Looking for encouragement!

Not new to app but new to community. Lost weight last year and put it all back on. Ready to get it off and get into shape. Not getting any younger!


  • AshAlvarezz
    AshAlvarezz Posts: 113 Member
    I know how you feel!
  • justsusie998
    justsusie998 Posts: 21 Member
    Me too! I was logging in my food for two weeks then saw the scale go up...so I stopped. Then had enough of it, & went into community. Been here for 10 or 11 solid days. Btw u can add me if you'd like.
  • bgmoses
    bgmoses Posts: 6 Member
    I know exactly where you are coming from. Since started logging, honestly, all that I eat whether good or bad it has helped a lot. When eating bad and log it on I can certainly see where the pounds add up. Has to be on your mind all the time to not do the mindless eating. I've only started less than two weeks now but you have to start somewhere. Now I have to work on the exercise part.