Sorry but its a RANT!!!

SereneRose Posts: 499 Member
edited September 28 in Motivation and Support
Hi all.
I'm sorry but I'm feeling very discouraged and down tonight.

I know I shouldn't weigh every day but its an addiction, I can't help it and from one days food I've put on the 3lbs lost. It makes me feel like I'll never get anywhere near my goal and that I'll be killing myself for nothing especially with me having PCOS making it 10x harder.
Also after reading the forums I now see I'm not doing enough exercise (doing 30ds and some biggest loser now and again) and need to up my game but I find everything boring, even 30ds is getting tiresome and I'm only on day 5!
I'm considering walking/mild jogging but with my size (chest mainly) its very hard and I don't last long and don't feel walking for half hour or so is enough to shift the lbs and I'm too embarrassed to attempt jogging on the streets and my home treadmill is dull dull dull.

With all this constantly on my mind I'm starting to get very stressed out and obsessively reading the forums for answers and a shred of inspiration but its not lasting.

I'm sorry for the moan but just felt the need to vent to someone.


  • leftymac
    leftymac Posts: 169 Member
    Well, you didn't gain 3 lbs from one day's food. That's pretty much impossible. It's water weight, etc. It will come off throughout the course of the week. This is why you don't weigh yourself every day. You CAN help it. Put away the scale. Hide it. Do whatever you need to do. But if you continue to weigh yourself every day, you will continue to be frustrated and discouraged.
  • QueenofCups
    QueenofCups Posts: 365 Member
    Oh, ((HUGS)) I know how you feel, I have been there - and recently, might I add - but unfortunately the only thing I can say is: No matter how many excuses you can make, you have to do something. Anything. If walking on the treadmill is boring, watch tv while you do it. Or read a book. Get a bike if you don't want to run in public. Look for other workouts you can rent, or get on youtube (if cost is an issue). But, if you are eating right the lbs will move. Exercising is for overall health and to help the lb movement a little more.

    You can do this. :drinker:

    Edited to add - I am also a scale addict, and if you can't kick the habit (I have not been able to), at least don't let it make you give up. Use it as a reason to get mad and work harder.
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    Also, don't NOT do something because you find it "dull".
    Make it interesting.
    If you want results, you have to do things that you don't want to do.
  • daybyday
    daybyday Posts: 537 Member
    STOP weighing every day. There are so many things that affect the numbers. This is a good article:
    Weighing every day seriously messes with the mind. Once a week is plenty or even once every 2 weeks. Find something you enjoy. This may take awhile. When you enjoy exercise you are more likely to actually do it. Good luck to you!!
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    I gain 3 pounds every single day of my life, it always goes down in the morning. Don't let it bother you. If the number on the scale is getting you down that much, do put it away. Do any kind of exercise you can, find something you won't get bored with. Take a walk, use the stairs instead of the elevator, dance in your living room, really!

    You can do this. Just stick to your plan and you'll see results! I promise, you can do this.
  • dodd319
    dodd319 Posts: 228
    I usually weigh myself every day that I work, which is usually 3 or 4 days a week. My goal is to start weighing myself the first & last day I work each week.

    I've NEVER been a jogger but now I am. I go at 6am when the streets are empty. I'm stomach heavy with hardly anything up top.

    Good luck & don't give up!
  • LtTinab
    LtTinab Posts: 2
    I understand the addiction of weighing everyday! My husband had to actually hide the scale from me haha! It is so much more rewarding and the end of the week to stand on it and see 2-3 -4-5 pounds lost than maybe a half a pound a day. Hang in there! You will make it! I also have PCOS so know that it isn't easy -just find what exercise is the best for you and don't give up! I do Jillian Michaels 30 day Shred. With such a variety of things I'm sure you will find something! : )
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    When I started I started out walking as my main exercise. It is a good place to start and work your way up. Yes I also have a large chest. If you do 30 day shread along with a 30 min walk you are doing enough just don't over eat your calories. Weight loss is mainly diet and exercise is extra.

