Not losing weight and no motivation

Hi all! I have been working out religiously for the past 4 years. However, I have hit a low point in my motivation. I gained about 15 pounds this year and lost my motivation to workout. I have not worked out much in the past two months. About two weeks ago I started eating healthy and doing some home workouts and cardio at the gym but I haven't been losing any weight. Does anyone have any advice to get the numbers moving?


  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    Are tracking your intake because you can eat too much eating healthy? Do you use a food scale to weigh everything? How do you track your calorie burns?
  • OyGeeBiv
    OyGeeBiv Posts: 733 Member
    Hi, welcome to MFP.

    Are you logging your calorie intake? Do you have a reasonable goal set? Are you staying within that reasonable goal? Working out is good for you, but to lose weight you need to eat fewer calories than you're burning. Tracking is your friend!
  • j_yaccich
    j_yaccich Posts: 6 Member
    I am tracking every food that I eat and stay within my calorie goal!
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    do you use a food scale to weigh everything?
  • j_yaccich
    j_yaccich Posts: 6 Member
    No, but I measure out everything I eat. My serving sizes are exact.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    j_yaccich wrote: »
    No, but I measure out everything I eat. My serving sizes are exact.

    If you're not weighing your food then your serving sizes are actually not exact. Invest in a food scale and you'll see alot more accuracy.
  • Lovee_Dove7
    Lovee_Dove7 Posts: 742 Member
    Well, you haven't been logging here. Start logging, and After two weeks, check back and open your diary so we can see!
  • j_yaccich
    j_yaccich Posts: 6 Member
    I used another account and started this one one a few days ago. I've been using MFP for over 3 years. And I'll look into a food scale!
  • RoseTheWarrior
    RoseTheWarrior Posts: 2,035 Member
    I concur with advice on using a food scale. Using measuring cups and spoons is not usually even close. Take the video above for example. Then there's things like bread, where a serving is 2 slices (58 grams). I guarantee you that 2 slices will be more than 58g. Same with pretty much everything. Spending $20 on a scale will be the best investment you make.
  • j_yaccich
    j_yaccich Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you all for your advice! I just bought a food scale online!
  • iamdolbydavis
    iamdolbydavis Posts: 8 Member
    j_yaccich wrote: »
    Hi all! I have been working out religiously for the past 4 years. However, I have hit a low point in my motivation. I gained about 15 pounds this year and lost my motivation to workout. I have not worked out much in the past two months. About two weeks ago I started eating healthy and doing some home workouts and cardio at the gym but I haven't been losing any weight. Does anyone have any advice to get the numbers moving?

  • iamdolbydavis
    iamdolbydavis Posts: 8 Member
    Hi... Try switching ur workouts BTW cardio, functional n weights reduce rest periods, have carbs only post workout...
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    It's only been two weeks, and new exercise also makes you store water for muscle repair, so no worries yet :)

    15 lbs in a year is only 145 calories over maintenance a day :) . Of course, if you were working out all year until recently, you will have to match that activity now or either drop calories by how much you usually burned.
  • j_yaccich
    j_yaccich Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you for the tips! My food scale came in today and I can't wait to start meal prepping with correct measurements!