Gym Etiquette - Let's set a good example!



  • missys99
    missys99 Posts: 14 Member
    one of the most annoying things that happened to me recently, friends come in together... that's great! don't pick a machine on either side of me and proceed to scream a conversation at each other over me!
  • wewon
    wewon Posts: 838 Member
    People that monopolize multiple machines for storage/coat racks.

    The gym is busy, hang your coat up, put your bag away, but not draped on the 2-3 machines next to you!
  • Kirsty_UK
    Kirsty_UK Posts: 964 Member
    The "I'm going to leave the extra weights on the machines" guys - those that set the machine up with the added weights then leave them on, so you dont see them, hop on, and think "omg, I'm weak today" until you realise and feel dumb!
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    This is just my two cents and you may or may not agree with me.
    1. I agree when you are done..wipe the sweat off. No phones etc.
    2. There are some people that can only walk or ride bikes at the gym..I am one of them. I have doctors orders to walk for at least 60 min at a certain speed. I am a paying person and doing what my doctor has told me. If you are able to do more then walk or ride a bike then be caring of others needs too, as you don't know what they are going through. Go do the other things and I am sure once you are done the treadmills will be free.
    3. The best example is to be an example. Treat others as you want to be treated. If you are hurt and can only walk on the treadmill would you want others telling you to get off?

    I think the general rule of thumb on cardio equipment is this:

    1. Respect the gym's time limits on equipment or utilize sign up sheets to use cardio equipment (when busy). If someone is using the same treadmill for 90 minutes at peak time that may not be respecful to the line of people waiting to use the equipment - especially if there are posted time limits for each piece of equipment. Same goes for weight stations.

    2. Use the equipment as intended - I'd think everyone would find it disrespectful if others are using a stationary bike as a chair to talk on their cell phones.

    You're not being disrespectful in any way using the equipment as you describe. :flowerforyou:
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    one of the most annoying things that happened to me recently, friends come in together... that's great! don't pick a machine on either side of me and proceed to scream a conversation at each other over me!

    I join in on their conversation just to make them feel awkward :)
  • missys99
    missys99 Posts: 14 Member
    I would join in if I spoke their language! At least if they were speaking english it might make for an interesting time ;)
  • ninpiggy
    ninpiggy Posts: 228 Member

    4. People who cool down/dry off by standing in front of the fans and blowing their feromones around the room

    YES! This is SICK. This absolutely disgusts me.

    It also bothers me to see people use gym equipment but not wipe them down with the wipes that are already provided by the gym. And I know people go to the gym to work out, but I hate when someone gets on the elliptical beside me and they have terrible body odor. Normally I tough it out, but there have been two occasions where I honestly had to stop exercising and move because the person's smell was making me severely nauseous. I felt bad but they stunk!
  • FitCoachJen
    FitCoachJen Posts: 139 Member
    - The squirrel that leaves their favorite piece of equipment hiding in a dark corner. Gyms are for sharing, and no one is going to ruin your favorite medicine ball (which is apparently 12#)
    - The goon that loads up X machine with a TON of weight and doesn't remove it. I had to remove TWO 45# plates from the seated calf machine. I was admittedly curious to see who needed 90# to work their soleus.
    - The all male cheer squad who always work out together. At my gym it's 3 guys who take turns spotting each other for every single exercise, cheering each other on. Preacher curls need a spot? Better yet, they require encouragement along the lines of "yeah boy you got this one. Push through it! Push it! YEAAHHHHHH".
    - Bent over rows on the barbell rack. Dude, you're effectively blocking every weight between 50-90#. Get yourself a bench and go to town.
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    I have to use my apartment gym, so there's literally 2 treadmills, 2 ellips, and probably 4 other various machines plus the weight section. DON'T use the treadmill for forever and a year! I can understand 30 minutes, maybe 45to an hour, but 2 HOURS? Other people wanna get their jog on!
    ALSO, please do us all a favor and actually wear gym attire that actually fits you. I had the pleasure of working out behind a lady that had wayyyy to short shorts and got a GREAT view of her panties. Ugh.
  • RCKT82
    RCKT82 Posts: 409 Member
    girls that show up wearing a ton of makeup and then just walk on the treadmill... you're at the gym, get sweaty!

