A 11 year old called me fat.

For the past few months about 20 people have told me they can tell I have lost weight and that I look great. My mother in law took it as far as asking me if I was eating enough because I look so much smaller than the last time she saw me. And my mother who is super critical of my weight called me a skinny mini last weekend. So why did the 11 year old I babysit tell me I was fat today? Is it because his whole family is tiny and I have a bigger frame (I am literally a foot taller than his mother). Is it that he sees stick thin 11 year olds everyday and not 23 year olds with boobs and butts? For the first time in a long time I was feeling good about myself. I thought I was starting to look good. Now I am upstairs hiding from a child and crying. Make me feel better friends. ;(


  • esrun
    esrun Posts: 1
    Ouch! I can say I understand that, have your cry, wipe your tears, get up and remember eleven very short and uneducated years made that assessment, not you hypercritical mother in-law. Don't let this knock you down. Maybe take the time to educate the 11 year old on hurtful and rude remarks. Shake it off and move forward towards feeling great!
  • Koalaboo
    Koalaboo Posts: 64 Member
    Kids are just rude, really. It's rough when they say mean things, but keep in mind the fact that you're doing all of this hard work and other people ARE noticing your results. Try and keep your chin up! <3
  • Bakins929
    Bakins929 Posts: 895 Member
    Phone books don't leave marks! Just kidding... Don't let it bother you. It's just a kid.
  • heathermrls
    aww. dont listen to that kid. kids are mean. you know you are doing good on your journey. kids think that skinny is the norm and anything differant is just plain fat. you are losing and that is all that matters. dont let this kid bring you down. :)
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Don't worry about it. Next time tell him you're just squishy and laugh it off. :) Kids don't know any better.

    You're doing great getting healthy and dropping poundage so just keep your chin up and keep rollin'!
  • LaurieEReid
    LaurieEReid Posts: 273
    Cheer up, sweetie. It's got nothing to do with you. :flowerforyou:

    Kids judge everything by their own family who are 'right'. So compared to his tiny family, you are large and his only word for it is 'fat'.

    I remember once babysitting for a kid whose mother was very flat chested. I was wearing one of those old Levi shirts that looked western. He asked me what I had in my pockets and then poked me in the boob.

    Listen to the people who know you and hold fast.
  • sara7elaine7
    My boyfriend's nephew drew a picture of me one day and let me just say that it was not a flattering drawing. kids will just give you their opinion. he is a child and meant nothing offensive at the most use his comment as a motivation to keep losing. go downstairs and have a great day. you are beautiful and even more amazing because you are TRYING to lose weight. keep up the good work and keep smiling. : )
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    An eleven year old should know better than to speak to someone that way.

    I wouldn't let his words upset you, you know the work you've done and that's what counts the most.

    Had it been me, the response would have been 'And you happen to be rude.' And promptly give him an explanation as to why he shouldn't make such comments to people.
  • MellowGa
    MellowGa Posts: 1,258 Member
    11 yr old boys are just butt heads...I have a 11 year old son, he can't say anything nice to anyone, yes I am called fat as well. he calls his sister who is 13 fat, and she is skinny thing.

    I would not take it to heart, next time just reply to him, " I rather be fat then stupid, and you ain't fat!" ....see what he says.,..or reacts.

    Sometimes you have to give it back to them, especially boys.
  • lizzybethclaire
    lizzybethclaire Posts: 849 Member
    Kids are horribly mean. I would say hide one of his favorite things and laugh while he looks for it.
  • FifiLea
    FifiLea Posts: 80 Member
    Kids just say what pops into their heads - often without intending to be rude. Maybe this will help put it into perspective (and give you a bit of a giggle). A good friend of mine is 6ft 2 and v thin. She is a primary school teacher.

    On her first day in a new class one of the children walked up to her, looked her up and down and said, "Miss, you're as big as a house." Well, my friend was speechless and as she's quite consicous of her height, she was quite upset. But by the end of the day, she was starting to see the funny side as she is clearly nowhere near the size of a house!

