Best Ab Workouts?

I HAVE TRIED NUMEROUS Ab techniques, but cant seem to find out what works the best. What give me the full affect of nice toned abs. Now I still have a long way until I get a 6 pack. Im working with a Keg right now LOL But any tips are always appreciated! Thanks!



  • YogaRunner
    YogaRunner Posts: 652 Member
    There are lots of great ab exercises out there, like Rev Abs and Hip Hop Abs. However, the ONLY way to show off those toned ab muscles is to adjust your diet. No matter how toned your abs are they will not show if there is a layer of fat covering them and women tend to carry their fat there for biological reasons (protect the reproductive system etc). So, find workouts that you like to strengthen those muscles but to see them, focus on eating clean.
  • lizzys
    lizzys Posts: 841 Member
    for me its just the old fashion crunches you can doing tham many ways but theri still a crunch i think px90 has some good ab work outs on it
  • Leanz
    Leanz Posts: 2,025 Member
    Clean diet - and DOING whatever crunches you know! Its the DOING that counts :bigsmile: ouch!
  • kirkemorgan
    As yoga ruuner said its diet that makes abs show, but you can develop them really well by using planks, short range crunches (situps are out, too much spinal flexion) get good at the ab wheel, it works them hard, and as an anti-flexion exercise, side planks arte about best for obliques. And don't train them every day unless you plan on fighting MMA, they are muscle (same as chest and back)and take at least 48hours to recover and build stronger.
  • TropicalKitty
    TropicalKitty Posts: 2,298 Member
    Obviously cutting tummy fat is how you'll see them. But I've also heard that some of the traditional workouts for abs, like crunches aren't that great for the rest of your body, like the spine. Although I do feel the burn!

    Some other movements are natural type ones that really engage them like planks, or having proper form while doing other moves (for example, while working triceps do it at the free weights while standing, keep your core firm.)

    There are leg lifts too that I feel in my lower abs - I don't know what it's called, but to me it looks like a high chair without a seat. You hold yourself up by your arms, lift legs up to tummy (curled at first, extended when stronger) that worked well for me. You can also do them on the ground.
  • dgaughan
    dgaughan Posts: 1
    If you could only do one exercise to get a six pack the best exersize would be squats.

    They work the single largest muscle group and strengthen your core. There is no such thing as spot fat reduction so if you had to pick one, that is the one.

    However the best way to get abs is reduce body fat through burning less calories than you expend via diet.
  • Arizona_JR
    Arizona_JR Posts: 275
    Ditto to Yogarunner's comment; you gotta diet the fat away before you can see those abs.

    My FAVORITE ab workout can be found in MenFitness dot com's site. It's a MMA/ Muay Thai ab workout. It lasts 45 minutes and is brutal. It targets the abs (especially the lower abs), obliques, and intercostals.

    Copy and paste this link if you'd like to check it out:
  • ShaneT99
    ShaneT99 Posts: 278 Member
    Various planks, planks and more planks. Probably one of the best core/ab exercises you can do. Front planks, side planks, elevated planks, planks on balls, planks with wheels, etc. Aside from that, the Ab Ripper X workout from P90X is an awesome ab workout. The only thing it's missing is planks.

    All that being said, actually being able to SEE your abs comes from a good diet and low body fat.
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    <----never does crunches! I'm with yogarunner, it's all about DIET. Forget about crunches! Overall core exercises like yoga, pilates, planks, side planks, push-ups, etc. are much better for your body and lower back.
  • pkpzp228
    pkpzp228 Posts: 146 Member
    yep it's been said, diet leads to abs... That said, in terms of the most effective ab workout, my preference is planks.

    Regardless of the abdominal workout you do the most effective thing you can learn to do is engage your abdominal muscles while you do it. All too often crunches go to waste, like when you hear people say I do 300 situps a day. Learn to contract the muscle groups your using, do it with slooooow concentrated movements and (assuming diet) you will be bulging abs.