How to make yourself eat



  • JoshLibby
    JoshLibby Posts: 214 Member
    edited December 2015
    I don't do any cardio, I get knacked after running up the stairs in me house, I do the stronglift 5x5 thing, getting quite heavy now so that's starting to make me puff out... my bench press is shocking tho can never seem to get anywhere with that

    The program mentioned, (to me) sounds more of a program of a power lifter. I'd also advise finding a program to better suit what your goal is. If it's strength, heavy weight less reps is for you, if it's for building muscle; moderate reps with moderate weight is right for you. This is the 8-12 rep range, and the 12 rep shouldn't feel like the 8 rep. If it does that is how you know when to increase the weight.

    So, find a program more suited to your goal. Discover your 1 rep max, then do 55-75% percent of that weight, with some sets to failure. Getting strong does correlate to size, but for me I found that when I did programs with lower reps higher weight I really only got stronger plus I had more injuries.. So, instead of 80% for 2-4 reps. I switched to 55-75% of my one rep max on bench and had better results in 8-12. Strength, muscle tone, muscle gain also muscle endurance followed. I still have a week where I do the 80% of my one rep max, but that was not the focus and I don't believe you're trying to be a powerlifter, so you wouldn't train like one.

    I see people doing power 6-8 sets of power snatches. When they don't need to, there is a low eccentric to this movement, and it really is not meant to gain muscle. Make sure you have a plan.

    Concentrate on squats, deads, and bench. Throw some isolations movements in here and there. Compounds are your friend!

    Of course this is opinion, and really depends on goals.
  • Movemoreguy22
    Movemoreguy22 Posts: 386 Member
    JoshLibby wrote: »
    I don't do any cardio, I get knacked after running up the stairs in me house, I do the stronglift 5x5 thing, getting quite heavy now so that's starting to make me puff out... my bench press is shocking tho can never seem to get anywhere with that

    The program mentioned, (to me) sounds more of a program of a power lifter. I'd also advise finding a program to better suit what your goal is. If it's strength, heavy weight less reps is for you, if it's for building muscle; moderate reps with moderate weight is right for you. This is the 8-12 rep range, and the 12 rep shouldn't feel like the 8 rep. If it does that is how you know when to increase the weight.

    So, find a program more suited to your goal. Discover your 1 rep max, then do 55-75% percent of that weight, with some sets to failure. Getting strong does correlate to size, but for me I found that when I did programs with lower reps higher weight I really only got stronger plus I had more injuries.. So, instead of 80% for 2-4 reps. I switched to 55-75% of my one rep max on bench and had better results in 8-12. Strength, muscle tone, muscle gain also muscle endurance followed. I still have a week where I do the 80% of my one rep max, but that was not the focus and I don't believe you're trying to be a powerlifter, so you wouldn't train like one.

    I see people doing power 6-8 sets of power snatches. When they don't need to, there is a low eccentric to this movement, and it really is not meant to gain muscle. Make sure you have a plan.

    Concentrate on squats, deads, and bench. Throw some isolations movements in here and there. Compounds are your friend!

    Of course this is opinion, and really depends on goals.

  • Movemoreguy22
    Movemoreguy22 Posts: 386 Member
    The only lifts I do is compounds. My workout plan is this..
    (A)Monday is squats,bench press, row
    (B)Wednesday is squats, shoulder press, deadlift and pull ups.
    (A)Friday squats,bench press, row and then the following week is deadlift twice and bench once so it be B,A,B and then so on
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,953 Member
    psulemon wrote: »
    JoshLibby wrote: »
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    Well when working I eat loads but cos weekends I'm at home and doing absolutely nothing obviously I'm not gonna feel hungry cos im not burning any food off but I'm trying to gain weight so I need to eat when not hungry.

    Grab a jar of peanut butter and a spoon. Done. 190 calories in 2 tablespoons, so you can pack in some calories in a hurry. Ice cream, macadamia nuts (almost any nuts, for that matter)...there are plenty of calorie-dense foods you can eat when you just need calories.

    I love eating apples with peanut butter , that way I get some fruit in for micros/fiber, loads of protein,good fats. If you already had the peanut butter measured to a certain table spoon amount, it's a lot easier than putting in on bread because the apples are sweet, and it' makes it so much easier going down. Celery works too.

