lack of motivation :(

msallymae Posts: 112 Member
edited September 28 in Health and Weight Loss
Anyone have any positive advice to help me find the motivation to go work out?

Thank you



  • Samiwhereareyou
    Samiwhereareyou Posts: 277 Member
    when I work out I feel in a better mood. even though I dont like it when its happening and I make funny noises when I lift weights Its worth it.
  • kristidem
    kristidem Posts: 160 Member
    Working out is YOUR time, and you deserve time for yourself and deserve to be healthy and happy.
  • When I am in that "lack of motivation" mood, I always try and imagine my self what I want to end up looking like and realize that it isn't going to happen all by it self and that work needs to be done. Visualization is a VERY powerful tool.
  • ivy2009
    ivy2009 Posts: 75
    Just go even if you don't want to. Then when you are done, you will be so happy you did.

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  • silversong24
    silversong24 Posts: 409 Member
    I just make myself get up and do it even when I don't feel like it. Once I get started generally I get into it and start enjoying the challenge. Music helps a ton too!
  • beachbum13
    beachbum13 Posts: 96 Member
    I like how I feel after I workout but I have the worst time getting myself to do it. What helps me is having a friend, someone to talk you into it when you really DO NOT want to go.
  • crazycranberry
    crazycranberry Posts: 117 Member
    I too find motivating myself a little tough cos I can't get out of the house to a gym (single parent issue) and can easily choose to stick the TV on and not do anything.
    But since I joined MFP I have had great support and now I try and do fitness DVD and wii zumba a few times a week once my boy is in bed and I always feel better afterwards. It even gives me more energy and I now notice that I have a shorter fuse on the weeks that I don't workout as much.
    Good luck on your journey!
  • i never really want to go work out, but then i think about what i want to look like and i know i cant do that unless i get my but up and exercise. then once i start i usually feel pumped up to do more.
  • ShaeDetermined
    ShaeDetermined Posts: 1,525 Member
    there are times that I really don't want to go to the gym (i'm really tired, or its raining out, etc)
    but i just tell myself, ok, i'll just go and take it easy <and watch tv>, better than not working out at all.

    but once i'm there i guess the adrenaline kicks in and almost 99% of the time I end up getting a kickass workout.
  • mntwindan
    mntwindan Posts: 40 Member
    Make yourself go. It's one of the few things I do that make me feel better when I am fighting this fight. That is exactly what it is....fighting back. Keep getting up. I say the best exercise is when I exercise self-control and eat on a plan. That is why I am back here today....I have been eating what I want, when I want. That kind of eating adds the pounds. "Failing to plan is planning to fail". We can do this. Exercise self-control when we eat and exercise our bodies....we will feel a lot better physically and mentally.
  • It's probably not the most healthy idea but I wake up early to work out and while I'm laying there deciding whether to actually go run or not I close my eyes and picture myself getting fatter and fatter.
  • msallymae
    msallymae Posts: 112 Member
    the amount of feedback i just received is pretty motivating, thank you everyone. i am seriously impressed.

    thank you so much!!


    - Ally Mae
  • dswizzles
    dswizzles Posts: 23 Member
    Since I am always on my phone, I put a picture of myself 7 years ago when I was thin as my wallpaper. Definitely a motivator EVERY DAY! The hardest part is getting up and going to the gym!
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    Just do it! get it over with so that dont have to think about that part of your day until tomorrow. Plus like someone said exercise makes me feel better hopefully it does for you too.
  • Maria_Goose
    Maria_Goose Posts: 247
    How many people have you told that you were going to lose weight? Do any of them not like you? Whenever you tell someone you're going to lose weight, you automatically have people that are counting on you to fail.

    Yeah, that's pretty disgusting, but it's the way some people work. Don't you wanna prove them wrong? Have the pleasure of rubbing their noses in it by wearing that sexy top you've always wanted to wear (or better yet, running into them at that department store for skinny people that you were never able to shop at, but now can)?

    Also, whether you know it or not, it will boost your confidence, and that little nagging voice in the back of your head telling you negative things about your body? It will be silenced. You'll be able to focus on life and live it how it should be lived.
  • Working out doesn;'t just mean going to the gym. Try bike rides, walking, or other outdoor activity with friends. I work 12-9pm,5 days a week and going to the gym tends to be a pain in the butt, so I've actually been relying on workout DVDs such as the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred and Yoga dvds. I love these! The 30 Day Shred is doing great things to my body! I definitely recommend it! Sometimes its easier it get yourself to workout when you don't have to drive to a location or if you can find a workout that is fun.
    On a tougher note, if you can afford to, you can pay for workout classes so you would have to go to get your money's worth haha :wink:
  • Koalaboo
    Koalaboo Posts: 64 Member
    When I am in that "lack of motivation" mood, I always try and imagine my self what I want to end up looking like and realize that it isn't going to happen all by it self and that work needs to be done. Visualization is a VERY powerful tool.

    That helps a lot...
  • Soccer_Chick
    Soccer_Chick Posts: 204 Member
    Just get there...wherever it is that you workout...just get there! Half the battle is getting there, once you're there it's easy. I always think about all the great music that's in my ipod that I get to listen to. Music that no one else likes but me and I get to crank it up and listen to it for as long as I am working out!!
  • quichebradford
    quichebradford Posts: 327 Member
    My advice would be to just keep going. It's hard and most days I DREAD exercising, but the committment I made requires that so I am proving myself to be stronger when I do it...not physically, but mentally! Hope this helps...I know you can do it!
  • ericaet88
    ericaet88 Posts: 1
    Fast-paced music makes all the difference for me. Some songs almost demand that i get up and move. Good luck. :smile:
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