My first morning walk. Here I go.



  • Lovee_Dove7
    Lovee_Dove7 Posts: 742 Member
    Yay for walks! They are my therapy.
  • kbenson629
    kbenson629 Posts: 6 Member
    So I went for a second walk late afternoon. When I signed up I guessed my weight at 240 because I thought I gained about 25 lbs since June. I bought a scale to be safe, and I was shocked and temporarily felt defeated when the scale said 268 lbs. My oldest son (10) saw me in tears and offered to go on walls with me. So....we walked at the same pace as my first walk but I was surprised when I realized we had walked 33 minutes! I could have kept going even.

    My wonderful first-born has helped give me a great sense of hope, and I am ao grateful and lucky to have such a wonderful boy.

    Ok....going to bed happy!

    Goodnight !!
  • Linseymout
    Linseymout Posts: 159 Member
    Good for you!!!! You got this! It will get easier by the day! Go for it!
  • KareninLux
    KareninLux Posts: 1,413 Member
    Sleep well. Wake up with a sense of accomplishment and do it all again!! My two teenagers are helping me along the way too!!
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    karentvp wrote: »
    Sleep well. Wake up with a sense of accomplishment and do it all again!! My two teenagers are helping me along the way too!!

    nice :)
  • 13bbird13
    13bbird13 Posts: 425 Member
    Walking is my best friend exercise-wise. You don't have to plan it, change clothes for it, take yourself someplace special to do it, or find a partner to do it with you... all you have to do is open the front door and go, before you talk yourself out of it! Keep at it; it's all I do for exercise and I've lost 11 pounds since November 1. Make an appointment with yourself, do it every day. Take shorter walks a couple of times a day rather than beat yourself into the ground with one mega-walk... I tried 2-hour walks on weekends when I had the extra time but I hated them, then found that two one-hour walks were perfectly do-able in the same day. In any case, stick with it; it really DOES work!
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    kbenson629 wrote: »
    I am not planning to buy another pack of cigarettes after I finish this one. That's going to take everything I've got and I still have to give losing weight everything I've got. I managed a very brisk 15-minute walk and my legs are on fire. I don't know how I'll find the strength. ..

    That is fabulous! Keep at it!
  • eep223
    eep223 Posts: 624 Member
    Oh yeah! This is how it starts!! I've done lots of different exercises now, but walking is still my favorite. Wait until you see your distances grow and you can start planning different routes all over the place. You'll get to know your neighbors better too! Rock it!
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    kbenson629 wrote: »
    So I went for a second walk late afternoon. When I signed up I guessed my weight at 240 because I thought I gained about 25 lbs since June. I bought a scale to be safe, and I was shocked and temporarily felt defeated when the scale said 268 lbs. My oldest son (10) saw me in tears and offered to go on walls with me. So....we walked at the same pace as my first walk but I was surprised when I realized we had walked 33 minutes! I could have kept going even.

    My wonderful first-born has helped give me a great sense of hope, and I am ao grateful and lucky to have such a wonderful boy.

    Ok....going to bed happy!

    Goodnight !!

    What a wonderful son. Take him along as often as you can. Walking with others really makes the time pass faster and keeps your mind off any discomfort you might be feeling. Just think of what you will be able to do with him as you get stronger and the memories he will have of the special times spent with his dad.
  • aliciamariaq
    aliciamariaq Posts: 272 Member
    kbenson629 wrote: »
    So I went for a second walk late afternoon. When I signed up I guessed my weight at 240 because I thought I gained about 25 lbs since June. I bought a scale to be safe, and I was shocked and temporarily felt defeated when the scale said 268 lbs. My oldest son (10) saw me in tears and offered to go on walls with me. So....we walked at the same pace as my first walk but I was surprised when I realized we had walked 33 minutes! I could have kept going even.

    My wonderful first-born has helped give me a great sense of hope, and I am ao grateful and lucky to have such a wonderful boy.

    Ok....going to bed happy!

    Goodnight !!

    Woohoo! You did it!
    Your boy is so sweet!

    I used to walk my daughter to and from school and it was the best, especially since she is such a chatter box, I knew everything going on in her life. Now she is officially a teenager (she turned 13 a couple of weeks ago), so now she wants to walk on her own. It's only been 2 weeks but missing our walks already. Enjoy yours while you can.

    When you walk or exercise with someone else time goes by so much quicker and it seems like so much less of an effort.
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    edited December 2015
    tifftaffy wrote: »
    kbenson629 wrote: »
    I am not planning to buy another pack of cigarettes after I finish this one. That's going to take everything I've got and I still have to give losing weight everything I've got. I managed a very brisk 15-minute walk and my legs are on fire. I don't know how I'll find the strength. ..

    Cold turkey is the way to go. I quit smoking in 2002, the first two days will be the hardest, but once you pass that, it will be easier.

    Cold turkey is not the way to go for everyone. There's absolutely nothing wrong or 'weak' about using smoking cessation aids if it helps someone reach the finish line as a non-smoker. Because *that's* what matters, not how you got there. ;)

    To the OP - when I started here I was lucky to be able to walk around the couch. Seriously. I bought a Fitbit and just increased my distance a little bit every day.

    9 months later, I'm down 76 lbs and walk in excess of 10 miles a day. And I love it.

    I well remember being where you are today. Please don't be discouraged by your limitations at the beginning. Because even if you're only lapping the couch, it beats the bejeebus out of just sitting on it.

    You got this! <3
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    I was wondering how you made out on your walk ever since I posted in this thread a couple days ago ! Good job!! Keep going !!! It really will get easier !!!
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    kbenson629 wrote: »
    My feet hurt. My joints hurt. I smoke and get winded easily. This is gonna hurt. It's day 1 and I have 110 lbs to lose. Im finally going to take that walk I've been putting off for years. And now my journey begins with a long-awaited first step.

    Here I go!

    You Sir, are awesome!

    You can do this
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    kbenson629 wrote: »
    So I went for a second walk late afternoon. When I signed up I guessed my weight at 240 because I thought I gained about 25 lbs since June. I bought a scale to be safe, and I was shocked and temporarily felt defeated when the scale said 268 lbs. My oldest son (10) saw me in tears and offered to go on walls with me. So....we walked at the same pace as my first walk but I was surprised when I realized we had walked 33 minutes! I could have kept going even.

    My wonderful first-born has helped give me a great sense of hope, and I am ao grateful and lucky to have such a wonderful boy.

    Ok....going to bed happy!

    Goodnight !!

    This is wonderful, nice to be able to have time with your son and to feel that support. Great start, now just keep it up!

    I had a similar experience when I started -- was about 20 lbs more than I'd realized and that send me for a loop briefly but then I used it as motivation. I also started by mostly just walking as much as I possibly could -- I'd been doing some walking anyway since I live in a city, but I decided to just walk everywhere I possibly could. After a bit I added in some half hours at the gym and then went from there, but the walking has been a wonderful addition to my life and is something I do when everything else gets hard. You will be surprised at how fast you make progress.
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    You sir, are a star! And what a great boy you have.

  • Rdsgoal16
    Rdsgoal16 Posts: 302 Member
    First ones the hardest you can do it.
  • ElJefeChief
    ElJefeChief Posts: 650 Member
    Exercise is a great replacement for nicotine addiction