    Don't forget you can drink your food it doesn't have to be solids. Make some homemade smoothies, or shakes. I have a nutribullet, and blender for this reason if I am behind on meals because of a project or event going on.

    Also, it's good to have meals already prepped.

    Ever try granny smith apples with honey? It's really good... tangy and sweet.

    Other quick ways to get some quick calories, wrap some avocado in some luncheon meat and cheese.

    Ever try granny smith on toast with peanut butter AND honey? It's amazing...
  • Movemoreguy22
    Movemoreguy22 Posts: 386 Member
    U see alot avocado stuff flying about... can't stand the taste of it... tired to like it a few times wasn't happening
  • giantrobot_powerlifting
    giantrobot_powerlifting Posts: 2,598 Member
    edited December 2015
    Weekends are difficult for me to get what I need calorie wise - esp. during a bulk. But what does help is trying to eat as many of calories as I can for breakfast. My breakfast and first mid morning snack I can usually knock off half of my required calories and I eat around 4000 - 4500 a day.

    I've found that plain ole 'almonds are my best friend. A cup (8 oz) will supply me with about 1,000+ calories.

    You can easily eat that. Imagine 4 cups a day, and beer or two. Wash that down with ice cream that is topped off with licorice, a donut, and a hamburger.
  • susanamussen5307
    susanamussen5307 Posts: 12 Member
    So guys eating weekdays are great due to work (manual work) and its making me hungry etc etc but why is it when I'm off work (weekends) I'm not hungry and cant be arsed to make anything and I no that's the problem lying right there.. I'm not saying I don't eat weekends cos I do but I'm not eating no where near enough... how can I change this and is there any tips u guys can give me to change this

    Wish I had a problem with being able to eat... Unfortunately my problem is just the opposite, but I feel your pain, takes me back to my pregnancy days!
  • JoshLibby
    JoshLibby Posts: 214 Member
    U see alot avocado stuff flying about... can't stand the taste of it... tired to like it a few times wasn't happening

    I tried on a steak bomb once, and it ruined my $10.00 sandwich. I dislike it as well.
  • blankiefinder
    blankiefinder Posts: 3,599 Member
    My son adds cytocarb to his protein shakes to add extra calories. He also uses Oh Yeah total mass, and Optimum Nutrition Pro Gainer.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    U see alot avocado stuff flying about... can't stand the taste of it... tired to like it a few times wasn't happening
    no worries friend- it's not a critical path item. People love it- but it's not really the be all end all of calorie things.

    it's okay- it's taken my a long time to work up to avocado- I really don't care for the texture- I like guac at this point- but its' more like 90% salsa and 10% avocado... but it's just really calorie heavy and easy to eat and lots of people like it.
    But you don't have to eat it if you don't like it. No biggie- I tend to reach for ice cream before avacado.

    b/c ice cream is delicious.
  • Movemoreguy22
    Movemoreguy22 Posts: 386 Member
    JoshLibby wrote: »
    U see alot avocado stuff flying about... can't stand the taste of it... tired to like it a few times wasn't happening

    I tried on a steak bomb once, and it ruined my $10.00 sandwich. I dislike it as well.

    Haha I tried it in burgers from like recipes, No go zone on that one aswell
  • Movemoreguy22
    Movemoreguy22 Posts: 386 Member
    My son adds cytocarb to his protein shakes to add extra calories. He also uses Oh Yeah total mass, and Optimum Nutrition Pro Gainer.

    Well I blend oats so it's like a powder and throw it in a shake, cos I can't eat in the mornings but I'm bloody thirsty so I use that method
  • stretch1217
    stretch1217 Posts: 2 Member
    So guys eating weekdays are great due to work (manual work) and its making me hungry etc etc but why is it when I'm off work (weekends) I'm not hungry and cant be arsed to make anything and I no that's the problem lying right there.. I'm not saying I don't eat weekends cos I do but I'm not eating no where near enough... how can I change this and is there any tips u guys can give me to change this

    I have the same problems but it's like I loose the whole appetite or sometimes I be high asl and don't wanna cook nothing
  • Movemoreguy22
    Movemoreguy22 Posts: 386 Member
    So guys eating weekdays are great due to work (manual work) and its making me hungry etc etc but why is it when I'm off work (weekends) I'm not hungry and cant be arsed to make anything and I no that's the problem lying right there.. I'm not saying I don't eat weekends cos I do but I'm not eating no where near enough... how can I change this and is there any tips u guys can give me to change this

    I have the same problems but it's like I loose the whole appetite or sometimes I be high asl and don't wanna cook nothing

    Another problem I have is that it's bloody Xmas and my work is shut down for 2 weeks so big problem in can't be arsed to cook cos I won't be hungry as much
  • elite_nal
    elite_nal Posts: 127 Member
    Well when working I eat loads but cos weekends I'm at home and doing absolutely nothing obviously I'm not gonna feel hungry cos im not burning any food off but I'm trying to gain weight so I need to eat when not hungry.

