Yoga Nightmare



  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    I really never have done this! But I've noticed that my GERD seems to make bodily gasses stay up at the top, lol. I have so many burps after eating that there's probably nothing left to go on through ;)
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,862 Member
    Black girl in yoga class , I see post and had to comment from experience I cling on to my farts with dear life in yoga but there is a half cast girl who without shame farts constantly . She just pushes them out in everypose a lot of them stink to high heaven she is a fit looking women with a very good body and always wears yoga pants th at accentuate her behind I make sure im not behind her as the constant relieving of stinky gas makes me gag. Then in the changing room it continues . I try to go futhest away as possible . The first time
    I was on same bench in changing room when she took her leegings of and blatantly passed a lot of gas in her knickers in front of ,me each time oooh and rrrimg at the relief

    Ok. I thought the OP was hilarious but this one had my husband ask me what I was laughing at. Too funny.

    Exercise is good for us and its natural and normal to pass gas, whether jogging (where nobody can hear it or smell it unless you're inside on s treadmill), doing weights, yoga or whatever. Thanks to the OP for this funny and frank thread.
  • karinjak
    karinjak Posts: 3 Member
    Steven you are so rude , my knickers are clean most of the time . Feel like sitting on your gobby face and making you sniff them all after yoga until your sick
  • ThatFatAsianNerd
    ThatFatAsianNerd Posts: 1,415 Member
    edited December 2015
    Hahaha! You were releasing gas in increments for about 20 minutes? Did you strategically wait for the loud bass hits during any of the songs to try and cover up any noise you were scared of letting out?

    This was hilarious.
  • jeshunttt
    jeshunttt Posts: 1 Member
    Yoga Nightmares , my first time was a lot of embarrassing grief also found this and feel a little better I am not the only one , first time for me 3 years ago all is good now . I suffer a little constipation some of the time so get a little backed up . First yoga class I was in little to my knowledge would untangle my bowels and make every thing start to move down below . First it starts with airy farts then it was the urge to poop like urgent I excused myself for a toilet break then rushed to the toilet and pulled my yoga pants and knickers down urgently and 2 urgent poops plopped into the toilet , I felt ok and went back in to class only 5 minutes later needed to poo again the end on if was already in my knickers this repeated like 3 times before I decided to go home and deal with it
  • Aarjono
    Aarjono Posts: 228 Member
    clewpage wrote: »
    A LOT of people toot in yoga classes, it's a common side effect...especially for newbies. It gets better as your body and muscles adjust to the new ways your are moving and stretching.

    OMG, it's good to know I'm not alone.
  • TravisJHunt
    TravisJHunt Posts: 533 Member
    Wow, I never realized the trials and tribulations of yoga. While I'm not sure I'll ever be gearing up for a yoga class, I'll keep this one in my back pocket just in case.
  • mom23mangos
    mom23mangos Posts: 3,070 Member
    Thank you OP for starting my day off with a laugh. I've found this thread highly entertaining. I do yoga once a week at work during lunch with some co-workers. I can't imagine how embarrassing it would be if any of us ripped one. Thankfully it hasn't happened yet. But since it is at lunch time, most of us put off eating until afterwards. So I think doing it fasted must help.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    That's why yoga classes should have dogs. Blame the dog.
  • onlytruemanhere83
    onlytruemanhere83 Posts: 39 Member

    You got 'Yoga *kitten*' - welcome to the club, i get it on occasion ... have to pretend my muscle is spasming so that I can 'stem the flow'
  • onlytruemanhere83
    onlytruemanhere83 Posts: 39 Member
    'Yoga 4ss'
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    not very feminine though gassing up the place

    It's human, though.

    I think, by now, men have figured out that women *gasp* fart.

    Own them. ;)
  • onlytruemanhere83
    onlytruemanhere83 Posts: 39 Member
    not very feminine though gassing up the place

    I think, by now, men have figured out that women *gasp* fart.

    Own them. ;)

    I thought this was just mythological folklore?
  • onlytruemanhere83
    onlytruemanhere83 Posts: 39 Member
    we wear all this sexy clothing and we punish them with foul gas /quote]

    Hottest sentence I've read today.

  • onlytruemanhere83
    onlytruemanhere83 Posts: 39 Member
    You sound like a 65 year old mysogynist cab driver