The weekends are killing me!!

I need a strategy for the weekends! I manage my nutrition so well all week and then the weekend rolls around and I completely lose it! I didn't even bother to log my nutrition this weekend cuz it sucked so bad. I went out Friday night to a Scottish pub with friends so hmmm....3 beers, garlic fries, fish and chips...couldn't quite face logging that in. Ate the leftovers Saturday and then BBQ'd yesterday and ate chips and even a frickin' caramel filled drumstick at night! WTF?

I'm fairly new here and have not sought out any friends. I have one friend who friended me (thanks!) and I've noticed that seeing his food diary motivates me and gives me great ideas! If anyone is looking for friends I would welcome you. I'm in this to lose about 10-12 more pounds and mainly looking to build my body up with some lean strong muscle. I'm female, live in So Cal, play soccer and am a very happy fun-loving person.


  • Leah2975
    Leah2975 Posts: 65 Member
    Im the same exact way, work at a bar on the weekends, and the second i smell the food, im done for, and ruining everything ive worked for all week.
  • giammarcor
    giammarcor Posts: 217 Member
    I think the first thing you need to do is to start logging all those things in! For me at least, it helped to log them in because it really brought to light all the calories I was piling on. Also, switch beers when you do go out. Get a lower calorie beer so you dont have to feel as guilty. Finally, after a night like that, get out and take a long walk or exercise some more. Burn off as much as you can so it's not so bad. Hope this helps a bit.

    Friend request on its way.
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    my wife and I on here are in the same boat.. we are still working through it!
  • abgoins512
    abgoins512 Posts: 41
    I'm the same way! I try really hard during the week to stay on track, then flake out on the weekend! You can do it, though! The web site has really helped me and seeing everyone else's progress makes me want to do better, too! Best of luck to you in your journey! You can do it!
  • theflyingartist
    theflyingartist Posts: 385 Member
    I've got the same issue. It's the only days I get with my other half, and I tend to let go because we're so easy going together.
    Emotionally, great. Nutritionally, not so great. I remember downing a whole Ben & Jerry's Phish Food one night during a Harry Potter marathon. You are not alone.
    Friend request as well.. support makes it all the more better and easier to continue your goals. :)
  • sheisbrown
    sheisbrown Posts: 171 Member
    Have you tried planning out what you will and will not eat a little more? Sometimes I even log it in before I eat it and it helps me stick to my plan.

    I find weekends are hard for me too as its when I'm more relaxed and can sometimes feel the need to treat myself and then it gets out of hand. Planning has been working for me though.

    I also look at the weekend as I time to be active! I try to get in some longer workouts and stay busy so that I make sure I burn extra calories.
  • mickie_on_my_way
    mickie_on_my_way Posts: 32 Member
    I think the first thing you need to do is to start logging all those things in! For me at least, it helped to log them in because it really brought to light all the calories I was piling on. Also, switch beers when you do go out. Get a lower calorie beer so you dont have to feel as guilty. Finally, after a night like that, get out and take a long walk or exercise some more. Burn off as much as you can so it's not so bad. Hope this helps a bit.

    Friend request on its way.

    I agree! Logging it all makes you more aware, and that can lead to better choices. Logging EVERYTHING has been key for me. It also keeps me accountable!
  • ak_in_ak
    ak_in_ak Posts: 657 Member
    Even though I am terrible at loggin during the weekend, it helps to realize how many calories are in they things you binge on. Now that I have realized just how bad they are, i have started to binge a lot less! I always have to ask my self is this one night of junk really worth it in the long run?
  • kellyyjean
    kellyyjean Posts: 499 Member
    I am in the same boat.
    Sending a friend request.
  • flyawaybyebye
    You did the damage when you ate it, so by not logging it, all you're doing is removing the accountability. And you need the accountability if you want to not repeat the same bad patterns, so you need to log. Also, try moving your weigh-in day (if you don't weigh every day) to Mondays. That way, you know you have a weigh-in coming and will hopefully be more mindful about what you eat. Also, if you drink, you're going to be more likely to overeat, because your defenses are down. Try to really weigh whether or not it is important for you to drink, or whether your weight loss goals are more important than drinking at the moment.
  • Xlyinia
    Xlyinia Posts: 19 Member
    I second the vote for logging it in no matter what. Especially before you place the order for what you want. Sometimes just seeing those calorie numbers is enough to get you to order something else even juts a little better, or maybe nurse the one beer and not have a second.