    I got 3 tips for you...

    1) Try experimenting with different meal layouts and meal frequencies to find the approach that maximizes your appetite. Whether it be 3 large meals, 5 medium sized meals or 7 small meals. Everyone is different and this alone can help quite a bit.

    2) Incorporate a homemade high calorie smoothie or two into your daily diet. Smoothies are a very easy way to consume a large number of healthy calories very quickly and easily, and using these in combination with whole foods will make it far easier to hit your calorie requirements.

    3) Include some highly calorie dense food items in your diet (fatty fish, nuts, dried fruit, fruit juice, dark chocolate, healthy oils, granola bars etc..) and a small amount of "cheat food" as well (this means that if 80-90% of your diet is based around high quality proteins, minimally refined carbs and healthy fats and you’re getting in a couple servings of fruit and veggies each day as well, then the other 10-20% can come from whatever foods you’d like as long as it reasonably fits into your daily macronutrient totals. Following a “flexible” approach to nutrition like this will make your life far more enjoyable day to day and imo, promotes a much healthier relationship with food as well.
  • 883xlsportster
    883xlsportster Posts: 221 Member
    My 2 cents. I didn't eat much. Not that I don't like eating. Just skipping meals and never really being that hungry. Not physically active enough perhaps and ripping darts? After I decided I need to put on 5 or 10 quality pounds I found it very difficult the first week or so. I just went with foods I like the best that had somewhat decent nutritional value plus protein shakes. After the first week it got easier. Once the training catches up it's much easier to eat. I awoke at 6AM this morning with hunger pains. Been a long time since I've had that. Again my path. I'm new at this too and by no means do I have my diet down yet but feel free to look at my food diary to give you a idea.
  • Movemoreguy22
    Movemoreguy22 Posts: 386 Member
    I paid for a nutritionist a while back and what a waste of time that was... basically saying my diet is great and tried to make me buy certain powder stuff but wasn't intrested in that..
    So waste of money cos I knew I was eating good just wanted to no if they could help me put weight on or if I was doing something wrong
    Like i said weekends i struggle with i don't no if it's a lazy can't be arsed attitude or cos Im not active enough... weekend is my lazy days cos I have sciatica from slip discs and got an op on 4th jan but doesn't stop me gymming and working...
    Just can't get passed 10stone haha so frustrating.. but now gymming every other day so see if it gets my hunger going
  • 883xlsportster
    883xlsportster Posts: 221 Member
    Like i said weekends i struggle with i don't no if it's a lazy can't be arsed attitude or cos Im not active enough... weekend is my lazy days cos I have sciatica from slip discs and got an op on 4th jan but doesn't stop me gymming and working...
    Just can't get passed 10stone haha so frustrating.. but now gymming every other day so see if it gets my hunger going

    Well for me the first week or two I just forced myself. Keep in mind we are not talking about a BIG meals. Just 200 or 300 calories every 2 or 3 hours. I set my phone as a reminder. It was easier through the week at work due to daily routine etc. Weekends are a little more challenging but when my phone chimes I make time to eat. Now that I have been training and taking calories in 6 times a day it is getting much easier. I hear you on the injuries. I deal with shoulder pain from a cuff injury 25 years ago. I try to work around it with different moves and work through it.
    Anyways I have put on 2 pounds in 2.5 weeks which I think is a decent, realistic gain for my situation & long term goals.
  • Movemoreguy22
    Movemoreguy22 Posts: 386 Member
    when I'm at work I eat 8am 10am 12.30pm 3pm 5pm 8pm 10pm
    But not working must only eat 3 times.. weekends I can't be arsed to cook so problery better if I buy stuff that's already cooked or preped up for me abit more expensive but problery encourage me to eat