Breakfast as soon as you wake up?

hopeforsuccess Posts: 62
edited September 28 in Food and Nutrition
Hi, wondering if any of you can advise me on this one...someone told me that it is better to have your breakfast within the first 30mins of waking up as your metabolism will get going more. Is this true?


  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    I wanna know.
  • purplepollypops
    purplepollypops Posts: 323 Member

    I want to know this too! I can't face ANYTHING as soon as I wake up, not even a drink. I get up at 6.20am and get to work for 7am and don't eat or drink anything until at least 7.30am
  • beccarockslife
    beccarockslife Posts: 816 Member
    Different studies show different things so it's a matter of opinion. I don't eat till around 10am and am losing fine.
  • redrose66
    redrose66 Posts: 31
    Hi, wondering if any of you can advise me on this one...someone told me that it is better to have your breakfast within the first 30mins of waking up as your metabolism will get going more. Is this true?

    Don't know how true it is, but i always feel so much better if i eat within 30 mins of getting up....
  • brittanyscherich
    brittanyscherich Posts: 355 Member
    I can't stomach any food unless I've been awake for at least an hour.
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    Personally, I wake up, do my 30DS, then have a protein-packed breakfast.
    pack my lunch, get dressed, then head out to the gym for an hour or so before I have to work.
  • kennie2
    kennie2 Posts: 1,170 Member
    Personally, I wake up, do my 30DS, then have a protein-packed breakfast.
    pack my lunch, get dressed, then head out to the gym for an hour or so before I have to work.

    what time do you get up to get all that in in the morning?!
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    Personally, I wake up, do my 30DS, then have a protein-packed breakfast.
    pack my lunch, get dressed, then head out to the gym for an hour or so before I have to work.

    what time do you get up to get all that in in the morning?!

    I work overnight shifts, so my "mornings" are a little un-conventional.
    I work 7pm to 6am.
    I wake up at 2pm.
  • I have always believed it best to eat first thing to kick start your metabolism. This is why I am hungry by 9am and my friends who don't eat breakfast aren't hungry until lunch time.
  • Thanks for that...just that when I was younger I used to eat straight away upon waking (7:00pm) then I switched to eating at around 9:00am and found that I got fatter, but I got fatter also because I ate too much and didn't excercise enough (and it was a long time ago!). Thanks for your posts, I will go back to my original morning plan.
  • emmikate
    emmikate Posts: 1
    hi, i study biomedical science/nutrition. you should stop eating 3 hours before you go to bed, have 8 hours sleep and eat within 45minutes to an hour after rising each morning. this is the most effective way to keep your metabolism at its peak for the entire day. also doing some form of exercise before breakfast is extremely beneficial to weight loss and boosted metabolism.
  • velvetkat
    velvetkat Posts: 454 Member
    I get up at 330am and usually do some sort of exercise dvd(walking or zumba for 20 min) Then I take a shower, eat some fruit, take my vitamins and right before I leave for work I make oatmeal and eat it on the way to work. I leave for work around 545. Mid-morning I will take a break at work(9am) and eat yogurt or a salad. Since I get up so early I end up eating two or three times before lunch but never comes out to more than 400 calories.(usually between 300-400)
    I used to take fruit to eat at work but found out that about a half hour after eating the fruit I would feel starved no matter how many calories I had consumed. I found out that I should eat my protein AFTER the fruit to keep the full feeling that's why I eat the fruit first when I get up. My choices of times for breakfast doesn't seem to make a difference as on the weekend I don't get up til around 8 and eat breakfast around 9-ish.
    I've read advantages and disadvantages to both so I guess whatever works for you and your body.

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  • happybunnysbabe57
    happybunnysbabe57 Posts: 191 Member
    i cant eat as soon as i get up. i go potty, then i let my dogs out. i feed my animals (right now i have 3 dogs 1 cat and 7 kittens so it is easier to feed them before i weigh or feed myself they get in the way if not) then i weigh myself, then i feed myself so probably hour or so after i get up.. i get up 10:30-1 depending on the day. Also depending on the day i dont even eat breakfast cuz i am not much of a morning person or i get busy and forget. Like yesterday my brother called and i started doing other stuff..
  • Thank you ...I had heard that somewhere before and you've confirmed it for me.
  • niavalentino
    niavalentino Posts: 131 Member
    I'm not a morning person at all, but it doesn't matter. The whole idea is that you should eat something within 45 minutes to an hour after waking up. It gives you that OOMPH! Also, its a good idea to drink a glass of water when you get up as well!
  • I always eat when i get up feel rubbish other wise!

    Silly question........what are 30DS?
  • sophieshaped
    sophieshaped Posts: 228 Member
    Clue is in the name – break the fast! I eat straight away, I can't wait. Perhaps those that can't stomach food would find it easier having a smoothie? You can add oats etc but it still feels like a drink :o)
  • FTIM2015
    FTIM2015 Posts: 460 Member
    30DS is the 30 day shred, it's an exercise DVD, 20 mins intense work out with strength, cardio and abs
  • registers
    registers Posts: 782 Member
    Thank you ...I had heard that somewhere before and you've confirmed it for me.

    Well sorry to break it to you, people usually get inaccurate facts out of fitness magazines or some other form of inaccurate media. Eating in the morning, takes energy away from your body by digesting, it slows you down, eating triggers the parasympathetic which slows down the body. How do most people feel after a huge meal? tired, lethargic... etc. Yes it's not as severe with a smaller meal, but that doesn't mean the parasympathetic nervous system isn't triggered. Eating increases insulin which can store bodyfat, this is what you want to do first thing in the morning?. The opposite of eating is not eating. If you don't eat, this will trigger the sympathetic nevous system, which releases adrenaline which will keep you alert an energetic.
    Plus not eating lowers insulin levels which will release glucagon which is a fat liberating hormone, it releases fat from the body. On top of this, growth hormone is also released, which burns a lot of fat, and helps preserve muscle tissue.

    Someone said "eating speeds up your metabolism?" Depends, if you eat "more calories" yes it does... But if you eat 1 meal at 2000 calories, or 10 meals at 200 calories, it has no effect on your metabolism in terms of speeding it up.

    below are scientific studies to support what I have said.
    breakfast slows down oxidation

    fasting longer than 6hrs increses fat oxidation,

    fasting burns 5 times more fat.

    gherlin triggers Growth Hormone
  • mrstyler
    mrstyler Posts: 43
    I definitely have to eat. When I wake up I am feel extremely hungry and I don't function to well until I have breakfast. I can manage if I don't need to be anywhere and loaf in bed, but if I need to get up and go, breakfast is necessary within 30 minutes of getting up. If I can manage having two small meals in the morning it works best for me though. A single serving of plain cereal followed by fruit and protein 2 hours later seems to make me feel best.
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