I need help

They say that the first step is to admit you have a problem. Well...
My name is Yolandi and I have a weight problem and I need help. I've tried everything but I lose motivation before the month is over. I have tons of excuses and because of it I have tried everything in the last 5 years and only gained extra weight that way. Please help. I need support, I need help, and I need to lose weight.


  • rpgrassmeyer
    rpgrassmeyer Posts: 1 Member
    Hey there! I know how it goes trying to stay motivated, it's tough. It is hard to have faith in the process but it works, numerous studies show that people that keep food journals tend to lose more weight in the long run! Also don't get too discouraged if you go over your caloric limit sometimes, it happens to everybody. I think what helps is thinking 'man I went over by 400 calories today, but tomorrow is a new day and I'll get it tomorrow.' Seek solace in small victories too, set reasonable goals-I want to substitute one vegetable into my day tomorrow, then do it! Change is tough but totally do-able. As for motivation, it is awesome when you get that fire, 'I got this, no matter what I know I can be successful,' but the bad thing about motivation is that it tends to disappear. I heard someone once say to focus on dedication rather than motivation for exactly that reason, motivation may fade, but if you truly dedicate yourself, there is no stopping.

    failure happens and is nothing to be afraid of, everybody fails, it is how we react to failure that defines us. In fact we should embrace our failures, look at what went wrong and improve on those facets the next time we try!

    Small changes make big impacts, so try to change one small thing about your habits every couple weeks, build off of the small changes and you will gather momentum and almost nothing will get in your way, and if you do fail, no biggie just keep trying.

    Finally, weight loss is a slow, slow process. True, healthy weight loss is ~2 pounds per week which is super discouraging when you work hard all week and hop on the scale to only notice a two pound difference. So don't give up if you don't see instant results. I know that shows like the biggest loser show these massive weight loss transformations taking place, but you have to realize that we don't see the whole picture on those shows, we don't know their diets, we don't know how much they are exercising, we just don't know. Also the contestants on those shows don't have to worry about daily responsibilities, work, school, children, parents.... So don't compare yourself to them or anybody, this is your journey and it is all about you!

    Good luck with everything and remember that losing weight is not easy, but once you get the ball rolling there is no stopping
  • motivccess
    motivccess Posts: 201 Member
    this isn't rocket science, sweetheart .. :p
  • purplesccy
    purplesccy Posts: 27 Member
    If you are really ready for a change then you can do it!!! I've got your back!