What's one *small* way your significant other offers support?



  • Shells918
    Shells918 Posts: 1,070 Member
    My husband will hug/touch me and tell me he can feel more muscle. He is always willing to take me shopping for new smaller clothes AND he tells me he's proud of me for working so hard.
  • BarbaraRoseB
    BarbaraRoseB Posts: 9 Member
    My husband gets up every morning, grinds fresh coffee beans, brews the coffee, brings it to me in bed, kisses me awake, and tells me I am a living goddess. He has been doing this for 26 1/2 years. He tells me I am beautiful all day, every day, and is so totally positive and encouraging. He is my soulmate, my rock, my best friend, my lover, and my inspiration. I know that losing weight won't make him love me more or find me more desirable, but he knows that I will feel so much better about myself and that losing weight will improve my health and wellbeing. There is not a moment of the day that I am not grateful to have this incredible man in my life.
  • shrcpr
    shrcpr Posts: 885 Member
    When bringing home goodies, like ice cream or cookies, he always get them with nuts because I hate nuts in my food and won't even be tempted!
  • jenathp
    jenathp Posts: 92 Member
    My fiance comments on me getting smaller, he eats tons of sweets but now eats them in the car on the way to or from work and hides the candy wrappers so I don't get jealous, he asks me if I've gotten my steps in for the day and if not will offer to go on a walk around the block...He is a large diesel engine mechanic and works on big rigs all day long so he's super tired when he gets home, so knowing that he's still willing to walk with me after his long day is a really sweet gesture. :)
  • bri170lb
    bri170lb Posts: 1,375 Member
    edited December 2015

    My husband and I have been together for 34 years. The anniversary of the first time he kissed me is this Saturday.

    I have always been overweight and he has always loved me unconditionally. Sometimes I think I must have gotten the only good husband in the world because you usually only hear about the bad stuff. It's nice to know that he is part of a worldwide team of good spouses!
  • bri170lb
    bri170lb Posts: 1,375 Member
    Oh! He ASKS FIRST before he puts my little victories on face book. He's so proud of my accomplishments that he wants to blab everything, but some things are just too personal to share with everyone!

    Like the first time I saw a little peek of daylight between my thighs when my feet were together! That never happened before!
  • bri170lb
    bri170lb Posts: 1,375 Member
    Oops! I guess everyone knows now! :blush:
  • FitStrongHealthy
    FitStrongHealthy Posts: 220 Member
    My hubby turns on the space heater in my workout room 10-15 mins before I get home so it's warm in there during my workout. And when we go places he always parks way in the back so I can get a little mini workout in while we grocery shop or go out on date night.
  • distinctlybeautiful
    distinctlybeautiful Posts: 1,041 Member
    shrcpr wrote: »
    When bringing home goodies, like ice cream or cookies, he always get them with nuts because I hate nuts in my food and won't even be tempted!

    That's so sweet!
  • Mindykinzkirby
    Mindykinzkirby Posts: 10 Member
    All of these stories made me smile :) My hubinator encourages me when the scale doesn't move. He tells me that he can see the weight loss in my face, or my clothes and tells me not to give up! He knows my struggle with Bipolar Depression. I am so grateful for this man! 11 years married to the Greatest man in the world!! I can't wait to be the wife that he deserves!
  • MindyBruno
    MindyBruno Posts: 535 Member
    When my husband cooks he leaves the cans, bags etc out so I can scan to see a serving size. Sometimes he has started to weigh food for me. Last week was my son's Christmas concert at school. He had to be there 45 minutes early. I said I was going to walk around the school parking lot to get my steps in and he said he would walk with me. The further I get in my journey the more encouraging he is. I think in the beginning he was thinking I wouldn't stick with it so he really just didn't do much. Now that I have lost 45.6 pounds he realizes that I am doing this although he isn't really happy that I keep having to buy new clothes! He even stored my old big clothes in the attic because I told him I am afraid to get rid of them in case I fail and gain my weight back.
  • MindyBruno
    MindyBruno Posts: 535 Member
    All of these stories made me smile :) My hubinator encourages me when the scale doesn't move. He tells me that he can see the weight loss in my face, or my clothes and tells me not to give up! He knows my struggle with Bipolar Depression. I am so grateful for this man! 11 years married to the Greatest man in the world!! I can't wait to be the wife that he deserves!

    Nice to see another Mindy on here!
  • Linzon
    Linzon Posts: 294 Member
    My husband will pick me up and carry me around the house when I'm feeling meh about my weight loss, definitely something he couldn't do before!
  • TuffChixRule
    TuffChixRule Posts: 190 Member
    My fiance will ask me if I ate all my food for the day because he knows how stressed and frustrated I get if I don't eat enough. He also said I eat like a bird and that I am perfect just the way I am, even though I want to lose about 20 more pounds. Love that man so much!
  • pondee629
    pondee629 Posts: 2,469 Member
    If appears that we men aren't very observant of OUR significant other's support OR you ladies aren't that supportive. All comments but 1, (now 2) are about supportive men. My wife likes the new shape of her hubby and expresses that often. ;-) She worries that I'll get too thin, but that would be more of a reaction to my sometimes obsessive/compulsive nature. Hasn't happened and probably won't.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    edited December 2015
    So, so many things. He's amazing. He's so very supportive. He eats what I eat, and never complains that I'm so careful.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    she let's me have a couple of evenings in the gym after work even though she'd rather I be home helping with the kids.
  • RoseTheWarrior
    RoseTheWarrior Posts: 2,035 Member
    On Sept 1/15 when I decided enough was enough, my hubby got right on board with meal planning, finding healthy recipes, giving up 99% of red meat, and he does the grocery shopping early Sunday mornings so I can do the prep. He has encouraged me 100%. I started going to a gym, but he hasn't (I have a desk job, he has a physical job). Yet he's also lost over 25 lbs, just from eating the same things as me. It was pretty essential to me for him to be on board, because he does most of the cooking. Before Sept 1st, dinners consisted of heavy fat, salt - pretty much everything came out of a bag or box or was pre-made by Costco, or we went out to eat. Now everything is fresh, healthy, and we've been out for dinner only 2 times since Sept 1st!!

    He also lifts my spirits when I go through those tough "the scale isn't moving!!!" times.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,472 Member
    HE bought me a hot tub and sauna for my achey bones even though he hates both and does not go in either.
  • LuckyAndi
    LuckyAndi Posts: 203 Member
    Besides telling me I'm beautiful and sexy every day and listening to me go on and on and on about food and calories and weight (which I do a LOT), he will dance in the kitchen with me while dinner is cooking to help me get some more steps in and burn a few more calories. Every time I hit a new low on the scale I get a big high-five, a "wooohoooo!", and he joins in my happy dance.