Calorie deficit and weight loss

Does anyone know how this calorie deficit thing works...I'm a 5'7 240 lb female and I try and work out 5-6 times a week...I've had the hardest time trying to figure out my macros and calories...mfp says I should eat about 1400 calories but I'm not losing any weight..this is really starting to stress me out! Can someone help please


  • sandsofarabia
    sandsofarabia Posts: 95 Member
    Just keep at it. Trust me, within a month you will see results. Don't weigh yourself daily. I know some people recommend it but I think either weekly or every other week is appropriate because then the trend is usually always downwards, never really up.

    Drink lots of water and try to keep your carbs/protein/fats in the right balance. Do your best to avoid unhealthy foods but I've learned that you can still get away with losing weight with fast food that lies within the right calorie range.

    Prelogging your food helps you with not binge eating or accidentally eating over your daily goal. That way, you have a plan and it keeps you from thinking all day about food and what you'll need to make/eat.

    As a full-time student with med school apps and senior projects, I never have the time to really work out. It's not recommended to not work out but it is possible. Or just being active as little as 3 days a week for 30 minutes is even enough. And the days you do work out, you can add those calories into your daily diet.

    Just because you aren't seeing results does not mean it doesn't work. Honestly, roll with it for a month. If you don't see any weight drop, then start asking questions. If you do see weight drop, then that should show that it will work. It may seem like it will take forever but in all honesty, time flies by really fast and next thing you know, its already the end of winter or the beginning of spring and if you don't get started today, you'll look back and think "wow I could have been XXX amount of weight at this point if I had just kept it up".
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    Does anyone know how this calorie deficit thing works...I'm a 5'7 240 lb female and I try and work out 5-6 times a week...I've had the hardest time trying to figure out my macros and calories...mfp says I should eat about 1400 calories but I'm not losing any weight..this is really starting to stress me out! Can someone help please

    Are you using a food scale to weight any solid foods and measuring cup for liquids? Are you entering workouts here and eating back the calories burned? How long since you started where you are not seeing any losses?

    These may sound like strange questions, but the answers will help point out some of the most common things that can stall someone's progress.
  • dasiajones165
    dasiajones165 Posts: 12 Member
    Thank you this info really helps... I have a problem with starting and then stopping bc the results are soooo slow but I'm gonna stay focused and stick with it!
  • Are you weighing your food for accurate measurements? I ask because I too am 5'7 and currently weigh around 200lbs and eat 1300. Even 1300 is a bit on the low side for me so if you are truly eating 1400 you should start seeing results. Sounds like inaccurate logging.
  • BurnWithBarn2015
    BurnWithBarn2015 Posts: 1,026 Member
    Does anyone know how this calorie deficit thing works...I'm a 5'7 240 lb female and I try and work out 5-6 times a week...I've had the hardest time trying to figure out my macros and calories...mfp says I should eat about 1400 calories but I'm not losing any weight..this is really starting to stress me out! Can someone help please

    Weigh your food on a food scale in grams
    Don't use cups or spoons, those are for liquids

    Log your food, pre-plan and be consistent and have patience

  • dasiajones165
    dasiajones165 Posts: 12 Member
    nutmegoreo wrote: »
    Does anyone know how this calorie deficit thing works...I'm a 5'7 240 lb female and I try and work out 5-6 times a week...I've had the hardest time trying to figure out my macros and calories...mfp says I should eat about 1400 calories but I'm not losing any weight..this is really starting to stress me out! Can someone help please

    Are you using a food scale to weight any solid foods and measuring cup for liquids? Are you entering workouts here and eating back the calories burned? How long since you started where you are not seeing any losses?

    These may sound like strange questions, but the answers will help point out some of the most common things that can stall someone's progress.
    nutmegoreo wrote: »
    Does anyone know how this calorie deficit thing works...I'm a 5'7 240 lb female and I try and work out 5-6 times a week...I've had the hardest time trying to figure out my macros and calories...mfp says I should eat about 1400 calories but I'm not losing any weight..this is really starting to stress me out! Can someone help please

    Are you using a food scale to weight any solid foods and measuring cup for liquids? Are you entering workouts here and eating back the calories burned? How long since you started where you are not seeing any losses?

    These may sound like strange questions, but the answers will help point out some of the most common things that can stall someone's progress.

  • dasiajones165
    dasiajones165 Posts: 12 Member
    @kissedbythesunshine I think my logging is inaccurate as well.. I was told to set my activity level at sedentary even if I work out. So maybe that's where the error is.
  • dasiajones165
    dasiajones165 Posts: 12 Member
    @nutmegoreo I do have a food scale and measuring cups but I haven't been using them consistently. And no I've never logged my workouts here or eat back the calories I burn..usually after my workouts I try to eat light or have a protein shake ... I guess that's why I'm always hungry 30 minutes later lol Last week I tried to switch things up and do the keto diet bc the scale wasn't moving and that shot my sugar cravings through the roof I am so inept to this whole calories in and out thing!
  • dasiajones165
    dasiajones165 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi and thanks @queenliz99
    Will do @BurnWithBarn2015
  • sandsofarabia
    sandsofarabia Posts: 95 Member
    @nutmegoreo I do have a food scale and measuring cups but I haven't been using them consistently. And no I've never logged my workouts here or eat back the calories I burn..usually after my workouts I try to eat light or have a protein shake ... I guess that's why I'm always hungry 30 minutes later lol Last week I tried to switch things up and do the keto diet bc the scale wasn't moving and that shot my sugar cravings through the roof I am so inept to this whole calories in and out thing!

    I wouldn't recommend the keto. Just do calories. That way you can eat what you want and its a lot less maintenance. It also means you're less likely to binge eat. I did keto for about 3 months and I didn't lose weight any faster than I normally do on calorie-deficient diet. And I second the food scale thing.
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    edited December 2015
    I would start with being consistent in weighing your food. You are likely eating more than you realize. Another thing to check with logging accuracy is to ensure you have the right database selection. Much of the database is entered by users and a large portion of them are incorrect. Check labels on what you are eating against the nutritional information.

    I also suggest weighing prepackaged items, my oatmeal is supposed to be 50g per serving, but there is usually about 55g in the package. It might not sound like much, but these little differences can wipe out your daily deficit, creating a stall in loss. The granola I use, is supposed to be 28g/serving. The box says there is 10 servings per box, but there are four individual packs inside the box. Without looking closely at these things, that would be consuming 2.5 times what I expected. By weight, there is actually 381 calories in the individual package (over three servings), even though the box says 120 cal/serving. If I hadn't weighed it, my day would have been seriously incorrect just on that one item.

    The CICO thing can take some time to figure out what works for you as far as helping you feel full longer. Play with things a little. If I need volume, veggies work well, for feeling full longer, proteins and fats work well.
  • dasiajones165
    dasiajones165 Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks you guys I really appreciate your feedback
  • dasiajones165
    dasiajones165 Posts: 12 Member
    @nutmegoreo should I set my activity level at sedentary even if I workout?
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    @nutmegoreo should I set my activity level at sedentary even if I workout?

    The activity level is related to your daily life. If you generally are sedentary, then yes, set it to sedentary, and you can play around with consuming some of your exercise calories back.

  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    In the beginning I wouldn't worry to much about the macros, its more important about overall calories each day and being in deficit....but when you do try and eat better, more protein/fats etc then you will find you feel fuller for longer.

    And if mostly sedentary, choose that setting and log your exercise...anjd eat back around 50-75% of those exercise calories.