In need of support♡

Hello, I was on here about 5 years ago and loved it. I am now back, much healthier and happier then I was the first time. I am looking for friends I can support through their journey.


  • judowolf
    judowolf Posts: 77 Member
    Welcome back Ashley! Hopefully your journey remains happy and healthy through the holidays and on into 2016. Best of luck!
  • escotech2883
    escotech2883 Posts: 546 Member
    Hey there im on the same journey. Good luck to you
  • bshave81
    bshave81 Posts: 107 Member
    I'm always looking for new friends and motivators. Feel free to add me!
  • Vegatron70
    Vegatron70 Posts: 29 Member
    Welcome and tips can always be found on here.
  • Denise_Valentine
    Denise_Valentine Posts: 93 Member
    I am also a fellow MFP user who has returned from a break and need support I'll add you!