    On the same note... I can't stand it when either dudes or chicks wear a ton of cologne/perfume.... I'd like to be able to breath during my workout thanks... go step outside and air out a little!
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    I work out at about 9-10pm. I have been pushing hard to get some real growth lately so I have been working out with some heavy weights. I have been known to drop the weights when I am done but only from say my knee to the ground. One night as I am training with my trainer/manager and the other manager they get a call from the landlord three times saying we are too loud. Do note that the gym is on the first floor of a 6 story apartment building with drop ceilings and absolutely no sound deadening.

    Fast forward a month. I go to get on the elliptical, grab the bars and proceed to grip the sweatiest grips from top to bottom. Luckily I happened to be there as the previous user was getting off, I followed his *kitten* down the isle and shouted to get his attention then asked him semi loudly if he could clean the machine.....he and I got looks from both staff and members.

    As I was leaving I found out why the staff was staring at me. He is the landlord of the building the gym resides in PLUS he is notorious for it. Last week I was pleasantly notified that they are moving, and they froze his account.
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    - The squirrel that leaves their favorite piece of equipment hiding in a dark corner. Gyms are for sharing, and no one is going to ruin your favorite medicine ball (which is apparently 12#)
    - The goon that loads up X machine with a TON of weight and doesn't remove it. I had to remove TWO 45# plates from the seated calf machine. I was admittedly curious to see who needed 90# to work their soleus.
    - The all male cheer squad who always work out together. At my gym it's 3 guys who take turns spotting each other for every single exercise, cheering each other on. Preacher curls need a spot? Better yet, they require encouragement along the lines of "yeah boy you got this one. Push through it! Push it! YEAAHHHHHH".
    - Bent over rows on the barbell rack. Dude, you're effectively blocking every weight between 50-90#. Get yourself a bench and go to town.

    Preacher curls surely do need a spotter if you are pushing to grow.....guess some peoples use of the gym is different then others.
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    The person who uses several equipment at once, ie: you see them stop using one and start using something else for a while. You go to use previous equipment and you get told they're still using it :/ Luckily I haven't come across this much but my bf has.

    More recently; the new guys who come to the gym, do a couple sets, pop out the back door (right near where people workout) as a group for a cigarette with the smoke wafting in, then come back in to do another few sets. That's happened once and if they're doing it again while I'm there I'm complaining! I don't want my lungs filled with smoke really.
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    The person who uses several equipment at once, ie: you see them stop using one and start using something else for a while. You go to use previous equipment and you get told they're still using it :/ Luckily I haven't come across this much but my bf has.

    More recently; the new guys who come to the gym, do a couple sets, pop out the back door (right near where people workout) as a group for a cigarette with the smoke wafting in, then come back in to do another few sets. That's happened once and if they're doing it again while I'm there I'm complaining! I don't want my lungs filled with smoke really.

    I go between 2 machines. It's called compound workouts. I hate when people dont pay attention or ask, they see you using a machine, you finish your rep and walk away and they assume you are done. How about ask? I don't just jump on any machine if I just saw someone on it. I ask first :)
  • omgsayalathieo
    girls that show up wearing a ton of makeup and then just walk on the treadmill... you're at the gym, get sweaty!

    OMG YES!!! Those girls are so annoying!
  • CommandaPanda
    CommandaPanda Posts: 451 Member
    I agree and disagree with some of the things that have been said.

    I read one lady's response about how she's forced to go on the treadmill and steer away from the weights under doctors orders. I do, however, agree with leaving the makeup back in the locker room and not wearing perfume/cologne. It messes heavily with breathing techniques on the treadmill.

    Dropping weights, I'm in the middle. If you do it for the attention then I would say that's unbelievable and gain control of yourself. On the other hand, dropping weights acts as more of a safety mechanism. At the heavier weights you leave yourself prone to significant injury so you have to be really careful with nicely setting them down.

    Those who don't rack weights after using them are foolish. That's inconsiderate, especially if the person who would like to use the machine afterwards cannot physically rack 45 lbs plates.

    As for the other stuff, I can say that I haven't encountered too many people who leave dumbbells lying around or hide equipment..

    HOWEVER, there was this one lady at the gym the other day.. actually side-note.. I can NEVER go to the gym after work because between the hours of 4 PM and 9 PM the gym is just a madhouse. SO instead of lifting I jumped on the treadmill and ran for an hour. In that time I got to observe the gym that was packed as heavy as the streets of NYC. Needless to say, the treadmill and my creepy skills have formed quite the intimate relationship in the past 7 days.. I noticed this lady, mid-40's or so, plugged into her iPod dancing around the gym almost running into people everywhere she went because she was too busy in a passionate daze of singing to pay any attention to her navigational abilities. Once she got to a machine, she would continue flailing around and swinging her hair around. Before and after each set she would, again, flip her hair. I almost felt stupid because I was laughing hysterically at the ridiculousness of the circumstances for her to be dancing around like that..
    /abruptly ending my story...

