
What everybodys thoughts on veganism?


  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    I think if you feel strongly about it, it's your life and you can eat however you want. I'm vegetarian but vegan is a little to extreme and not sustainable for me. But there are people out there who think I'm crazy for being vegetarian, so we all have different limits!

    If you just want to go vegan to lose weight, don't. There's no need to restrict yourself to have success in weight loss.
  • Lovee_Dove7
    Lovee_Dove7 Posts: 742 Member
    They don't eat a lot of vegetables, and they don't have open diaries. That's what I've noticed.
    I love vegan dishes and eat them often!
  • pinggolfer96
    pinggolfer96 Posts: 2,248 Member
    Depends on the reasoning for being vegan. If it's for weight loss, then I'm kind of off put by the idea cause no diet except one in a deficit will promote more weight loss than another diet. The food just tends to be more voluminous which is why weight loss may occur, some of the food is also very calorie dense. The fact for someone becoming vegan for humane reasons I find justified cause it's their belief. But when I hear people say they are going on a vegan diet to drop weight, I kind of squirm lol
  • morg987
    morg987 Posts: 7 Member
    I definitely understand all the reasons for why someone would want to go vegan, for the animals, to sustain the environment as well as benefits of a plant based diet. While I am not vegan because it would be too restrictive for me I am vegetarian and try to eat plant based wherever I can. I also avoid cows milk and opt for soy. As vegans rely on fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, organic non GMO soy products and other legumes their diets are lower in calories as dairy, refined sweets containing animal products and meat are higher in sugar and saturated fats making them higher in calories. A variety of plant based foods should be included to ensure adequate protein, vitamins and minerals. Leafy greens, nuts, seeds and plant milks are especially important for calcium. Iron should also be taken into account and a B12 supplement added as there is not an 'active' form in plant based foods to be absorbed unless fortified with such as soy milk. I think veganism is cool though and supporting products that are environmentally friendly gets a tick from me ✔️
  • I'm not vegan, but I think it's a great lifestyle choice.
  • Skinnybetcher
    Skinnybetcher Posts: 17 Member
    I think it's sustainable for yourself and the planet. However, I like to go out and eat socially with family and friends. Most of the food isn't plant based, and I just like to change it up. I like having a lot of food options, and try not to restrict. I definitely eat MORE plant based after learning about veganism, but I'm not sure I could ever convert to it.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    edited December 2015
    They don't eat a lot of vegetables, and they don't have open diaries. That's what I've noticed.
    I love vegan dishes and eat them often!

    I eat lots of vegetables and my diary is open to my friends. Vegan for about ten years.

    But the point of veganism isn't as much to eat vegetables (as much as vegans, as much as non-vegans can choose to) as it is to live in a way that avoids unnecessary animal exploitation. So I don't really understand what the point is about vegetables or having an open diary. Neither are required in order to avoid unnecessary animal suffering or exploitation.
  • Lovee_Dove7
    Lovee_Dove7 Posts: 742 Member
    edited December 2015
    Yay! Give me all your recipes =-)

    I'll share one:
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    I think veganism is awesome. DId you have any specific questions about it?
  • Lovee_Dove7
    Lovee_Dove7 Posts: 742 Member
    edited December 2015
    Hmmmm....just classic ones, like, how much protein do you eat in a day?
    How many grams is 15-20% for you?
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Hmmmm....just classic ones, like, how much protein do you eat in a day?

    Was this to me? About 15-20% of my daily consumption is protein.
  • janjunie
    janjunie Posts: 1,200 Member
    What everybodys thoughts on veganism?

    It's a lifestyle, not a diet. It's not a lifestyle for me, but I have to say the best brownies I've ever had were vegan.
  • Nikki10129
    Nikki10129 Posts: 292 Member
    I personally buy and cook vegan for myself, but I do enjoy going out to dinner with friends and I'll often eat supper at my parents so in those cases I'll just eat vegetarian while making a conscious effort to minimize my dairy.

    Done for weight loss or health reasons, I don't see the point as it requires a little more planning and effort to ensure you're getting proper nutrients when all you really have to do is eat normally just a little less.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    What everybodys thoughts on veganism?

    I don't have ethical objections to the use of animal products, love the taste of meat (eat a lot of it), and the diet/lifestyle would be completely unsustainable for me. Anybody else's diet/lifestyle choices are none of my business.
  • melissalatzel25
    melissalatzel25 Posts: 148 Member
    Veganism is really the perfect human way of eating... If you put a baby in a cot with an apple and a bunny, please let me know the day the baby will eat the rabbit and play with the apple... :) The lifestyle fixed my digestive disorders , i now eat unlimited calories mostly carbs from veg fruit and grains , but i also indulge in those vegan junk foods haha (oreos, pringles etc etc etc and vegan icecreams brownies and all those raw cheesecakes ). and it opens your mind to all forms of aninal exploitation and is just better for the planet and everything really... If you love animals and dont believe any living being should suffer then i think you shouldnt pay companies to keep doing it for your tastebuds... Especially when the human intestines are long and designed to digest fruits the best of all food groups, its a no brainer what our main food should be. Too much sugar in fruit? No problem, since every cell in human body runs off of glucose :) please check this guy GARY YOUROFSKY , hes an inspiration! Try youtube his name.. Youll love the guy
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Veganism is really the perfect human way of eating... If you put a baby in a cot with an apple and a bunny, please let me know the day the baby will eat the rabbit and play with the apple... :) The lifestyle fixed my digestive disorders , i now eat unlimited calories mostly carbs from veg fruit and grains , but i also indulge in those vegan junk foods haha (oreos, pringles etc etc etc and vegan icecreams brownies and all those raw cheesecakes ). and it opens your mind to all forms of aninal exploitation and is just better for the planet and everything really... If you love animals and dont believe any living being should suffer then i think you shouldnt pay companies to keep doing it for your tastebuds... Especially when the human intestines are long and designed to digest fruits the best of all food groups, its a no brainer what our main food should be. Too much sugar in fruit? No problem, since every cell in human body runs off of glucose :) please check this guy GARY YOUROFSKY , hes an inspiration! Try youtube his name.. Youll love the guy

    So are we basing what we should eat off what a baby would eat or play with?

