Losing to conceive!



  • steph2strong
    steph2strong Posts: 426 Member
    Good luck to everyone. A few words of encouragement... A good friend of mine had 70 lbs to loose and was also planning on eventually becoming pregnant. Well she finally committed to the healthy eating and exercise, and one month in she lost 10 lbs and was really getting into the healthy groove when all of sudden she found out she was pregnant! After a brief pause she continued with the healthy eating and exercise throughout her pregnancy and although her weight loss journey was stalled for that 9 months, she gained very little and had a very healthy pregnancy and 8 lb baby boy. Although things didn't quite go as expected (she was hoping to loose a lot more weight before getting pregnant) she is back on track with loosing slowly and healthily now in the postpartum period. I am incredibly proud of her and hope everyone else here has happy stories to share in the future too.
  • lilladydoc
    lilladydoc Posts: 9 Member
    We're planning to try ivf January or February. Have to get below 190
  • lil_lizt
    lil_lizt Posts: 275 Member
    Hey ladies, how are you all getting on? I conceived shortly after making this thread but sadly miscarried at the end of March so back trying to lose weight (including the extra stone I've gained comfort eating) and back trying to conceive again
  • Shannon281988
    Shannon281988 Posts: 1 Member
    I was on weight watchers for a year and lost 50lbs and I found out last month I'm pregnant. I was doing IVF before hand but only embryo took and sadly it ended with a miscarriage. I gained weight back, but again lost 30lbs before I became pregnant naturally so it can happen! good luck :)
  • MissKarlee89
    MissKarlee89 Posts: 40 Member
    I'm also losing to conceive, I'm unsure if my weight would affect me being able to because I am in a relationship with a woman but I want to be healthy when we do decide to have children. I have over 100lbs to lose so if anyone wants to add me for a little bit of extra support than please feel free! xx