Water fasting to cure ongoing flu?

I've done some research and apparently drinking only water (with the exception of plain tea or lemon water) can help boost your immune system.

I'd just like to know if anyone on here has ever tried doing this, and if he or she has, did it work for you? I'm not doing this to drop weight quickly or anything. I just want this damn flu to go away already. I've had this on and off sickness for the past 3 months now.



  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    NaniCorday wrote: »
    I've done some research and apparently drinking only water (with the exception of plain tea or lemon water) can help boost your immune system.

    I'd just like to know if anyone on here has ever tried doing this, and if he or she has, did it work for you? I'm not doing this to drop weight quickly or anything. I just want this damn flu to go away already. I've had this on and off sickness for the past 3 months now.

    No ... and see a doctor if you've had flu symptoms for three months.
  • wrenak
    wrenak Posts: 144 Member
    NaniCorday wrote: »
    I've done some research and apparently drinking only water (with the exception of plain tea or lemon water) can help boost your immune system.

    I'd just like to know if anyone on here has ever tried doing this, and if he or she has, did it work for you? I'm not doing this to drop weight quickly or anything. I just want this damn flu to go away already. I've had this on and off sickness for the past 3 months now.

    No ... and see a doctor if you've had flu symptoms for three months.

  • NaniCorday
    NaniCorday Posts: 12 Member
    So even attempting to do this for only a week would be a bad idea, eh?
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Where did this 'research' come from?

    Your body needs calories to function in the most basic form. What makes you think depriving your body from it's much needed fuel will help rid you of your cold? Your immune system is a function. It needs calories just as much as your heart needs calories to keep beating. I will say though that staying hydrated is a good idea. But drinking only water (or tea) is a terrible idea.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    NaniCorday wrote: »
    So even attempting to do this for only a week would be a bad idea, eh?

    It will make you even weaker.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    edited December 2015
    NaniCorday wrote: »
    So even attempting to do this for only a week would be a bad idea, eh?

    Drinking nothing but water for a week while dealing with the flu? I'd go out on a limb and say that sounds like a potentially lethal idea.
  • janjunie
    janjunie Posts: 1,200 Member
    NaniCorday wrote: »
    I've done some research and apparently drinking only water (with the exception of plain tea or lemon water) can help boost your immune system.

    What??? This makes absolutely no sense. When your sick is when your body really needs it's macro and micro nutrients the most. Can't get that just from water.
  • NaniCorday
    NaniCorday Posts: 12 Member
    edited December 2015
    Fasting for only a week wouldn't kill me, guys... I've read that it can actually be beneficial for your immune system. I've also read about other people doing it and they actually became much healthier afterwards. It is a thing that people do. If I did go through with it, I would have medical supervision.

    But, thanks for the feedback.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    NaniCorday wrote: »
    Fasting for only a week wouldn't kill me, guys... I've read that it can actually be beneficial for your immune system. I've also read about other people doing it and they actually became much healthier afterwards. It is a thing that people do. If I did go through with it, I would have medical supervision.

    But, thanks for the feedback.

    Need to see some links
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    NaniCorday wrote: »
    Fasting for only a week wouldn't kill me, guys... I've read that it can actually be beneficial for your immune system. I've also read about other people doing it and they actually became much healthier afterwards. It is a thing that people do. If I did go through with it, I would have medical supervision.

    But, thanks for the feedback.

    What sources are you using?
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    NaniCorday wrote: »
    I've done some research and apparently drinking only water (with the exception of plain tea or lemon water) can help boost your immune system.

    I'd just like to know if anyone on here has ever tried doing this, and if he or she has, did it work for you? I'm not doing this to drop weight quickly or anything. I just want this damn flu to go away already. I've had this on and off sickness for the past 3 months now.

    No ... and see a doctor if you've had flu symptoms for three months.


    See a doctor op ! This is a really awful idea
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    NaniCorday wrote: »
    Fasting for only a week wouldn't kill me, guys... I've read that it can actually be beneficial for your immune system. I've also read about other people doing it and they actually became much healthier afterwards. It is a thing that people do. If I did go through with it, I would have medical supervision.

    But, thanks for the feedback.

    Again, where did you find this "research?"
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    NaniCorday wrote: »
    Fasting for only a week wouldn't kill me, guys... I've read that it can actually be beneficial for your immune system. I've also read about other people doing it and they actually became much healthier afterwards. It is a thing that people do. If I did go through with it, I would have medical supervision.

    But, thanks for the feedback.

    An actual medical doctor is going to be supervising while you only drink water for a week while you have the flu?!?!?!
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    No. I don't know where people get this stuff from!?
  • NaniCorday
    NaniCorday Posts: 12 Member


    Here, do what you want with this.
  • janjunie
    janjunie Posts: 1,200 Member
    NaniCorday wrote: »
    Fasting for only a week wouldn't kill me, guys... I've read that it can actually be beneficial for your immune system. I've also read about other people doing it and they actually became much healthier afterwards. It is a thing that people do. If I did go through with it, I would have medical supervision.

    But, thanks for the feedback.

    lol never said it would kill you, but it sure won't make you feel any better. :#
  • cjsgrimlin1
    cjsgrimlin1 Posts: 64 Member
    NaniCorday wrote: »
    I've done some research and apparently drinking only water (with the exception of plain tea or lemon water) can help boost your immune system.

    I'd just like to know if anyone on here has ever tried doing this, and if he or she has, did it work for you? I'm not doing this to drop weight quickly or anything. I just want this damn flu to go away already. I've had this on and off sickness for the past 3 months now.

    Honey from a nurse that deals with people coming in with the flu all the time, go on maintenance, drink water rest and relax. Got to the doctor and get tested for which type and get the correct medications and get better. NO water fasting will NOT help you.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    edited December 2015
    NaniCorday wrote: »

    Here, do what you want with this.

    Nope. Full of bad advice!
  • NaniCorday
    NaniCorday Posts: 12 Member
    An actual medical doctor is going to be supervising while you only drink water for a week while you have the flu?!?!?!

    Yeah, fasting under medical supervision is something people do.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    NaniCorday wrote: »

    Here, do what you want with this.

    Simple source vetting shows that isn't a valid source.
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