Please analize my food diay

bmw4deb Posts: 1,325 Member
Morning everyone, I have posted a couple questions about my sodium
Last night I spent hours going over my meals, No matter what i do I
can not get the protein or sugar under or at goal, if you have a moment can you look
at my food diary for today and give me any suggestions or advice.


  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Looks like you are eating a Variety of foods. I would lower my Carbs by 5% and see if that helps with going over in protein. Also watch the salt.
  • ksmittens
    ksmittens Posts: 65
    It doesn't look bad to me at all...I am not sure how "bad" it is to go over in protein. I try to make sure I stay under in sodium/sugars..but here is a link that will take you to the macro nutrient calculator..maybe you need to adjust your percentages a little.. hope this helps
  • blueliss26
    blueliss26 Posts: 79 Member
    its my understanding that the protein is a goal not a limit. Going over in protein is a good thing! The salt is another story and i have trouble with that one too.
  • katzav
    katzav Posts: 67
    i'm no pro, but i thought it was ok to go over in protein. especially if you are exercising.

    as for your sugar, i don't know how to help.
  • dcmat
    dcmat Posts: 1,723 Member
    Looks OK to me, just watch the sodium levels
  • morganadk2_deleted
    morganadk2_deleted Posts: 1,696 Member
    hi protien on here is set quite low you can change thae ratio's

    Home , goals , change goals , custom , you have to set carbs first.. change to what ever ratio works for you :smile:

    mine are carbs 55%, proten 25% and fat 20%
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    Sugar i wouldn't stress too much about, if it's natural. Your yogurt, you could buy plain and flavor it yourself. Sodium is going to come from everything packaged-esp packaged meats. You want to do as little prepackaged as possible.
    Protein, you're safe to go over. Their requirements are kind of low anyhow.
  • DianaPowerUp
    DianaPowerUp Posts: 518 Member
    Overall, you're really doing a good job. MFP's set guidelines are much too low for protein, and sugar (ESP. if your sugar is coming just from fruit, as opposed to processed junk).

    You should be getting at least 1 gm of protein for each lb. of lean body weight. For most women, that means at least 100 gm of protein/day. So really, you're not getting enough protein!

    I generally don't worry about sugar, since as soon as you eat a banana, your sugar count is over. But if your carbs (which turn straight into sugar) are low, and your sugar is naturally occuring, from the foods you eat (like fruit), I wouldn't worry about that too much. If you spend your days eating poptarts and twinkies, then yes, you need to worry about your sugar. And of course, if you're diabetic, ANY amt. of sugar is an issue.

    Also, if you are very close to your goal weight, tweaking your sugar can help shed those last few. But like I said, it's set so low now, that even if you eat really cleanly (or if you're very paleo), it's hard not to go over on that.
  • sociable15
    sociable15 Posts: 98
    Actually doesn't look that bad to me. Sources of hidden sodium tend to be processed foods and canned foods. Things like salsa can be made homemade in bulk if you get time. Canned veggies can be swapped out for frozen ones, if you use canned veggies. Canned tuna is a huge sodium bomb. I can't eat it because to me it smells like cat food so, sadly, I don't have an alternative to this. Sorry! Maybe cook up some fish and flake it up and store it in the fridge? Not sure... your proteins don't look too far over. If they were radically far than I'd be more worried, but they really look fine.

    i know one way to counteract the sodium is to eat more water-heavy fruits and veggies. This is a great time of the year for those, too. :-)
  • Scoobies87
    Scoobies87 Posts: 379
    I nearly always go over my protein but it's not something I ever worry about. Protein is good! I think counting every single thing is so restrictive, as long as you don't go over your calories and fat then it should be OK.

    What you are eating looks great to me, I say keep it up!
  • jarrettd
    jarrettd Posts: 872 Member
    I don't worry about going over in's like going over in vitamin C...not necessarily a bad thing. As for the sugar, it's the fructose in your fruit that's nailing it, also not necessarily a bad thing. The nutrients kinds offset the high sugar. Berries are a good lower sugar choice, and quite high in nutrients and fiber. Maybe decrease/change your fruit just a little and increase dark colored veggies to balance things?
  • FemininGuns
    FemininGuns Posts: 605 Member
    Going over protein is okay - AS LONG AS it's lean and cooked from scratch (then you can control the sodium)... Even better if you can get local/wild types of lean meats. Buying processed foods is what usually increases sodium...