    I also suggest you hide your scale from yourself for 2 weeks. Lock it up in a cabinet if you have to. If you are just starting out and obsessing about the scale it will only set you back. As you say your weighing yourself every day are you weighing yourself at the same time every day because you can gain and lose 5lbs within a day just from undigested food and water weight.
  • bmw4deb
    bmw4deb Posts: 1,324 Member
    That 3 lbs will be gone tomorrow, pick one day to weigh and only count that day
    even if you weigh everyday!
    Find the excercise you like....get out the old school music and dance your booty off
    I know you like that!! and it burns calories like crazy.
    dont give up your on your way!!!
  • Your weight is constantly fluctuating from day to day and even throughout the day itself! It is normal to be several lbs. heavier at night than you are in the morning. Stick with the plan and you WILL see results!
  • lynnc1124
    lynnc1124 Posts: 4 Member
    I just joined this site today but I've lost 75 lbs prior to joining. I have to say, my journey has been long and slow. It's been almost 3 years and I have another 15-20 lbs before I reach my goal (hence my joining this website... trying something new). I have an admitted addiction to food and I had lost the weight before and gained it all back. This is my second go round. I am saying all of this because the one thing I've learned is that persistence is key! Forgive yourself for the days you backslide but ALWAYS ALWAYS keep in mind that tomorrow is another day and that you can start again! And you owe it to yourself to start again. It's going to take time. If you don't make your goals, don't beat yourself up! Start slow with the exercise! I know it is tempting to want to lose weight quickly but some is better than none believe me. Of course exercise is good for you but if you're killing yourself over it you are less likely to stick to it. Over time you will learn to develop new habits. Find foods you like to eat that are healthy! Don't force yourself to eat celery and carrot sticks all day. Start off small doing an activity that you feel comfortable with. Try some home workout dvds if you are uncomfortable in public. Try everything and anything you think you might be interested in. Keep experimenting and find what works for YOU! I started out doing little to no exercise and eventually worked my way up to completing p90x and going on my first backpacking trip a few weeks ago! You can do this! Tomorrow is another day! Don't be too hard on yourself! Don't feel like you have to get "biggest loser" results overnight! 1 pound at a time. 1 day at a time!
  • SereneRose
    SereneRose Posts: 499 Member
    Thank you all this was what I needed to hear, its just fear and past experiences and what if's that are racing through my mind and stressing me.

    Yes I do weigh same time first thing in the morning and usually weight has gone down but if you can see my diary, yes I went a lil over but thought I did ok today so was shocked to see the gain. I will try not to take much notice of my non official weigh day results from now on.

    I think I'll have to do walking round the block a few times for an hour or so as a starter I just hope its enough to actually melt the pounds away and not maintain.

    The only exercise I love is swimming but I can't do that often so its a no no. Sadly even the kinect zumba and dance games and biggest loser are boring me now and yes I loved zumba at my gym but that £38 a month can be put to better use especially as I've moved to a more expensive property.
  • suzooz
    suzooz Posts: 720 Member
    Don't ever apologize for a rant on MFP --- if you can't rant at us, who can you turn to? We've all been there, done that and have all needed to rant once in a while.

    I am a compulsive weigher myself, but I like the information that it provides and it does NOT frustrate me. (OK, maybe it does once in a while). I know that the scale lies (you have a great post on this); I know that I gain between 3 - 5 pounds from morning to night, and I know the impact that TOM has on my body. I also know that weight is not the be all, end all measurement of success -- I control the things that I can control (diet / exercise) and tracking weight is just information. I focus on the trend -- not the number itself. But if the scale is bothering you that much -- try taking a break from it.

    And who says that you aren't exercising enough? I have to admit, I am very jealous of those that can burn 1,000 at a time. My biggest workout is 850 calories, and that is mowing the lawn -- and only because I have to! Try to avoid comparing yourself to others, find something that you LOVE to do (or would love to try again). Some do 30 DS, some do Zumba, some dance, some hula hoop, some swim, some rollerskate (and some even mow!) . Have some fun, and get moving!

    Speaking of which, I need to take my own advice and get off the couch (but it's so comfy!) It's Zumba night!
  • isabelk
    isabelk Posts: 153 Member
    It's a long game. You could weigh every day and think your day's calories have some impact. However, it's a long game. It's the week's calories that count. Don't let the daily fluctuations get to you.

    It might help you to look at it week by week and have a weekly goal. If you love your daily weigh ins, then average them for you week's number.

    Shred might be boring: you don't owe it to anyone to do it. Do something that excites you: zumba? You'll find it. If you just hate exercising, think of shred as 30 minutes of medicine you have take everyday LOL. With time I think you'll find an exercise you enjoy once you have the strength and endurance for it.

