1200 Calorie Minimum?



  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,862 Member
    I think you (Nicole) and Brian are both saying you lose weight if you eat less, but your body will burn muscle, which isn't healthy. ItstimeRK said that if you eat below 1200 calories you go into "starvation mode" and your metabolism slows and you stop losing weight.

    I've never had that happen to me. The less I eat the more I lose below 1200 calories. When I've tried 1000 or 1100, though, I'm so hungry I sneak food, am miserable, and always gain the weight back. When I upped the calories to 1200 the weight loss wasn't more really, it was just a whole bunch less painful and more fun. It doesn't seem like the battle of the pound is so tolling or difficult now.
  • Expatmommy79
    Expatmommy79 Posts: 940 Member
    itstimeRK wrote: »
    If you eat below 1200 calories and go below the starving threashold, your thyroid hormones drop and weight loss will slow. Your body thinks that food is scarce and will hold onto fat and try to burn less energy so that you don't starve to death as quickly.

    Ummm .... no.


    Your body needs a sufficient amount of calories for fuel and a balance of nutrients, healthy fats, etc to keep hormone levels stable. Your body absolutely is designed to store its resources if you aren't providing your cells with enough of what they need (from food) to burn, and therefore process for the health and actual physical content of your body. Without the appropriate balance you may experience low blood sugar levels, process insulin inefficiently and store excess glycogen. Without a calorie source for energy your body may also resort to burning your muscle. This is bad.

    OP glad you had the realization you had. It's a common one and usually surprises whoever goes through it! Keep on keeping on!

    If that were true, the contestants on survivor would get fat... Ethiopia would have no starving children, and My sister who lost 80 lbs eating 800 cal/day (totally unhealthy but she did) would be the size of a house.

    "Starvation mode" isn't a thing.

    Notice I didn't use the term "starvation mode" but I referred to some very real physiological factors and loosely explained the process related to blood sugar and glycogen. Examples of using an extreme calorie deficit *having worked* doesn't negate the point. You've seen it work, I've witnessed time and time again when someone raises their calorie intake slightly and suddenly progress is being made again.

    Did she reach her final goals? Is she still maintaining an 800 calorie diet? Did she keep the weight off?

    Also, an extreme calorie deficit vs nearly no food and nutrition are very different. One is literally starvation and the other is being stupid and risky in an attempt to obtain quick results.

    She has maintained for over 6 years....

    There is no magical starvation switch that gets activated from 1200 to 1100 calories...

    You can explain all you want, but beyond it being difficult to accomplish mentally, and being unsustainable for most, less than 1200 will not cause your body to hold onto fat reserves therefor halting your weight loss or causing you to gain.

  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    Umm not sure how 100 extra calories helps keeping you feeling fuller.....but glad you're having success.

    When I was in losing phase I ate 1400 cals plus exercise cals to lose 1/2 lb a week, but for me slower and steady was better than being hangry all the time....

    Each to their own...
  • Expatmommy79
    Expatmommy79 Posts: 940 Member
    Umm not sure how 100 extra calories helps keeping you feeling fuller.....but glad you're having success.

    When I was in losing phase I ate 1400 cals plus exercise cals to lose 1/2 lb a week, but for me slower and steady was better than being hangry all the time....

    Each to their own...

    I was replying to pp's starvation mode quackery... The body does not have a magic fat-loss vs starvation mode switch that magically gets activated at 1199, but not at 1200.