    You can cut the carbs if you want, but if you make different choices on your carbs, that would help you out as well: for instance, eat some sweet potatoes, brown rice (cooked from scratch), quinoa... Eat less breads/pasta... Try to eat things that are close to it's basic form :) You may want to introduce more veggies (again, steamed at home).
  • blueliss26
    blueliss26 Posts: 79 Member
    Ok i just looked at a few diary entries... a lot of sodium is coming from sauces that you use (bbq, salsa) - look for lower sodium varieties of these to use, or more processed meats (pepperoni) really try to limit quantities of that sort of thing and it should help. Sodium is hard for me to get a handle on too... try subbing frozen or fresh veggies for the canned... etc.
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    You are eating a lot of processed foods- pepperoni, egg whites, chicken breast (?). You need eliminate processed foods. They are full of sodium. Most all the individually frozen chicken breasts are injected with sodium - just read the label. Make your own egg white omelets using regular eggs. By not using processed foods, you control the amount of sodium going into your food. Your sugar was I little high but if was mostly from fresh fruit so I do not see that as a real problem. You might switch your yogurt to a Greek type You get twice the protein for the same amount of sugar in the product. Try switching your jam to an all fruit version. Natural fruit sugar is better for you than artificial sugars or white sugar. Going over on your protein is fine.
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    hi protien on here is set quite low you can change thae ratio's

    Home , goals , change goals , custom , you have to set carbs first.. change to what ever ratio works for you :smile:

    mine are carbs 55%, proten 25% and fat 20%

    Never knew you could do that!! changing mine right now!
  • Britt22706
    Britt22706 Posts: 97
    your diary looks fine to me, except for the sodium, which like everyone said is from packaged products. As far as the protein goes, don't worry about it!! And, not sure if you've heard, but the following is something I've copied out of a research article about calories from Yahoo:
    For every 100 carbohydrate calories you consume, your body expends 5 to 10 in digestion. With fats, you expend slightly less (although thin people seem to break down more fat than heavy people do). The calorie-burn champion is protein: For every 100 protein calories you consume, your body needs 20 to 30 for digestion, Buchowski says. Carbohydrates and fat give up their calories easily: They're built to supply quick energy. In effect, carbs and fat yield more usable energy than protein does.

    Bottom line, protein allows you to burn more calories!!! If anything, continue going over your protein!!
  • Britt22706
    Britt22706 Posts: 97
    your diary looks fine to me, except for the sodium, which like everyone said is from packaged products. As far as the protein goes, don't worry about it!! And, not sure if you've heard, but the following is something I've copied out of a research article about calories from Yahoo:
    For every 100 carbohydrate calories you consume, your body expends 5 to 10 in digestion. With fats, you expend slightly less (although thin people seem to break down more fat than heavy people do). The calorie-burn champion is protein: For every 100 protein calories you consume, your body needs 20 to 30 for digestion, Buchowski says. Carbohydrates and fat give up their calories easily: They're built to supply quick energy. In effect, carbs and fat yield more usable energy than protein does.

    Bottom line, protein allows you to burn more calories!!! If anything, continue going over your protein!!
  • Britt22706
    Britt22706 Posts: 97
    your diary looks fine to me, except for the sodium, which like everyone said is from packaged products. As far as the protein goes, don't worry about it!! And, not sure if you've heard, but the following is something I've copied out of a research article about calories from Yahoo:
    For every 100 carbohydrate calories you consume, your body expends 5 to 10 in digestion. With fats, you expend slightly less (although thin people seem to break down more fat than heavy people do). The calorie-burn champion is protein: For every 100 protein calories you consume, your body needs 20 to 30 for digestion, Buchowski says. Carbohydrates and fat give up their calories easily: They're built to supply quick energy. In effect, carbs and fat yield more usable energy than protein does.

    Bottom line, protein allows you to burn more calories!!! If anything, continue going over your protein!!
  • bmw4deb
    bmw4deb Posts: 1,325 Member
    You are eating a lot of processed foods- pepperoni, egg whites, chicken breast (?). You need eliminate processed foods. They are full of sodium. Most all the individually frozen chicken breasts are injected with sodium - just read the label. Make your own egg white omelets using regular eggs. By not using processed foods, you control the amount of sodium going into your food. Your sugar was I little high but if was mostly from fresh fruit so I do not see that as a real problem. You might switch your yogurt to a Greek type You get twice the protein for the same amount of sugar in the product. Try switching your jam to an all fruit version. Natural fruit sugar is better for you than artificial sugars or white sugar. Going over on your protein is fine.
    Thanks, I didn't realize the sodium in egg whites (will be separating my own) I use fresh
    unfrozen chicken breast, the peperoni has to go :( I just love the turkey)
    yes the Jam i use is sugar free all fruit
  • bmw4deb
    bmw4deb Posts: 1,325 Member
    Thanks everyone, I got a lot of great reply's and advise
    you guys are great