    Give it three months. Even if you mess up once or twice a week, you'll still come out ahead. Set that goal! You can do it. Look at the success stories and NSVs for inspiration.
  • Countrymade
    Countrymade Posts: 183 Member
    I weigh myself everyday and that use to frustrate me too I soon realized after some research that about 3500 calories = 1 lb of fat. So you would have to consume that many calories on top of what your BMR and exercise is to gain just 1 lb and that is highly unlikely you consumed all those calories to gain 3 lbs.
    I still weigh myself everyday to keep me on track but I only count it once a week same day same time. I hope this makes you feel better. Hang in there.
  • laneybird
    laneybird Posts: 532 Member
    Don't get discouraged! Ranting is perfectly normal, especially here on MFP. All of us are here with the goal of leading healthier lives! I'm a scales addict, just like many others. It's nothing unusual to be up 3+ lbs in a day. Make one day your official weigh-in day, and only count that. Remember, you didn't gain the weight that you're wanting to lose overnight, so it's not going to all go away overnight. Keep yourself moving, drink lots of water and try to make good food choices. You will at least start to feel better, even if the scales doesn't change for a while. Also, as far as exercise....get a really good sports bra. I was hesitant about trying to jog (for the same reason you are) and bought a 3pk of sports bras and I LOVE them! Heck I've been sleeping in them I love them so much lol.

    Anyway, keep your head up. All you can do is try! Tomorrow is another day. I wish you the best of luck on your journey to better health :)
  • SereneRose
    SereneRose Posts: 499 Member
    Thank you all. I'm grateful that there are so many good people I can express to and your right the 3lb gain all but one lb has now gone.

    Lets see what next monday those evil scales say :)
  • Also a (former) scale addict! It has taken me years to kick the scale addict from a daily habit to a healthy weekly habit. Don't let it get you down or get discouraged! Everyday is a new day to restart a healthy living but don't keep putting that day off! Best of luck to your scale addiction and a healthy living.
  • ChunkyChicTrying
    ChunkyChicTrying Posts: 6 Member
    Serene Hunny, I didnt yet take the time to read everyones respond to you, but being a BBW myself and losing 70lbs+ thus far, I have a few bits of *Hefty Hunnies* Love for you....

    1st the easiest way to break your scale addiction is to look at it the way i look at my food addiction and its something like this...

    I fisr had to admit I was a food **kitten*/JUNKY*, this was not an easy thing to do, but it was the truth and I admitted to at least myself when I started....Then I began to think, you know food is my *PIMP/PUSHER*, and well I started saying to myself, I refuse to be *PIMPED OUT, BY A DOLLAR MENU!*

    This I was aqble to translate into my thoughts towars a scale as I too found myself starting to obsess multiple times a day and you know it just was like wham in my face one day where I had ate but put pn water weight it was insanley hot outside....At that moment I refused to let my scale now be my pimp too, so for the first few weeks I gave my scale to my best friend who kept it in her car and would only bring it back over on Tuesday for my weigh in...

    This proved me very well, I got to 92lbs lost by new years ( I started 7/13/2010 ) then it got to my head by peer pressure and I went off my plan for 5 months, thankfully I am back on plan and didnt gain but 22lbs back of my initial loss (ie I ate things that were bad bad bad - yep the food/junky *kitten* came out big time gurl!) but I share this so you know it may happen, the scale will fluctuate but in the END your going to make it!!!

    Feel free to add me as a friend and go from a *Hefty Hunnie to a Skinny Minnie* Guys if you want to add me too, I would love to cheer you on from a *Hefty Hunk to a Slim Jim*

    Those are names of two web groups and scrap booking items I have created, so please people do not try to take what I have copy written for your own use... TY

    Hearts & Hugs

  • pricetm83
    pricetm83 Posts: 49
    I know how you feel :(

    I HATE working out. I'd much rather have a nap, but I push myself to work out (and it's a VERY hard push believe me). But what makes it SO much better are my headphones. I love music and listening to it gives me the umph I need to complete my workouts. At some points, I'm jamming so hard to my music that I am literally dancing (and running) on the elliptical. Sure I get looked at like I'm a moron but I don't care. I finish my workouts and am totally pumped.

    Find something you like and try to incorporate it into working out. Be totally creative and you will enjoy it (well at least more than you used to).
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