Fuel for am workout

Hi, would love to workout in the morning like I used to when kids were small and I didn't work. I now need to leave the house before 8am . Would it be wise to do an hours toning video before breakfast or what's best options for pre workout snacks that digest quickly? What do you morning exercisers do?


  • Clarewho
    Clarewho Posts: 494 Member
    I'm in for the responses as I'm never sure if I do the right thing. Everything I read seems contradictory. In the morning I'll run about 4 miles fasted then have a protein shake when I get in. I can't eat straight away so I 'think' the shake helps muscle recovery. But maybe someone else can tell me better?
  • PippaStants
    PippaStants Posts: 15 Member
    I swear by a banana about 20-30mins before a morning workout then protein shake after. Keeps me going for a bit too.
  • sfriel68
    sfriel68 Posts: 61 Member
    I swear by a banana about 20-30mins before a morning workout then protein shake after. Keeps me going for a bit too.

    This definitely sounds doable, I'll try this thanks
  • sfriel68
    sfriel68 Posts: 61 Member
    Clarewho wrote: »
    I'm in for the responses as I'm never sure if I do the right thing. Everything I read seems contradictory. In the morning I'll run about 4 miles fasted then have a protein shake when I get in. I can't eat straight away so I 'think' the shake helps muscle recovery. But maybe someone else can tell me better?

    There's so many mixed views on this, gets confusing. I know a lot of people recommend both protein and carbs before a workout but it's not easy having tge time for digestion in the morning
  • PippaStants
    PippaStants Posts: 15 Member
    I have real issues digesting food in the morning! When I first started working out I kept getting really light headed and dizzy so my coach suggested a banana before working out and it really does the trick. He also says best to have protein after the workout as it's good for recovery. I also take iron & B12 supplements too.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    There is no right answer. Some people like to fuel in the mornings. Others, like me, cannot tolerate eating & exercising like that.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    edited December 2015
    Depends on the person, depends on the workout.

    Can you tolerate exercise shortly after eating?
    Can you tolerate fasted training and perform as usual?
    Will you acually have digested the food you have eaten?

    So really the range goes from nothing to sports energy drink, to carby food like a banana etc. etc.

    For a multi hour cycle I will eat beforehand - otherwise it's entirely optional and just fits in my day.

    For a "toning video" can't see it's going to matter either way so personal preference and how it's fits in your overall diet.
  • pondee629
    pondee629 Posts: 2,469 Member
    Wake up, take care of your usual morning obligations, warm up, exercise, cool down, shower then breakfast (or breakfast then shower) get dressed, and go to work. See how that feels, repeat or alter. Only you'll know what is right. And then, only after trying it.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    It takes a little trial and error. If you absolutely must have something before working out I'd second the suggestion of a banana. Try working out fasted, if you're eating enough carbs you should have enough stored glycogen to see you through an hour long workout.
  • sfriel68
    sfriel68 Posts: 61 Member
    crazyravr wrote: »
    I get to the gym at 6am and my only fuel is 0.5L of water which I drink every morning before I leave home for work with a glass of kombucha. Post workout is whatever I feel like having for breakfast that day be it oatmeal with fruits and some protein powder mixed in or couple of eggs and veggies. Dont overthink it. Keep things simple.

    Great advice thanks. really is a big problem of mine to over think things. #keepitsimple
  • sfriel68
    sfriel68 Posts: 61 Member
    It takes a little trial and error. If you absolutely must have something before working out I'd second the suggestion of a banana. Try working out fasted, if you're eating enough carbs you should have enough stored glycogen to see you through an hour long workout.

    Do you workout early mornings Brian? And if so do you fuel beforehand?
  • sfriel68
    sfriel68 Posts: 61 Member
    pondee629 wrote: »
    Wake up, take care of your usual morning obligations, warm up, exercise, cool down, shower then breakfast (or breakfast then shower) get dressed, and go to work. See how that feels, repeat or alter. Only you'll know what is right. And then, only after trying it.

    Thank you
  • sfriel68
    sfriel68 Posts: 61 Member
    sijomial wrote: »
    Depends on the person, depends on the workout.

    Can you tolerate exercise shortly after eating?
    Can you tolerate fasted training and perform as usual?
    Will you acually have digested the food you have eaten?

    So really the range goes from nothing to sports energy drink, to carby food like a banana etc. etc.

    For a multi hour cycle I will eat beforehand - otherwise it's entirely optional and just fits in my day.

    For a "toning video" can't see it's going to matter either way so personal preference and how it's fits in your overall diet.

    Thanks for that. I will try without and if I feel ok I will go with that
  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    I workout 3 mornings a week before work, and don't eat anything beforehand. I jog/do walk/sprint intervals for about 30 minutes on my treadmill without any problem. I actually don't eat until 2 hours after I'm done working out once I get settled into work. It's not for everyone, but works fine for me. :)
  • slideaway1
    slideaway1 Posts: 1,006 Member
    I train fasted of a morning and just have a protein shake when I've finished to break my fast. I then eat a meal when I feel hungry. Sometimes I'll have a black coffee before the gym to get me going but this does not break my fast. If you do wish to eat before exercise play around with different foods you like that are easily digested. For me that would be something like a greek yogurt with a scoop of protein powder. Takes seconds to make,eat and digest with a decent nutritional profile.
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    I am fine with fasted cardio but find I don't perform as well if I lift heavy without food beforehand
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    in the summer i like to go for early morning rides a few days out of the week...i usually just bring some dried fruit with me or something. i ride around 5 AM and get back home around 6 and in my car by 7 for my hour commute to work. I eat breakfast at my desk around 8.
  • PippaStants
    PippaStants Posts: 15 Member
    slideaway1 wrote: »
    I train fasted of a morning and just have a protein shake when I've finished to break my fast. I then eat a meal when I feel hungry. Sometimes I'll have a black coffee before the gym to get me going but this does not break my fast. If you do wish to eat before exercise play around with different foods you like that are easily digested. For me that would be something like a greek yogurt with a scoop of protein powder. Takes seconds to make,eat and digest with a decent nutritional profile.

    Good idea - I might start looking at this for my morning cardio workouts, not great to lift on an empty stomach for me... but everyone is different :smiley:

    I like the idea of yogurt and protein powder! Will try this!

    Has anyone tried overnight oats?
  • slideaway1
    slideaway1 Posts: 1,006 Member
    slideaway1 wrote: »
    I train fasted of a morning and just have a protein shake when I've finished to break my fast. I then eat a meal when I feel hungry. Sometimes I'll have a black coffee before the gym to get me going but this does not break my fast. If you do wish to eat before exercise play around with different foods you like that are easily digested. For me that would be something like a greek yogurt with a scoop of protein powder. Takes seconds to make,eat and digest with a decent nutritional profile.

    Good idea - I might start looking at this for my morning cardio workouts, not great to lift on an empty stomach for me... but everyone is different :smiley:

    I like the idea of yogurt and protein powder! Will try this!

    Has anyone tried overnight oats?

    Yeah, Greek Yogurt and protein powder is great. I just empty the yogurt out of its container in to a bowl and mix 20g of chocolate protein powder with a spoon for about twenty seconds and it almost tastes like a light chocolate mousse. It takes seconds to eat before the gym and is really light on your stomach. Low cal, high protein because the Greek yogurt contains 18g of protein as well as the 20g you just dumped in it. I use Fage Greek yogurt.
  • PippaStants
    PippaStants Posts: 15 Member
    Perfect! Thanks @slideaway1 will give this a go before my long run Friday am!