Bride to be, starting again...

Charlenelindsay5 Posts: 46 Member
edited December 2015 in Introduce Yourself
Hey everyone. I'm beginning this journey again but feeling the pressure because of my upcoming Aug 2016 wedding.

I've always been a little heavier and leading a crappy, lazy lifestyle on top of having 5 children in 9 yrs didn't help. A few years back I started making some changes and got down to my lowest adult weight, at 147. Working full time shift work while being a single mom took its toll on me and I found myself at 195 lbs! I was working hard at losing it and got down to 165lbs but was then injured at work and bedridden for months. I gained 35 lbs and felt defeated. I've slowly been making small changes and am currently at 173lbs. I would love to get down to 140ish or less by July 2016, for the final fitting of my dress.

I'm going to do my best to make this commitment to myself and would love any and all to add me and we can help each other stay motivated :)
