Cutting Sugar?



  • pollypocket1021
    pollypocket1021 Posts: 533 Member
    Unfortunately, MFP doesn't delineate between the different types of sugar.

    In all fairness, your body doesn't either.
  • Djhuben
    Djhuben Posts: 1 Member
    There are several methods for limiting sugar in your diet and doing it reasonably healthily. First, don't eat as many processed foods. There are many other direct substitutes for candy, soda's, etc. like fruits, but also nuts, and raw veggies. Take note that some people handle sugar injestion differently than others so you'll have to listen to some of the advice here. My issue with sugar is that I tend to be very responsive to sugar through glucose levels. My wife isn't as much. We have been tested and her DNA is just different. What happens to her is that after a sugar spike her body meters in insulin where mine dumps it. I tend to get snacky, sometimes uncontrollably. I find myself avoiding fruits other htant apples and oranges these days (and juice just because it's a calorie bomb) in favor of tuna fish and nuts. I can maintain a fairly stable mood / metabolizm this way. If you exceed your sugar goals by eating fruits, then look to cut fruit for other items.

    Now if I just wean back the alcohol a litlle. Talk about colorie bomb