it!
  • SaintsGal
    SaintsGal Posts: 62

    I am also new to MFP, I saw it advertised on the internet so thought I would give it a try as I would like to lose a few extra pounds before I go on holiday to Florida in September and have noticed the odd new stretchmark rearing its ugly head so thought I would try to lose a bit of weight in the hope that it may also improve the appearance of these as well as make me look a bit better in my bikini haha!

    First day of many... have entered my food and am under my target for everything today so am happy.. hopefully every day will be this successful :)

    Good luck everyone!
    RILEYRED Posts: 647 Member
  • Sarah2365
    Sarah2365 Posts: 6
    LOL! Thanks, Red! :happy:
  • Sarah2365
    Sarah2365 Posts: 6
    Wow! So many friends, so fast! Thanks everyone!! I look forward to sharing this journey with you all!! Wishing everyone a day of success & perserverance.

  • I just joined as well and need a pal to be accountable as well! Can I add you?
  • dswizzles
    dswizzles Posts: 23 Member
    I am new as well!!! Let's do this!
  • OneBryteSmile
    OneBryteSmile Posts: 808 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    So, today is Day 4 for me. Day 1 & 2 were "fails." I didn't really know what to expect and just filled out the food diary without really trying to make any concious eating decisions. Day 3 was a real learning experience as I blew my whole intake around noon with a very evil muffin that I will never eat again after learning it's nutritional content from MFP!! Day 4 - I am still riding on the shock value of the content of some of the things I actually chose to eat.. Under my intake goals @ the moment, but finding it hard to think of things to eat that are healthy & under goal values. Find myself trying to "save up" so I can eat something really delicious during the day. (Ie: I just spent the last 1/2 hr on the Swiss Chalet website trying to figure out how I can "afford" a Quarter Chicken Dinner tonight, lol...) I stopped myself when I realized that this was probably not the most healthy thinking.. or is this acceptable as long as I stay within my limits?

    Anyways, to go on with introducing myself; my sister introduced me to MFP & I am really glad I signed up. The reason I joined is that I need to fit into the wedding dress I bought online & at the moment it doesn't zip up. :noway:

    Any tips on losing "back fat" would also be appreciated!!

    I have been browsing the website & I see many success stories. Just hoping to connect with some of you who are obviously serious about fighting this battle of the bulge.. Hoping to learn some healthy eating tips, menu suggestions, etc.

    Thank you, and good luck on your journey!!

    Welcome! I joined recently as well and also a soon to be bride "on a mission". Let's cheer each other on as we fight and win this battle once and for all.
  • Today is my 1 week anniversary and I weighed in today and I lost 3lbs :) I will shoot you request so we can achieve success in our journey!
  • LauraDubbleya
    LauraDubbleya Posts: 79 Member
    I've been on here for a few months now but I can always use new friends to keep me accountable as well.!! Add me!!
  • reenpayne
    reenpayne Posts: 21
    Hello there, yep this weight loss journey can be challenging!! One thing I want you to pay close attention to, I called it a JOURNEY. Weight loss is a journey, not a race. We dont put the weight on fast so dont expect to lose it fast. Those quick fad diets, you lose the weight quick but you double the weight when you gain it back. Its a lifestyle change, thats the only way you will succeed. Let your wedding be your motivation to start losing. I always try to find things to motivate me... for example, I have a cruise coming up in October and there is a swimsuit I want to get in and believe me, I am determined to get in that swimsuit, lol. Send me a friend request and you can look at a before and after pic of me. I lost my weight over 5 yrs ago and have maintained pretty well, but now I want to lose about another ten pounds. Lets take this journey together, and welcome to MFP!!!
  • Palache
    Palache Posts: 123 Member
    WELCOME!!! Eating healthier is such a hard thing to do when you are used to eating everything!!! But you will learn as you go by logging everything you eat. You will learn to get rid of things you thought were okay to eat. When in fact they are NOT.

    I started slowly by first removing most of my fried meals, carb filled side dishes and all the fast foods from my list!! And don't forget that working out is a HUGE piece to this puzzle.

    Enjoy your new journey! GOOD LUCK!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Feel free to add me! Can use any and all support! You can do it!
  • TraceyL88
    TraceyL88 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi! I've been apart of the community for almost 2 weeks now. I'll send you a request! :)
  • laurad1406
    laurad1406 Posts: 341
    sending a request now! Dont get discouraged, I've had MFP since February and only lasted a few days before I fell off the wagon. But now that i've discovered the message boards and began adding friends, I find myself checking into this more than facebook haha
  • reneepugh
    reneepugh Posts: 522 Member
    I love this website and would be glad to be supportive! Back fat is the worst. It just looks aweful. I have it too, so hopefully someone has tips to tone and lose it. Nice to have you here.
  • sbrown6
    sbrown6 Posts: 334 Member
    Welcome! I've been here 5 days and am really excited about losing weight for the 1st time in my life. Logging my food has really waken me to how much I was really eating. scary. I will send a friend request. The support from everyone here has been amazing and it really helps to keep me motivated!
  • jmtp
    jmtp Posts: 26 Member
    Hello! Today is my first day. I doubt I'll be much of a presence on the boards, but it's nice to know so many people are out here supporting each other.

    Do you swim at all? Swimming is great exercise and the butterfly stroke especially is great for toning back/shoulder muscles. You can achieve similar results with certain free weight exercises that simulate the stroke, but swimming is often easier, so I recommend it!
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