Starting over

agter being discouraged I have decided if it will be its up to me! I'm determined to love me again and that's by whatever means necessary. Need encouragement to start this journey over and be willing to keep pushing.


  • Lazy_Weight
    Lazy_Weight Posts: 4 Member
    Don't be discouraged, even when you have setbacks because if you'd never started the weight loss journey then you couldn't have a setback, so even a setback is progress. If that makes any sense. I like your will though. You can do this! :)
  • iotterbeinbed
    iotterbeinbed Posts: 76 Member
    Everyone has setbacks - you just have to choose to keep moving forward, even if you're discouraged and on your 50th "starting over". Gradually your life will change in positive ways! None of it is a quick fix. You show great motivation! Friend me if you want!
  • aussie_pete
    aussie_pete Posts: 28 Member
    Forge ahead!
  • KReed1st
    KReed1st Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks everyone.... Been making some eating changes and trying to walk more a little at a time. Not brave enough to get back on the scale but I will next week.
  • Jacci1214
    Jacci1214 Posts: 7 Member
    I like the quote " it does not matter how many times you fall, just keep getting up !
  • Memorableheart
    Memorableheart Posts: 69 Member
    You got this!!!!! I had to start over myself. 2014 I lost 80 pounds. 2015 I gained 40 pounds of it back. Now back on track and weight is coming down again. Walking is good!