    I know shame/guilt goes a long way in keeping me on track! :P
  • Sarahmeridith
    Sarahmeridith Posts: 298 Member
    Logging everythign really helps, once you see thenumbers of those weekends days it really helps to motivate you into eating better and adding more exercise. I am crazy about my numbers, I add everything I eat right after I eat it and hate seeing that number get too close to my goel, it really helps me to not go over!
  • skinnyrache
    skinnyrache Posts: 33 Member
    I agree, weekends are killer! It is the only time my husband and I really have together, and he always wants to go out to eat. I try to eat healthy, but when he orders onion rings how can I resist?? It's so much easier to stick to a diet plan on the weekends when your friends and significant others are doing the same thing. This last weekend I at least tried to get a good run in to combat the bad food, and I worked hard to at least restrict my portion sizes. I may have eaten onion rings and pie, but I opted for a much smaller version than I normally would have. I've found I do better when I indulge a little rather than try to restrict myself all together. Maybe next time stick to slowly drinking one beer and then chugging water, and then taking a little bit of the "bad stuff" (fries, etc.) and ordering a side salad too? Tough, I know. Hopefully that will be enough to make a difference! Best of luck to you this next weekend!
  • coolsmartygirl
    coolsmartygirl Posts: 299 Member
    For me it's because I work so much during the day on the weekend and then when my friends ask for me to join them out I really want to because I want to have a good time. There's been two sundays that I didn't log a thing. I just count them as my cheat days and then try harder the next day. The next time I have one of those days though, I will challenge myself to put it in even if I won't like the results.
  • runnermel
    runnermel Posts: 278
    so glad that I am not alone!! it is such a struggle. and I am going to try to stick to the suggestion of logging everything. it is very hard sometimes! especially when what you want to add is something homemade and not in the database. I have such a hard time knowing what to put for the calories. but, enough is enough, and I am going to start today logging everything. my marathon trainging starts July 17th, and I need to get some weight off by then!!

    I will add you and maybe we can get thru this together!!!!
  • ande2994
    ande2994 Posts: 136
    I feel like I have a harder time logging things on weekends because they're less black and white. It's easy enough to log an english muffin, a turkey sandwich and whatever weeknight meal I make -- but weekend foods are often more elaborate, which makes it tough. It's also harder to determine how to count a whole day running errands vs. most of a day on my butt with clearly-defined workout time. Any ideas on how to log weekend foods and activities more easily would be welcomed!
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    log it in! I am a bit the same except on weekends I can play. Instead of doing a boring workout i will go to the park and play ball or something for hours and burn 600 calories or more. Gives me room to eat those tasty foods. Plus you know it is bad make better choices or at least split the dish with people.
  • GameOn2011
    GameOn2011 Posts: 73 Member
    I here ya! I have the same goals. 10-15 pounds, trying to tone...I logged my Friday at the bar, and Saturday at the BBQ...seeing it in black and white pushed me to workout more. Just ran a 5K on my lunch break!
  • DEE4560
    DEE4560 Posts: 139
    It's bull **** that we get weak on the weekends and just get off track. It's happened to me the past two weeks not that summer is rolling in. I have been able to off balance it with alot of yard work but that will be winding down soon too so I need to get a plan to over come this weekend over eating.
  • lejess
    lejess Posts: 63
    Also, try moving your weigh-in day (if you don't weigh every day) to Mondays. That way, you know you have a weigh-in coming and will hopefully be more mindful about what you eat.
    I too struggle with this. And yes, you do need to log your food. That helps. I wanted to comment on your weigh in date. My friend and I started a pact, we emailed each other our weights on Monday and on Friday. Friday is our "check in" day. We hold each other accountable in addition to logging everything on this site. Weighing in on Fridays make me sure I stayed on track all week. Also, I know where I am before I start for the weekend. So on Monday, if Im up in pounds, I know its from what I did on the weekend.
    Another thing to note, for the purposes of tracking what I actually lost, I count my Monday weigh ins only. I usually good during the week, so Im often down by 1.5-2 pounds on Friday. But come Monday, its really only 1 pound actually lost. I am on a plan to lose 1 pound a week so thats what I go for.