    Cause babies have been known to eat things like batteries, coins, plastic, stale french fries off the floor of the car. Does that also mean that adults should be consuming breastmilk since that would be something babies would opt to eat?

    To answer the OP, I have no thoughts on veganism other than it is not for me. If it is for someone else, great.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    Veganism is really the perfect human way of eating... If you put a baby in a cot with an apple and a bunny, please let me know the day the baby will eat the rabbit and play with the apple... :) The lifestyle fixed my digestive disorders , i now eat unlimited calories mostly carbs from veg fruit and grains , but i also indulge in those vegan junk foods haha (oreos, pringles etc etc etc and vegan icecreams brownies and all those raw cheesecakes ). and it opens your mind to all forms of aninal exploitation and is just better for the planet and everything really... If you love animals and dont believe any living being should suffer then i think you shouldnt pay companies to keep doing it for your tastebuds... Especially when the human intestines are long and designed to digest fruits the best of all food groups, its a no brainer what our main food should be. Too much sugar in fruit? No problem, since every cell in human body runs off of glucose :) please check this guy GARY YOUROFSKY , hes an inspiration! Try youtube his name.. Youll love the guy

    Humans evolved as omnivores.
  • Lovee_Dove7
    Lovee_Dove7 Posts: 742 Member
    Veganism is really the perfect human way of eating... If you put a baby in a cot with an apple and a bunny, please let me know the day the baby will eat the rabbit and play with the apple... :) The lifestyle fixed my digestive disorders , i now eat unlimited calories mostly carbs from veg fruit and grains , but i also indulge in those vegan junk foods haha (oreos, pringles etc etc etc and vegan icecreams brownies and all those raw cheesecakes ). and it opens your mind to all forms of aninal exploitation and is just better for the planet and everything really... If you love animals and dont believe any living being should suffer then i think you shouldnt pay companies to keep doing it for your tastebuds... Especially when the human intestines are long and designed to digest fruits the best of all food groups, its a no brainer what our main food should be. Too much sugar in fruit? No problem, since every cell in human body runs off of glucose :) please check this guy GARY YOUROFSKY , hes an inspiration! Try youtube his name.. Youll love the guy

    Why am I not surprised that your diary is closed?
    I don't mind that you're a vegan. And when you are young your body can really compensate for a lot of what you do to it. So even if you are wrong about your ideas of how to treat your body, they don't really show up or make you that uncomfortable....until you get older.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Veganism is really the perfect human way of eating... If you put a baby in a cot with an apple and a bunny, please let me know the day the baby will eat the rabbit and play with the apple... :) The lifestyle fixed my digestive disorders , i now eat unlimited calories mostly carbs from veg fruit and grains , but i also indulge in those vegan junk foods haha (oreos, pringles etc etc etc and vegan icecreams brownies and all those raw cheesecakes ). and it opens your mind to all forms of aninal exploitation and is just better for the planet and everything really... If you love animals and dont believe any living being should suffer then i think you shouldnt pay companies to keep doing it for your tastebuds... Especially when the human intestines are long and designed to digest fruits the best of all food groups, its a no brainer what our main food should be. Too much sugar in fruit? No problem, since every cell in human body runs off of glucose :) please check this guy GARY YOUROFSKY , hes an inspiration! Try youtube his name.. Youll love the guy

    profile: "inspired by the youtube channels by freely the banana girl"

  • jim180155
    jim180155 Posts: 769 Member
    I tried veganism for 3 months a couple years ago. For some of the reasons already stated above, like animal cruelty and supposedly improving micronutrients, I found it appealing. BTW, I was focusing on whole foods. I was, for the most part, staying away from processed food.

    But certain aspects of it started to bother me. For one, I wasn’t getting enough protein. It takes a LOT of work and planning to get in enough protein (1 gram per pound of bodyweight) on even a vegetarian diet. Going the extra step to veganism just made it harder yet.

    Where was my vitamin B? Yes, you can get supplements, and I did. But it was thinking, maybe too much, about the lack of vital vitamins in the vegan diet that made me realize that it was anything but a natural way to eat. Our bodies are not designed or evolved to live on plants alone.

    And the last one was the lack of scientific research vegans’ and vegetarians’ claims that an animal-less diet was healthier. I’m not saying that there is NO research out there, but I couldn’t find much. And considering that veganism and vegetarianism is nothing new, there should be boatloads of scientific evidence showing that those lifestyles promote better health and longer life.

    So I went back to eating meat and dairy. I eat less of it now, though. I had read somewhere that the typical American diet requires 100 animals per year to be raised and slaughtered for each person. Animals are still being killed for me to eat, but if it was 100 before, it’s probably only something like 30 now. (I’m not killing animals, I’m saving lives!)