Strong - a new book from Lou Schuler & Alwyn Cosgrove (NROLFW)



  • grapaj
    grapaj Posts: 136 Member
    has anyone seen inside this to check out the workouts? considering buying it but there are few reviews so far. I started NROLFW but switched to SL 5x5 because of how long the NROLFW workouts were getting.

  • Karen_can_do_this
    Karen_can_do_this Posts: 1,150 Member
    Try your local library?
  • Daisies4Days
    Daisies4Days Posts: 76 Member
    edited November 2015
    I'm reading it now. I'm going to start the program tomorrow. It seems simpler than NROLFW, which I found hard to figure out- by that I mean the order of exercises, etc. I also have to use alternatives because I won't have my pull-up bar installed until next week and I don't have a barbell yet. I have the kindle version, downloaded the training logs and printed them out.
  • bioklutz
    bioklutz Posts: 1,365 Member
    aut2run wrote: »
    I'm reading it now. I'm going to start the program tomorrow. It seems simpler than NROLFW, which I found hard to figure out- by that I mean the order of exercises, etc. I also have to use alternatives because I won't have my pull-up bar installed until next week and I don't have a barbell yet. I have the kindle version, downloaded the training logs and printed them out.

    Let me know what you think! I am currently following NROLFL and am considering swapping to this.
  • Daisies4Days
    Daisies4Days Posts: 76 Member
    Update; I did the first workout today. Stage 1 workout A. Took a bit longer than anticipated. Mostly due to my kids being home on holiday, dogs, etc. ( lol, you get the idea). Including warm up, main workout, and the interval work at the end- about an hour and twenty minutes. I did the full 6 cycles of interval work; that is 18 minutes by itself. I really liked it- but planning is necessary. Today was really about "learning" the workout- so I didn't go full-out. Here's the first month- hopefully I've explained it clearly.
    So stage 1 has 2 workouts: A and B. They alternate and you do 3 a week: they recommend Mon, Wens, Fri. This goes for 4 weeks, so 6 of workout A, 6 of workout B. Then you move on to Stage 2.
    If you're not at a gym/ don't have a stationary bike, they give easy options for interval work; jump rope, KB swings, etc. also I had to do bent rows instead of pull ups ( no bar up yet ).
    Anyway, I like the workout- I think I can whittle the time down to 50 min total with everything- and NO interruptions! ;) Hope this helps. Let me know how it goes.
  • Daisies4Days
    Daisies4Days Posts: 76 Member
    I forgot to mention: there are 3 phases, 9 stages total. About halfway at Stage 5 ( I think), they add a C workout into rotation. You definitely need a barbell at some point- when you max out on your dumbbell weight. After you finish each stage, they have you do a "special" workout.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    If you like podcasts this one includes some discussion of how the new program is meant to work:
  • Daisies4Days
    Daisies4Days Posts: 76 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    If you like podcasts this one includes some discussion of how the new program is meant to work:

    Thank you!
  • tintomaraAK
    tintomaraAK Posts: 2 Member
    I'm three weeks into the workout and compared to NROLFW, I think it's a lot friendlier both to beginners and to people who are not in the shape of their lives etc. I've been recovering from a couple injuries, and I'm finding the first phase & stage to be excellent for balancing out muscle groups that are out of balance and unequal in strength.

    I'm a huge fan of both Alwyn and Rachel Cosgrove's attitude to training/working out, and I absolutely love the non-judgmental and sane attitude Lou Schuler has to body shape/weight especially in this book. I honestly don't remember reading a book about exercise that made it feel so doable, maybe ever.
  • tintomaraAK
    tintomaraAK Posts: 2 Member
    Oh and if you want to look at it at your local book store before buying, for some reason Barnes & Noble files it under "body building" rather than in their general exercise/workout section. I have no idea why, but that's where you'll find it.
  • Ct268
    Ct268 Posts: 4 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    If you like podcasts this one includes some discussion of how the new program is meant to work:

    Thank you!
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I'm three weeks into the workout and compared to NROLFW, I think it's a lot friendlier both to beginners and to people who are not in the shape of their lives etc. I've been recovering from a couple injuries, and I'm finding the first phase & stage to be excellent for balancing out muscle groups that are out of balance and unequal in strength.

    I'm a huge fan of both Alwyn and Rachel Cosgrove's attitude to training/working out, and I absolutely love the non-judgmental and sane attitude Lou Schuler has to body shape/weight especially in this book. I honestly don't remember reading a book about exercise that made it feel so doable, maybe ever.

    That's cool -- I keep forgetting that I want to read this.

    In the podcast Schuler said that it was easier for beginners than the NROLFW (which is too fussy or complicated IMO for brand new people, I remember finding it confusing in some ways), but that the advanced program is REALLY challenging. (I loved NROLSupercharged and thought it was really user-friendly, but I also remember thinking that it was good I had some basic understanding of the exercises when I first discovered it).