    Moral of the story: don't dance around in the gym please =]
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    The person who uses several equipment at once, ie: you see them stop using one and start using something else for a while. You go to use previous equipment and you get told they're still using it :/ Luckily I haven't come across this much but my bf has.

    More recently; the new guys who come to the gym, do a couple sets, pop out the back door (right near where people workout) as a group for a cigarette with the smoke wafting in, then come back in to do another few sets. That's happened once and if they're doing it again while I'm there I'm complaining! I don't want my lungs filled with smoke really.

    I go between 2 machines. It's called compound workouts. I hate when people dont pay attention or ask, they see you using a machine, you finish your rep and walk away and they assume you are done. How about ask? I don't just jump on any machine if I just saw someone on it. I ask first :)

    I understand the compound workouts, but I mean the people who spend so long on other equipment, anyone would think they're done. Surely you would let another person take sets in between if you're going to spend that long away, especially if it was busy.
    I take quite long breaks between sets sometimes, and occasionally use 2 different ones, but if it was peak time and lots of people were about going to use I would ask if they want to do sets in between, instead of just taking up both for myself.
  • Jdismybug1
    Jdismybug1 Posts: 443 Member
    girls that show up wearing a ton of makeup and then just walk on the treadmill... you're at the gym, get sweaty!

    On the same note... I can't stand it when either dudes or chicks wear a ton of cologne/perfume.... I'd like to be able to breath during my workout thanks... go step outside and air out a little!

    Dude I so agree with this. I wear makeup every day, like a normal person, no pancake makeup here, I go after work, I don't bother touching up anything because I'm going to sweat. I carry a towel because I know how sweaty I am.

    I've had a few run ins with cologne, one time it was a trainer that was standing by me while training someone else, I had to ask him to move.

    I've been around a chick that would make grunty nasty noises on eliptiacl equipment. (Glad Ive changed gyms since then).
    The other day there was some chick that I saw plop down on some equipment I wanted to use just to sit next to her friend and text. I asked her if she was using it so I could and she said "Yes" I said well you're not doing anything, she said it wasnt my business, and kept on texting. so I told the front desk, that's BS.

    The one that really annoys me is that there is this girl that will sort of wander around eating m&m's at the gym looking like she's confused, use equipment for a few seconds, then get back up and go back to wandering and munching, and she will stop and stand over people and watch what they are doing like she's lookin at an animal at the zoo, then wander around again.

    I always give her a good stare down and she seems to leave, but damn. Who cares what I am doing, go eat you m&m's somewhere else.
  • valeriebpdx
    valeriebpdx Posts: 499 Member
    The person who uses several equipment at once, ie: you see them stop using one and start using something else for a while. You go to use previous equipment and you get told they're still using it :/

    I go between 2 machines. It's called compound workouts. I hate when people dont pay attention or ask, they see you using a machine, you finish your rep and walk away and they assume you are done. How about ask? I don't just jump on any machine if I just saw someone on it. I ask first :)

    I understand the compound workouts, but I mean the people who spend so long on other equipment, anyone would think they're done. Surely you would let another person take sets in between if you're going to spend that long away, especially if it was busy.
    I take quite long breaks between sets sometimes, and occasionally use 2 different ones, but if it was peak time and lots of people were about going to use I would ask if they want to do sets in between, instead of just taking up both for myself.

    I concur with the gal--I also do compound workouts, as I don't have the time to waste just sitting there between sets, but I am sure not going to get mad if someone tries to jump on a machine when I am not using it. Move on to some other exercise and come back and finish your set when they're off it. It's probably not going to cost us the Mr./Mrs. Universe title to take 2 or 3 min between sets once in a while. "I was saving that" is not valid at the gym.
  • lclarkjr
    lclarkjr Posts: 359 Member
    I hate when I'm waiting for a certain weight machine and the person on it just sits there and talks to their friends without actually using it. Seriously, you have the rest of the gym to talk to your friends, don't just sit on the machine if you aren't using it. And "I'm going to use it eventually" is not a valid excuse!

    On a side note, I went to the gym at 4am on Sunday and had the entire weight room to myself. Nice!