I havent lost any weight!

Hi all, last week when i started i was projected to lose 2lbs which I did. So far this week seems i gained a few ounces :(. This makes me want to give up


  • sweetlittleloki
    sweetlittleloki Posts: 2 Member
    Don't give up. I've been there my whole life. Not seeing the results on the scale, giving up, gaining more back. Please don't give up! Push through it! You can do this!
  • bigboomer2005
    bigboomer2005 Posts: 153 Member
    Don't give up when you start your body will be confused and weight will go up and down till you get it going in right direction. You got this
  • attiyasaeed
    attiyasaeed Posts: 2 Member
    I have been doing this app for 2weeks and have a sweet tooth finding it hard to keep up with the calories intake
  • Expatmommy79
    Expatmommy79 Posts: 940 Member
    hot1313 wrote: »
    Hi all, last week when i started i was projected to lose 2lbs which I did. So far this week seems i gained a few ounces :(. This makes me want to give up

    Give it more than a few weeks before you start to worry. You may have lost a lot of water weight your first week. Maybe it was from your cycle. Give it a few months of consistent and real effort and you will see changes.

    My weight can go up and down by 2-4 pounds in a week. What's important is you see the overall trend.

    Also 2 lbs a week over the long run may become difficult. Aim as high as you want within reason, but be prepared that the scale will not always reflect it.

    Take your body measurements also. Your size may decrease before your weight.
  • Expatmommy79
    Expatmommy79 Posts: 940 Member
    I have been doing this app for 2weeks and have a sweet tooth finding it hard to keep up with the calories intake

    You will have to make some sacrifice somewhere. Either limit your portion of sweets so it fits into your calories, or if you cannot resist, maybe go cold turkey for a week to break the habit of eating junk food and re introduce when you have better control on your impulses/habits?

  • amygeorge69
    amygeorge69 Posts: 1 Member
    I have been doing this app for 2weeks and have a sweet tooth finding it hard to keep up with the calories intake

    I found that substituting is a great way to deal with sweet tooth. Cherios and maybe 1 piece of chocolate. I also make green smoothies which I find pretty sweet. Certain veggies and fruit are sweet. You could grab some carrots or an apple instead of junk food. Try cutting out the preservatives because that is what is addictive. Good luck!
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    Some weeks are like that, our weight does fluctuate a lot on a daily basis as it is - you could find if you weighed in tomorrow that you have lost....
    Keep up the great work, you will get results, it just doesn't happen overnight.