Halfway to goal, feeling complacent all the sudden.

ACK - so I am halfway to goal - have lost between 36 and 43 lbs. I keep catching myself feeling like this is "good enough". I mean, I'm wearing clothes I haven't worn in years, having a good time, and feeling more energetic than I have in years. I am in limbo here - I should be feeling fired up to tackle the next half of this weight, but I really haven't felt the "fire" of enthusiasm like I had in the beginning. The losses have slowed down a lot - that doesn't help. And I dunno - I guess I just feel complacent. Not quite content... but something like that. How do I get my fire back to continue?


  • merrillfoster
    merrillfoster Posts: 855 Member
    I'm in the same boat. bump!
  • mallorybriann
    mallorybriann Posts: 1,380 Member
    I have felt the same way, I maybe lose 1 pound a week and yes it gets very frustrating. I feel like I have been this weight forever.
    I just try and remember where I came from and where I want to go.
    If you feel good at this stage, just image how amazing you'll feel when you lose the other half!
    That's what drives me to continue, is knowing where I want to be. Yes, I am happy ish with where I am, but I am not giving up!!
    You can do it, just keep your end goal in mind!!
  • TakuraHunt
    TakuraHunt Posts: 208
    Try telling yourself that if you stop now you are selling yourself short... Almost doesn't count!!!
  • WifeMomDVM
    WifeMomDVM Posts: 1,025 Member
    I find it helpful to keep reading and educating myself... then I want to continue to do stuff that's good for my long term health - the weight loss is an added bonus!

    I've really enjoyed Dr. Mehmet Oz's "YOU: On a Diet"

    And I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to read ON Fitness Magazine - full of great articles that will motivate you. Once I understand the why, I'm more apt to stick with the How.

    Hope this helps.
  • rider72
    rider72 Posts: 119
    First of all...congrats on the achievement! Thats great!

    Motivation...plateaus are always a challenge....Try changing up your routine? Set a series of mini goals and milestones to make the rest of the journey seem easier. Probably stuff you have already done, but thats the first place to start!

    Look at before and after pics of yourself (if you havent taken any current ones..you should). Look at where you were, where you are, and imagine where you want to be...

    Then think about what you need to get there...more exercise? different exercise? increased intensity? different food?

    Only you can ultimately motivate you...ask your self this "are you really where you want to be? Or are you just tired?". If you are tired, take a week off and go hiking, gardening, whatever it takes to stay active. Then jump back into your exercises and stay focused on eating well.

    Given the goal you have already achieved, there's no reason why you can't keep going with great success...and when you hit the next 10 lbs milestone, you'll take a look at the photos you took today and say "Oh yea....worth it...."
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    I believe this is just one of the growing pains we all experience. This is the time when you have to just put it in 5th gear. In the beginning its always exciting. Thats with anything. But when you have to fight through it...by really kicking butt thats when you truely appreciate this journey. When you get over this hurdle you will be so proud of your accomplishment. So stop talking yourself out of reaching your goal and talk yourself into seeing your journey through to the end.
  • broadsword7
    broadsword7 Posts: 411 Member
    The weight loss is slowing for me too, and the all-too-evil waistline measurement has not budged in weeks. I look in the mirror and I can still plainly see the fat stores that took me years to build up are still there, 29 pounds of it, waiting to be lost. The first 38 pounds was a piece of cake compared to what lies ahead for me. Now the real tough part begins. I view this as an adventure. Even more than that, it is a fight. When I start feeling complacent, I will go out and run some miles. Somewhere along the way, I will remember why I am on the journey, and that complacent feeling will go away. We do this for us; we owe it to ourselves to make it happen. I know it sounds cliche, but the journey is really and truly its own reward. Keep fighting the good fight, and give it your best shot!
  • suzooz
    suzooz Posts: 720 Member
    I know what you mean -- I was just thinking the same thing tonight. I am right now at the halfway point, and had to buy new clothes since my old ones no longer fit. I went ahead and bought new, since it took me 30 pounds to drop a size -- I have a feeling I am going to be here a while, so I did a little bargain hunting last weekend.

    I'm trying to balance the success of getting this far and being happy with myself with the challenge of losing the remaining 25 pounds, knowing full well that it will be much harder than the 1st half.

    How about we help each other through this?
  • powdermnky
    powdermnky Posts: 11 Member
    I soooo relate to you post! I lost 93 pounds over 10 years ago but I have gradually put 80 of those pounds back on. I remember I was unstoppable until I got into a size 16 and I hit a "plateau". Looking back, my body was changing, people were reacting to me differently, and honestly it scared the hell out of me! It was as though I was scared to lose more weight. I stayed at the same weight for about a month until I finally realized that I deserved to be thin and fit just like everyone else. Once I realized it was fear that was holding me back, I was able to continue on my journey and eventually hit my goal.

    Just my experience and we all have different journey's. You are having amazing success and I commend you on the progress you have made up until this point! You've worked too hard to turn back!
  • SolidGoaled
    SolidGoaled Posts: 504 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement, guys! It does not help that I pulled a hamstring this weekend and am now out of commission from my beloved running for who knows how long??!!

    I am going to have to focus on diet for awhile which will swtich things up for me - up until this injury, I was slacking a bit on the diet thing because of the intense cardio I was able to do every day.