Restarting my weight loss right. Move more, eat less.

Last year I lost 75 pounds by using the low carb diet Ideal Protein....and then gained it all right back plus some. As much as I loved the quick weight loss, the mental and physical strains with gaining it all back have been crippling....and trust me, you will gain it back. It's much easier than it looks. So this time, I'm going to be patient and try and do it right. I haven't been counting calories per se but I am just making better choices during the day, logging it the next day and seeing what I could do better. Also, I am trying to set out 3 days per week for 30 mins of actual moderate to vigorous exercise on top of walking my dog 3 times a day, everyday for 15 mins each at least. I'm going to try this out and see how I do, I'm trying not to be so hard on myself for messing up but that has been difficult for me to do. I have had a food addiction for most of my life and I am ready to recover. I want to feel healthy and happy and do it right this time. I am already feeling great after just a few days of these lifestyle changes :)


  • vivmom2014
    vivmom2014 Posts: 1,647 Member
    Well, good for you to get back at it.

    My advice would be: don't over-complicate this. Input your stats, pick a reasonable calorie deficit. Eat ALL of the foods you enjoy - a nice, wide variety, and stay under your calorie goal.

    Add exercise to earn more calories. Strictly speaking, exercise is not needed for weight loss. But it feels great and does a body good.

    Slow, steady weight loss often equals long term success.
  • heathereh2015
    heathereh2015 Posts: 76 Member
    Hey, I am looking to lose about 70 pounds! I started really logging yesterday, exercising friday. I have been doing this on and off and really don't want to do the off anymore! I keep kicking myself in the button because had I stuck to it I'd only have 50 to lose! We can't be hard on ourselves though because things happen! I know if I'm hard on myself I'll go into a depression state and fail again! Feel free to friend me! I was going to use isagenix, but a lot of people that have done the fast diets say they gain it back! So I'm like you keeping it real food at a calorie deficit. I will use the shakes though on days I am going to the gym and don't have time to eat breakfast or night I have to run around all day and forget to cook! Good luck!