
Hi! My name is Angela. 4 years ago I was running 13.1's but then my knee started giving me problems. I had knee surgery in November and will be cleared to start running in a month. I since have gained about 30 lbs that I had lost, so now I need to lose around 70-80lbs to meet my goal. Would love to have encouragement and make friends :)


  • kristinaTuckett
    kristinaTuckett Posts: 17 Member
    Hey Angela, I'm on the same boat. I use to be so fit and run a lot, but started gaining weight like crazy after my miscarriage. Now I need to loose about 60- 80 lb too. I've been doing very good with MFP so far. Taking it slowly because every time I diet and work out a lot ,I get overwhelmed and quit. This time I've been eating 1300 to 1600 calories and I'm seeing results and feeling better. Not starving. I'm going to weight in on the 1st so crossing my fingers. We can motivate each other for sure. We got this.
  • angeleumana
    angeleumana Posts: 2 Member
    Awesome! We can do this!
  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    I had to stop running due to an ankle break, surgery and long recovery. I've been back running 5 months and feel like myself again. Feel free to add me!
  • Rdsgoal16
    Rdsgoal16 Posts: 302 Member
    Plantar fascia after my last marathon in 2002, eating like I was still training helped me blow up to this weight. I so miss the mistress I call the road.....still searching for more runners high. You and I can both do this!
  • ima58er
    ima58er Posts: 37 Member
    It's all diet. Zero in on calories. Normal breakfast and dinner light lunch. No double potions or snacks. Good luck.
  • magicsd
    magicsd Posts: 99 Member
    Feel free to add me too :)
  • cme4bb
    cme4bb Posts: 16 Member
    Have had 3 c-sections and 2 other surgeries. Looking at a full hysterectomy before too long. Because of my endo issues I've gained a lot of weight. My goal is 60-80 as well!!! We can do it!! One day at a time, one pound at a time!!!