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I hate running

I am here because I want to test for my second degree black belt in Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) in July 2012. I have to be able to do a full day of testing, followed by several hours of conditioning that includes pushups, situps, a 2-mile run, and other "fun" stuff. I have a heart condition that is set off by pushing too hard, so I have to make my gains slowly.

I love training, so that's not my problem. But I HATE running! Right now I can barely make it 1/4 of a mile at a pathetic plod and I need to be able to do 2 miles in 16 minutes. I would love any motivational tips or running suggestions! I've got my treadmill staked out in front of the tv and have at least started walking a mile before I am allowed to sit down.

I packed on an extra 10 pounds from prescribed steroids for an illness recently and haven't been able to lose them. I know running will be much easier if I can drop those (and the 10 I had put on all by myself without medication). What's a girl to do to make running tolerable (and maybe even fun!) ????


  • JoyCarter
    JoyCarter Posts: 37
    gurlllll! I hate running too. You should try the elliptical...it works your legs just as well.
  • mnsmith83
    mnsmith83 Posts: 128
    *disclaimer* I don't think I can DRIVE 2 miles in 16 minutes, but just a few thoughts that came to mind:

    MUSIC! Make a silly, fast paced, 16 minute play list, and reserve it JUST for running.
    Make sure you have good running shoes
    Put a motivational picture on top of the treadmill, so you see that instead of stressing over how far/fast/long you're going. Like a pic of the second degree black belt

    Ok, that's all I've got! Good luck!
  • TheMrsBee
    TheMrsBee Posts: 226 Member
    i hate running to but i have been doing C25K (Couch to 5K) look it up, it's really good and very motivational and it helps you start running at a slow pace and builds your endurance up. I am about to start W4D1 tonight and i am at the level now of running 5 minutes non stop. It's a 9 week program and you do alternate jogging/running/walking. look it up and give it a try!

    Good Luck xx
  • elijackson
    elijackson Posts: 48
    HA HA HA haaaaa ha ha haaaaaa -
    I'm with you on the driving thing.

    Great suggestions! When I run at the track, I do listen to music, but you're right that I should make a special playlist with upbeat songs that will keep me going. Thanks!!
  • maganieto
    maganieto Posts: 7
    I used to hate running too! of course because I could not run from one tree to the next, but I have to say it does get easier. Try not 2 get discouraged or down on ur self . Do what u can but just make sure u do it & I promise it will get easier but u have got 2 get out there & do it! Wear good running shoes & drink alot of water! Keep pushing foward & Good Luck!
  • wendyco
    wendyco Posts: 122 Member
    c25k plan works amazing...i could barely do the beginning intervals now im on week 7 and doing really well! I used to do 8 min miles for warm up bk in track and they are no easy task!! I'd say to try this 10 week program at ur OWN PACE!! I started slow jog/walk but i heard ppl who have done slow jog/fast jog or jog/run for the intervals to increase their speed!! u can download apps to ur phone that have the timers run in the background so u know when each interval begins or ends! if u need help message me!! I think this is an awesome program to start and build up running....eventually u can do this interval training in a track and instead on focusing on ur time (how long u can hold that fast/slow pace for) focus on getting the milage done in the minutes required (that is once u build up u can start doing the quarter mile and try to get it in two minutes) here is a link for it that may explain it better! lol


    for android (my phone) I use runkeeper (great for tracking but its better on iphone) and exertime app (simple timer that has the interval timers saved so u can just load the week/day u need and go form there. There is also the main program c25k lite but i didnt like that one i use exetime instead and run my music in the background!

    for iphone there is runkeeper version too and if they dont have exertime they have a better (or so i heard) c25k app than the lite one for android :) hope this helps!!

    Also i did this 5 times a week not three....for the weeks where each day is different i did two of day 1 and day 2 and once day 3.
  • elijackson
    elijackson Posts: 48
    i hate running to but i have been doing C25K (Couch to 5K) look it up, it's really good and very motivational and it helps you start running at a slow pace and builds your endurance up. I am about to start W4D1 tonight and i am at the level now of running 5 minutes non stop. It's a 9 week program and you do alternate jogging/running/walking. look it up and give it a try!

    Good Luck xx

    This program looks FANTASTIC! Thanks for sharing. I'm going to give this a shot. A preset program will definitely make me more likely to do the workouts.
  • smkey
    smkey Posts: 121 Member
    I loath running, but have essentially forced myself to do it. C25K works good, but the moral of the story is if you improve your cardiovascular fitness and improve strength, you'll get there. I mostly bike, but through some treadmill time in there as well as elliptical.
    You're right about the weight loss helping too. But it will all come. Just be consistent, keep at it and you will succeed. Also, an exercise partner never hurts. 2 months ago my friend and I said we would go and do a 5k. We did it last weekend. I didn't run all of it, but I ran more than I ever thought possible and by training together and holding each other accountable - we ran most of a 5k at mountain altitude.
    Your health issues only add a challenge. Whatever you do, take it easy; listen to your body; but don't let challenges beat you! You can do it!
  • elijackson
    elijackson Posts: 48
    for android (my phone) I use runkeeper (great for tracking but its better on iphone) and exertime app (simple timer that has the interval timers saved so u can just load the week/day u need and go form there. There is also the main program c25k lite but i didnt like that one i use exetime instead and run my music in the background!

    Also i did this 5 times a week not three....for the weeks where each day is different i did two of day 1 and day 2 and once day 3.

    I just got a droid so I'm going to get exertime right now! You are all so awesome for sharing. I (almost) feel like getting up and running right now =)
  • pogatam17
    pogatam17 Posts: 1 Member
    I was never much of a runner myself until after my first year of college and the unwanted weight gain. You sound athletic already, so that will help with the process. I was able to build myself up slowly. First, just try walking at 4 mph on your treadmill for 40 minutes. You'll begin to build endurance, and I know it seems silly since you're already athletic, but I think your body really responds (and appreciates) this foundation. Then, add some short bursts of running, or try some of the programs on your treadmill. You can start to challenge yourself with longer bursts of running or faster bursts of running, or both, to keep yourself interested. Then, build up to solid running a mile, then two, then three, and so on, all the while gradually increasing your pace.

    But keep in mind, running inside and running outside are very different. Once you feel pretty comfortable on the treadmill, building up to at least 5 mph for a full mile, try going outside and do a mile. I use the Nike+ Ipod outside (and inside) because it tracks all of my runs, gives me pace, time, distance, and calorie information for each, and can be accessed time and again online. They have a great online community with challenges and helpful tips.

    Besides all of the above, the best motivation for me is music. Find something energizing and it can take your miles! Good Luck!
  • elijackson
    elijackson Posts: 48
    But keep in mind, running inside and running outside are very different.

    SO true! I had to run 1 mile for my first degree test last summer. I had planned on building from where I was, but then I got knocked out by illness for over 4 months and am basically starting from square 1 (only this time with an extra 10 lbs to go). But running on the treadmill was very different than doing it at the track. I also noticed a big difference between the outdoor 1/4 mile track and the indoor 1/10 mile track. My best times ever were on the indoor track and my slowest were on the outdoor one with the treadmill somewhere in between usually. I think the smaller track was easier to manage mentally - I was always making progress!
  • Eviesmum
    Eviesmum Posts: 270 Member
    Another advocate for the C25k here. The podcasts are brilliant as the music changes tempo with the run/walk elements of it. You'd probably be able to skip a few weeks as well due to your fitness now.