Anyone do Weight Watchers with success?

Looking for anyone who successfully lost a lot of weight on Weight Watchers, and if anyone thinks by paying for Weight Watchers, it might make one more motivated to lose knowing they have an upcoming weigh in?


  • heartfeltsarah
    heartfeltsarah Posts: 6 Member
    A friend of mine lost a fair bit of weight with them but I find their approach frustrating (replacing calorie numbers with point numbers isn't my idea of simpler). It comes down to knowing yourself, everyone is motivated differently and it can change at different points in your life too.
  • gems74
    gems74 Posts: 107 Member
    I did weightwatchers online and it worked for me but I had no meetings. They recently completely changed their website which brought me to here.

    I find that if I'm not accountable to myself, I'm not accountable to anyone else either.
  • BethAnnieT
    BethAnnieT Posts: 263 Member
    I did WW with meetings and online tools and lost 40 lbs. I didn't mind paying for it, because it worked for me. And the meetings gave me a "safe place" to talk about my food issues with people who understood them because they had the same problems. And a place where people would literally applaud every 1 lb, .5 lb, or even .2 lb loss. :) I loved it, and I miss it. I don't go right now because none of the local meeting times are convenient.
  • prettygirlstorm1
    prettygirlstorm1 Posts: 722 Member
    I lost about 30 pounds on WW about 3 years ago. I loved it. I did not go to meetings (my attention span was too short to stay focused) the weekly weigh ins made me accountable. It got to be a little expensive just going for weigh ins. It really worked for me and I am considering going back after the holidays. It just gives me a level of accountability that I need!!!
  • jgaffney86
    jgaffney86 Posts: 35 Member
    I lost 80 pounds and I have managed to keep most of it off for 12 years with WW. Just switched to MVP 3 weeks ago now. WW does a great job of teaching people who know nothing about food and guiding you into the right direction that I will say. What drove me away is there app is just terrible and there website is totally broken right now. Im not paying for that. I found MFP to have a simpler website, better database, and better app. To me though....MVP is a little tougher getting the inforamtion about food. WW sorta puts it right in front of you and gives you a good eduation on how to start eating healthier. MFP, you sorta need to read the stickies on the forums and search there blog for some starter points (like some of there infographics)

    What Id like to know though is for there have like "Featured or Premium Articles" or whatever they call it. Im wondering if those articles will also give you a good starting point for eating healthier and loosing weight. Im not sure though as they dont say much.....
  • fitgoals23
    fitgoals23 Posts: 43 Member
    My mother did weight watchers and lost 60+ pounds in just a year or so and has kept it off for 5+ years. I think it really helped her educate herself about nutrition, especially when she was first starting. And even though she doesn't actively count points anymore, she still uses the things she learned and easily maintains her weight. Personally, WW is not for me (fees and meetings aren't my thing) but it definitely works well for some people.
  • mellowadam
    mellowadam Posts: 114 Member
    edited December 2015
    WW works for sure. If you follow their program you will lose weight. I lost 90 pounds on it but gained most of it back in 2012. I set my target for a 2lb loss per week. I lost it too fast and didn't learn or implement good habits. I made that mistake over and over and did a lot of yoyo dieting. I lost all of that rebound weight and some more using MFP. I like MFP because I can analyze my macros a little bit better and I enjoy this message board much more than the WW board. Both programs will give you a similar calorie target. Both will yield great results if you put the work in. And using both could certainly be a winning combo if you enjoy the meetings. Good luck!!!