lift with cardio

hello everyone
for someone like me,after i lost about 60kg , i have to do about 1:30 mins of cardio 6 days /week to maintain my weight , and i want to start lift again , but i really cant give up with cardio because i want the extra calories
so my question is , can do both in the same day? or that will be too much for me ? i will have problem with recover?


  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Yes, maybe, and maybe.

    You can certainly do cardio and strength training on the same day. Whether it will be too much or inhibit your recovery is an unknown that you will have to test to figure out.

    Strength training does burn calories, though not as many as cardio. You may find it useful to reduce your cardio on strength training days. If you're going to train 2x/wk, for example, you could do 30-40 minutes of cardio plus your strength training workout. As for what to do first, it's a matter of personal preference.
  • nordlead2005
    nordlead2005 Posts: 1,303 Member
    You don't HAVE to do 1.5 hours of cardio 6x/week to maintain weight, you want to do 1.5 hours of cardio 6x/week to maintain weight. That is perfectly fine if you want, but realize that you could opt to eat a little less.

    Anyways, yes, you can do both in one day, most people say to do strength training first, and then cardio after. However, most likely you'll find the total workload too taxing on your body and 2.5 hours in the gym is a lot of time (1 hour for weight training + 1.5 hours for cardio). If you find you aren't making progress with the lifting, then maybe cut back on the cardio to improve recovery and eat a tiny bit less.
  • amrelmesery
    amrelmesery Posts: 86 Member
    jemhh wrote: »
    Yes, maybe, and maybe.

    You can certainly do cardio and strength training on the same day. Whether it will be too much or inhibit your recovery is an unknown that you will have to test to figure out.

    Strength training does burn calories, though not as many as cardio. You may find it useful to reduce your cardio on strength training days. If you're going to train 2x/wk, for example, you could do 30-40 minutes of cardio plus your strength training workout. As for what to do first, it's a matter of personal preference.

    thanks for answer , but do u think 2 times full body workout is enough?
  • amrelmesery
    amrelmesery Posts: 86 Member
    edited December 2015
    You don't HAVE to do 1.5 hours of cardio 6x/week to maintain weight, you want to do 1.5 hours of cardio 6x/week to maintain weight. That is perfectly fine if you want, but realize that you could opt to eat a little less.

    Anyways, yes, you can do both in one day, most people say to do strength training first, and then cardio after. However, most likely you'll find the total workload too taxing on your body and 2.5 hours in the gym is a lot of time (1 hour for weight training + 1.5 hours for cardio). If you find you aren't making progress with the lifting, then maybe cut back on the cardio to improve recovery and eat a tiny bit less.

    tried many times to eat less, but its end up with over eating
    but yeah, maybe on lifting days eat less and none lifting days will eat more
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    I would try doing a "short run" as a warm up on lift days. I had great results doing a 4.5 mile run with weights on Monday Wednesday Friday. Tuesday Thursday I would do 6-7 miles rest Saturday and do 10 miles on Sunday. I lost 50 pounds with this routine but put 20 pounds back on when I slacked off a bit. I started this routine again this week, feeling better already. My cardio allows me to have my beer and wine.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    jemhh wrote: »
    Yes, maybe, and maybe.

    You can certainly do cardio and strength training on the same day. Whether it will be too much or inhibit your recovery is an unknown that you will have to test to figure out.

    Strength training does burn calories, though not as many as cardio. You may find it useful to reduce your cardio on strength training days. If you're going to train 2x/wk, for example, you could do 30-40 minutes of cardio plus your strength training workout. As for what to do first, it's a matter of personal preference.

    thanks for answer , but do u think 2 times full body workout is enough?

    For general fitness, I do think that twice a week is enough. It's dependent on your goals, of course, but a solid 2x/week full body program is fine IMO.
  • TiberiusClaudis
    TiberiusClaudis Posts: 423 Member
    There are many roads to Dublin. One can do cardio to maintain their weight, they can do weightlifting, they can watch their diet...or a combo of all. I find that doing a combo works the best for me. Yes, 2 days a week of full body workouts is fine, if that's what keeps you going. You can always try variety. Do 2 a week, 4 days of cardio, then switch up....or combine. Ultimately it's what keeps you motivated is what works. By the way, congrats on the new you. That's is a serious transformation!
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    There are many roads to Dublin. One can do cardio to maintain their weight, they can do weightlifting, they can watch their diet...or a combo of all.


    Personally, I can't do that much as it's just too hard on my body (at least not at the degree of intensity I like to do them). Seems I'm too old and don't recover fast enough.

    But that's me. YMMV.

  • amrelmesery
    amrelmesery Posts: 86 Member
    great information , You guys are all so helpful , thank you so much
  • sk1982
    sk1982 Posts: 45 Member
    i'd be curious as to how many calories a day you are seems excessive to me that you need to do 1.5 hours of cardio a day just to maintain...when you cut calories before were you also still trying to do the excess cardio - that may be why you failed becuase your calories expended was too high....

    also if you have had a long period of undereating your metabolism may be messed up and may need time to fix may put on weight initially but after a while it should rebalance
  • amrelmesery
    amrelmesery Posts: 86 Member
    sk1982 wrote: »
    i'd be curious as to how many calories a day you are seems excessive to me that you need to do 1.5 hours of cardio a day just to maintain...when you cut calories before were you also still trying to do the excess cardio - that may be why you failed becuase your calories expended was too high....

    also if you have had a long period of undereating your metabolism may be messed up and may need time to fix may put on weight initially but after a while it should rebalance

    well, i like to eat alot , and big meals , my weight was 350-355 pound when i started to lose weight, still hard for me to eat 2000-2500 calories everyday , and i enjoy do cardio now , just hard for me to lift and do cardio in the same time
  • wilsoncl6
    wilsoncl6 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Do what works for you. I do cardio and then weights right afterwards 5 days a week. For me, I find that it helps get my blood flowing and gets me pumped for my lifts but I probably do too much cardio, 40 minutes of intervals, but my body is just used to it at this point. The only day I don't do cardio and lift is on my leg days. You could still eat a lot of food for 2000-2500 calories if that food is more protein and fats, vice carbs. You'll stay fuller longer too. I find that most days I eat between 2000-2500 calories and I'm never hungry but I do take in a lot of protein, so I can see why you have to do 1.5 hours of cardio a day to support your eating habits. I don't blame you, putting in the work so you can really enjoy eating what you want. The only question I have is what is the purpose of lifting? Is it to burn some calorie (which you won't get much out of lifting) or is it to build or sustain muscle mass?
  • amrelmesery
    amrelmesery Posts: 86 Member
    wilsoncl6 wrote: »
    Do what works for you. I do cardio and then weights right afterwards 5 days a week. For me, I find that it helps get my blood flowing and gets me pumped for my lifts but I probably do too much cardio, 40 minutes of intervals, but my body is just used to it at this point. The only day I don't do cardio and lift is on my leg days. You could still eat a lot of food for 2000-2500 calories if that food is more protein and fats, vice carbs. You'll stay fuller longer too. I find that most days I eat between 2000-2500 calories and I'm never hungry but I do take in a lot of protein, so I can see why you have to do 1.5 hours of cardio a day to support your eating habits. I don't blame you, putting in the work so you can really enjoy eating what you want. The only question I have is what is the purpose of lifting? Is it to burn some calorie (which you won't get much out of lifting) or is it to build or sustain muscle mass?

    yeah , to look better naked , and i still have some lose skin , so it might help me with that
  • Yi5hedr3
    Yi5hedr3 Posts: 2,696 Member
    Best not to, but if you do, always do lifting first, cardio last.