Cheat days? Calories for a day or week?

Alright question? If for one week I eat a total 0f 3000 calories, but those calories were eaten in one day, will I still have lost weight???


  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    You would lose weight eating 3000 total for the week, whether or not it was all on one day or spread out over seven.
  • enemyger
    enemyger Posts: 84 Member
    Sounds stupid but yeah...
  • Bonny132
    Bonny132 Posts: 3,617 Member
    I do need a cheat day, I religiously have a cheat day every single Saturday, for me this is a lifestyle change, I am good during the week, I eat under, and come Saturday I ensure I have worked in enough calories to cover whatever I want to eat. This keeps me on track. Easier to stick to my programme, knowing I can have whatever I want at the weekend, I do not feel deprived. 15KG down, I have a weekly cheat day, so yes it works as long as you do not go above your weekly allowance in that week. CICO is the key.
  • TrishaCisneros
    TrishaCisneros Posts: 171 Member
    I've found better results with a cheat meal rather than a whole cheat day. Lord knows I could eat every damn thing I set my eyes on.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    witcherkar wrote: »
    Alright question? If for one week I eat a total 0f 3000 calories, but those calories were eaten in one day, will I still have lost weight???

    Well, week vs. day, depends on you, but many are successful in varying calories throughout the week. I have been occasionally doing lower than normal calories on other days to allow myself to eat more on days when there are lots of parties and restaurant meals.

    I'm not sure if your 3000 was just picked out of the air, but it's a little worrisome. 3000 calories for the week would be only 428 or so per day, which is obviously far too low. And eating all your week's calories on one day and fasting for 6 is also not healthy and for me would not be do-able.

    If your reasonable goal calories to lose are 1600/day, then your goal calories would be 11,100 for the whole week. If that was the case, you could certainly eat 3000 calories in one day and then an average of 1367 for the other days if you found that sustainable. Whether it would be or not would depend on you.