    Now I know it's not quite the same thing, but you know you're doing a great job so please don't let one child's thoughtless comment upset you. :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • helenium
    helenium Posts: 546 Member
    I agree with esrun - educate the boy. He shouldn't grow up to think that's OK!
  • frida001
    frida001 Posts: 437 Member
    As a middle school teacher, let me assure you that 11 year olds not only don't have social filters, but they really have a warped sense of reality. Please keep in mind that If he has limited vocabulary, he wouldn't be able to express that you're well endowed or curvy other than by saying that you're fat. It's a good lesson in connotation in our vocabulary.
  • Comfortableme
    Comfortableme Posts: 33 Member
    As others have mentioned, kids tend to be very mean with their comments especially if the know it is a way to get your goat. You are doing an awesome job. Keep up the good work and consider the source regarding the rude, mean comment. They tend to know how to make us focus on something besides them. Have a great week!!!!
  • kristiek7
    kristiek7 Posts: 198
    Gotta change your focus - think of the 20 positives as opposed to focusing on the one negative. Kids blur things out, have zero idea of the power of their words and also do not have quite the vocabulary adults have so probably chose words he thought were accurate in describing size. My friends son (8) saw us walking together and said that his mom looked so tiny compared to me...lol.....I could think that I'm massive, but I also realized that I'm foot taller than her. Whatever. I ran 5K this morning - that's what I'm in love with! Not the comments.
  • clala82
    clala82 Posts: 90 Member
    Kids just don't really have a filter. Not to make excuses, but the kid will have to learn that healthy bodies come in all shapes and sizes and it's not just the number on the scale that dictates if someone is fat or not fat, healthy or not. Keep your chin up! Don't let the 11 year old get to you.

    A month ago we had a large family function and my nephew, who is 9, kept asking me "how much do you weigh?" That is a touchy subject for me as I've struggled with my weight my whole life (up, down, and all around). At first I just politely told him I wasn't going to tell him, but throughout the night he kept asking and asking. Finally I just had to tell him, "look, it is rude to continually ask a person a personal question like that." And he stopped. I think he just didn't realize that not everyone would want to answer him (he had been asking other family members the same question).

    Anyway, at one point or another we all face the rudeness of a statement from a child who might not realize how much their words sting. Have yourself a cry and then let it go. Clearly everyone else thinks you're looking pretty darn good! So take all those positive compliments to heart instead. :happy:
  • thegirl68
    thegirl68 Posts: 28 Member
    First, I'm so sorry you were hurt by this. I'm the mom of a 10 1/2 year old and I know they have no filter often and say so many things without thinking. But I would want to know this if my son said something like this to someone or if it was a trusted babysitter I'd want them to talk to him about this. About his choice of words, how words can hurt, and that reminder of "how would you feel?". Stopping or trying to stop this behavior or attitude would be a great next step.
  • otr12
    otr12 Posts: 632 Member
    If you are crying then that kid is thinking "Me 1; Babysitter 0". You can expect to hear it again next time you even slighly inconvenience the child.
  • Momcharisma88
    Momcharisma88 Posts: 94 Member
    ever seen the show, kids say the darndest things? Thats all it is. Honestly at that age a kid probably doesnt even completely comprehend "fat". It could be something his parents says to others. Maybe its something his friends do. My sister was about ten when we were at a store grocery shopping and standing in line waiting to check out and behind us was a very large woman. typically my sister was usually really polite but for some reason she looked back at her and told her "she looks like a hot air balloon". Kids dont understand what is ok and what isnt ok to say and they certainly arent going to truly grasp feelings all that well or the fat that you HAVE lost weight. Heres the thing though. YOU know what effort your giving, YOU see the results, YOU hear the complements. Even if it hadn't been a kid it could've been an adult. it would still hurt the same but it wouldnt make it TRUE. just remember that its just a kid. a boy kid at that .