Searsh Posts: 27
edited September 28 in Health and Weight Loss
Is anyone Doing it? and Is anyone starting today cos I am :)
we can help eachother through it :) x


  • snflwr04
    snflwr04 Posts: 46
    I'm starting today as well
  • cha36jennings
    cha36jennings Posts: 99 Member
    I started level 2 yesterday and it would be interesting to hear on how you find level 1. My experience was that level 1 nearly killed me lol so I gave up on that and went to level 2. Level 2 was so much easier! :-S
  • sayambular
    sayambular Posts: 205
    I'm starting Level One Today!
  • lina20
    lina20 Posts: 130 Member
    starting tomorrow.
  • I love it! Im finally on level 3 and I think all 3 levels have parts that are very difficult! Now, I mix it up and do different levels on different days. But I def recommend it, I have lost 20 pounds with Jillians help :)
  • darlat74
    darlat74 Posts: 23
    I've been doing Level 1 for three days and I don't find it too bad. I'm using 5 lb weights and I find that they are too heavy but other than that it really is a great workout. It's like she says if you give it your all for 20 minutes then you will see results and I find the 20 minutes go by quick.
  • swiater4
    swiater4 Posts: 3 Member
    I keep reading about the the 30 day shred but am not sure what it is or where I can find it...Can someone shed some light? Thanks
  • petey247
    petey247 Posts: 9 Member
    I also started it today, but had some difficulty midway through by aggravating an 'almost healed' knee injury - radiating pain. Knowing my limits, I can officially say that I am unable to do any of the cardio jumping. Instead I tried to do extra sets of punches and threw in some squat jacks.

    I was still able to do bends and lunges - controlled movements are still okay. Anybody have any other cardio suggestions for me to help me keep my heart rate up without doing more harm than good to my knees? I'm tempted to jump on my excersie bike for the cardio blast portions of the video.

    I've been on a (6) week plateau because of this injury and really want to get the scale moving again.
  • sculptandtone
    sculptandtone Posts: 300 Member
    I started level 2 yesterday and it would be interesting to hear on how you find level 1. My experience was that level 1 nearly killed me lol so I gave up on that and went to level 2. Level 2 was so much easier! :-S

    REALLY? I'm going to be doing Day 10 Level 1 in an hour or so. I've been waffling over even trying Level 2 as the cardio in circuit 1 of level one is killing me (jumping jacks and skippinig are the worst), the rest is fine. Maybe i should try level 2 tomorrow and see?
  • irishblonde2011
    irishblonde2011 Posts: 618 Member
    I am day 7(today) and i can seriously feel the difference in my body already. Just get over day one and there will be no stopping you. Good luck.
  • Searsh
    Searsh Posts: 27
    Thanks everyone!! do add me or I'll add ye laters :) going to start it this minute :)
  • ymcahutch
    ymcahutch Posts: 8
    Okay, you have all inspired me. I got mine in last week but haven't opened it yet. Today is my 21st wedding anniversery, what better way to celibrate that starting my 30 day shred!
  • BeccyBerry
    BeccyBerry Posts: 312
    I started on the 1st of June but havent done it since friday as I ended up going away for the weekend. Im going to start again today. I was at body pump last night for the first time so aching all over so seriously not looking forward to it lol :laugh:
  • uhoh_billy
    uhoh_billy Posts: 94
    I'm starting today! I'm at work at the moment (on MFP... Ooops! hehe) but when I get home I'm stopping by Wal-mart to buy hand-weights, going home, doing my measurements, and trying out Day 1! I want to have it finished before Harry Potter/Wonderland day for me, July 15th (it's going to be the best. Day. EVER!)
  • Tiffy11011
    Tiffy11011 Posts: 81 Member
    I started yesterday. It was hard while I was doing it and I sweat more than I ever have although today I'm not sore at all. I expected to be from what people said so now I'm wondering if I should stick with Level 1 for 9 more days and then move onto Level 2, or just move onto Level 2 now?
  • sculptandtone
    sculptandtone Posts: 300 Member
    I started yesterday. It was hard while I was doing it and I sweat more than I ever have although today I'm not sore at all. I expected to be from what people said so now I'm wondering if I should stick with Level 1 for 9 more days and then move onto Level 2, or just move onto Level 2 now?

    Personally, I'd do level one for a few days. I'm on Level 1 and I find it harder/easier depending on the day. If you're killing it a few days in a row then move up.
  • DanceMomCG
    DanceMomCG Posts: 47 Member
    If you do each level for 10 days....it would be 30 days. That's my plan. I'm starting level 2 today.
  • Searsh
    Searsh Posts: 27
    OMG it was the toughest thing ever!!! I cant to strength training to save my life and I just had to take like 3 breathers because I could not do it my body stopped witrhout me tellin it to but once i got my breath back to kinda normel i got back up an continued! i can only get better at it! right now..i feel sick!
  • penny_eclipse
    penny_eclipse Posts: 524 Member
    just did the first day, the push ups made me want to die! i have literally no upper body strength apparently...
  • Started level 2 last night after ten days at level 1. OMG some of the moves are crazy. I have been working out on the treadmill or other workouts in the morning for at least 40-60 minutes and then do the video at night. Now I am battling shin splints. just got new shoes and inserts and I am wearing compression socks. they seem to be helping. I have noticed a difference in how my clothes are fitting. It is going to take a few days to get use to the new moves. The funny thing is I had my husband, who is great shape and a runner do the video with me. he was very sweaty at the end and couldnt believe what a great workout it was. Made me feel even better about doing it.
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