Back again to lose the baby weight!

Hiyer! After a very happy, wonderful, utterly exhausting 8 and half joy filled months of life with my new baby girl it's time to face facts and get these "you'll lose all the baby weight through breastfeeding" pounds gone! It seems breastfeeding makes be crave food more than ever, and I weigh more now than I did 6 months ago!

Would love some support from new mums in the same situation, or anyone who can offer some advice.



  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,222 MFP Moderator
    Definitely NOT a new mom (my boys are 14 and 11), but my advice is to just log all food and drink. Figure out what (and how much) you're eating/drinking, and then begin to make changes from there.

    It took me 10 years to decide I was done with baby weight and needed it off. Major kudos to you for deciding to do something about it before those pounds made themselves comfy. :)
  • leannemcintyre05
    A fellow 'baby weight' MFPer here! Good on you for taking the time to focus on your baby girl before worrying about those extra pounds!