All i want for Christmas is..........................



  • mom3over40
    mom3over40 Posts: 253 Member
    1. HRM watch that you can run and swim with
    2. Pull up bar
    3. Better running clothes for winter

    1. Get a top 3 medal for my age group in a 5k race
    2. Being able to do a few full pull-ups
    3. This year's tempo pace become next year's conversational pace?
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
  • vaguelyvegan
    vaguelyvegan Posts: 45 Member
    Santa! I would like a treadmill, a pair of adjustable dumbbells, and a TRX.

    My only goal for 2016 is to be working out just as consistently at the end of the year as I will be at the beginning.
  • shabaity
    shabaity Posts: 792 Member
    A new bjj gi (I plan to start competing in spring) and for someone to dig the recumbent bike outta the shed so I have an option for cardio when it rains.
  • uwouldluvme2
    uwouldluvme2 Posts: 188 Member
    A black card...or a sugar daddy! I'd make a great sugar daughter lol
  • tcthept1
    tcthept1 Posts: 154 Member
    A black card...or a sugar daddy! I'd make a great sugar daughter lol

    Ok, the black card is lost in translation. whats a black card? Rather thick brit here lol
  • uwouldluvme2
    uwouldluvme2 Posts: 188 Member
    tcthept1 wrote: »
    A black card...or a sugar daddy! I'd make a great sugar daughter lol

    Ok, the black card is lost in translation. whats a black card? Rather thick brit here lol

    Ha! It's a credit card with no limit :D most entertainers and celebrities get them.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    A home gym outfitted with enough plates to accommodate my 5X5s and hubby's lifts.

    An unassisted bodyweight pull-up!

    And...hmmm, how about enough time in the week to reincorporate a couple yoga classes.
  • tcthept1
    tcthept1 Posts: 154 Member
    tcthept1 wrote: »
    A black card...or a sugar daddy! I'd make a great sugar daughter lol

    Ok, the black card is lost in translation. whats a black card? Rather thick brit here lol
    I'm American and I was lost too, lol

  • uwouldluvme2
    uwouldluvme2 Posts: 188 Member
    tcthept1 wrote: »
    A black card...or a sugar daddy! I'd make a great sugar daughter lol

    Ok, the black card is lost in translation. whats a black card? Rather thick brit here lol
    I'm American and I was lost too, lol

    Ha! The American Express black card? Maybe I follow too many celebrities lol sorry!
  • DizzyMissIzzy
    DizzyMissIzzy Posts: 168 Member
    More workout clothes!!!! :smiley:
    And maybe a home elliptical.
    And freeweights.

    Drop down to 20% body fat and be lean and fierceeeeee!!!
  • tcthept1
    tcthept1 Posts: 154 Member
    absolutely loving these answers, keep em coming people !!
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    This is Santa, so I can ask anything, right? A big indoors heating pool would be lovely. See, I am not greedy, just one gift :) Oh, and I would need a much bigger house to fit the pool in, but this is not really a second gift, it is only so I can have the pool...
    But, I suspect that Santa will not really bring this, same as he will refuse to bring my kids the approximately 1000 euros worth legos and real light sabers they would like to get each.

    So, to limit my wishes to something more likely to come true, a fitness ball would be nice. A TRX would be even nicer, but I suspect it is definitely over Santa's budget for this year.

    As for goals, being able to get back to running this spring would be nice, after taking one year off. Or finally being able to do a handstand (more of a mental block there at the moment).
  • McCloud33
    McCloud33 Posts: 959 Member
    a faster metabolism
    and a training partner...

    225lb bench press for 5+ reps at a BW of less than 180lbs
    Run a Spartan Beast with my brother
    sub 19min 5k

  • ltworide
    ltworide Posts: 342 Member
    1. Fractional weight plates.
    2. A gift card to workout with the PT I had. I learned so much from him, really missing the sessions & his knowledge.
    3. Kettlebells 2 x 16 kg.

    Personal goals:
    1. Earn Krav Maga belts.
    2. Do 1 arm push-ups/handstand push-ups
    3. Do 5 weighted shoulder width pull-ups.
  • wilsoncl6
    wilsoncl6 Posts: 1,280 Member
    A lifetime supply of my protein powder
    A Manta shoulder holster for when I do heavy back squats
    A paid subscription to all ITunes radio channels so I can get psyched for my lifts

    Personal Goals:
    Dropping down to 10% BF by the end of March
    Gaining an additional 1-2 lbs of muscle, preferably in my shoulders and quads
    Finally getting a 6 pack instead of a four pack
  • chey282
    chey282 Posts: 96 Member
    edited December 2015
    A cybex arc, my own personal heated pool and weight room! Not asking for much! Would need a larger house for all that to fit! Or just plastic surgery to remove all this excess skin!!!
    Goals for 2016: lose this last 50 lbs and get to about 15% bf.
  • ljk0615
    ljk0615 Posts: 160 Member
    I want some lululemon leggings from Santa bc apparently they are the best in the whole wide world but I'm not paying $90 for one pair of workout pants. I also would like a set of bands. And idk, my gym membership paid for a year would be nice.

    Some fitness goals:
    I really want to increase strength, I really want to be able to do a pull up, or a chin up. I would love to bring my squat and deadlift to the next level.
  • Vixyb_
    Vixyb_ Posts: 142 Member
    A PT lesson on what the heck I should be doing with weights. I'm clueless!!
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    1. Fractional plates so I can try and improve my bench press without being so hung up on it being a big increase to the next weight up.
    2. 12KG kettlebells
    3. A regular appointment with a sports masseuse as my shoulders are so tense!
    4. To be able to do an unassisted pull-up.
