At Home workouts

I've been currently working out at home for the past two months with a total weight loss of 15 lbs but its up and down..I would love to go to the gym for way more options but I can't afford it and I'm a stay at home mom.. I workout 5 days a week 60 mins each day and currently on 2100 calories a day workout includes a sculpt and burn DVD and I mix in squats,planks,burpees,jumping jacks,pushups, and I just started lifting 25lbs dumbbells.. I've tried switching up my routines but I know after a while the body will get accustomed to the same workouts.. I would love to have more options for workouts at home that will help burn more calories.. Any suggestions?? Please and thanks!


  • desiresdestiny
    desiresdestiny Posts: 175 Member
    I started working out from home since October. Check out fitness blender on you tube
  • laquandawatson
    laquandawatson Posts: 4 Member
    OK..I will do! Thanks so much!
  • strong_curves
    strong_curves Posts: 2,229 Member
    Fitness Blender & Millionaire Hoy are my 2 youtube favorites.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    Take your kids to the park or for walks with you?
  • prettysoul1908
    prettysoul1908 Posts: 200 Member
    I'm a huge fan of an app called workout trainer. And I second the youtube videos.

    What are your goals?
  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    I work out at home. I do a combination of running (either outside or treadmill), strength training (I use the "You are your own gym" program & associated app) and yoga (youtube videos).

    When we buy a house (should be in the next year), we have plans to purchase our own weight training equipment.
  • prettysoul1908
    prettysoul1908 Posts: 200 Member
    I work out at home. I do a combination of running (either outside or treadmill), strength training (I use the "You are your own gym" program & associated app) and yoga (youtube videos).

    When we buy a house (should be in the next year), we have plans to purchase our own weight training equipment.

    Hi! What's the program "You are your own gym"? I've seen it mentioned a few other times on here
  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    I work out at home. I do a combination of running (either outside or treadmill), strength training (I use the "You are your own gym" program & associated app) and yoga (youtube videos).

    When we buy a house (should be in the next year), we have plans to purchase our own weight training equipment.

    Hi! What's the program "You are your own gym"? I've seen it mentioned a few other times on here

    It's a bodyweight program (think push ups, pull ups, bodyweight squats, etc). It has different levels and the movements get harder with the different levels. It's great for beginners to strength training who don't have access to weights.

    There's an app called "bodyweight trainer" or something like that (I would google it before you buy). It's a paid app ($2.99 when I bought it), but it's well worth the investment. They walk you through the workouts with demo videos and you record the reps that you perform.
  • questionfear
    questionfear Posts: 527 Member
    You Are Your Own Gym rocks. I'm on the second level and it's making a huge difference for me. The app is $3.99 I believe, and you can probably track down the book from your library (I read it from the library and now just use the app).