Daytime Good, Night time Bad!

Im 100% committed to eating healthy and exercising during the day.... I drink my water like a good little girl all day long.. I love it, and I feel GREAT!!! So why is it, that when I get home at night, all I do is think about junk and barely get water in me??? Its driving me crazy and I dont know how to break the cycle!!!


  • AmberMagdalena
    AmberMagdalena Posts: 461 Member
    I'm the same way! I have a great day, eating right and guzzling water. But when I get home, I just want to binge! It's terrible!!
  • sbwood888
    sbwood888 Posts: 953 Member
    Same here. I guess at work, etc during the day we are occupied and busy--no time to think about junk. At home, we are relaxed and our minds start to wander to our old loves.................:cry:
    Don't know how to fix it other than to say stay busy. Go on a walk or out with friends. Stay away from sitting in front of the tv.
  • smile72101
    smile72101 Posts: 26 Member
    I personally was (and can be) the same way! However, I did a kitchen over hall when it came to my options so when i got the sweet tooth the only options I had were "healthier" ones. Like I went to Aldi and got some of the fit and active ice cream sandwiches (140-150 calories and they are YUMMY) but they are like the skinny cow ones. I also replaced the "salty" snacks which used to be chips with at least baked chips.

    I have TMJ (my jaw gets "stuck") so I have to be careful with nuts but a lot of people have said that the cocoa almonds are really yummy....that is the sweet/salty mix....

    I personally have also gotten rid of all of the sodas etc so the only option I have is water...or try water mix in's without calories?!

    Good luck...this was a MAJOR habit I had to change, and because of my daily routine I usually factor in snacks. I just make sure my snacks are within my calorie goal....

  • phenrichs
    phenrichs Posts: 102
    I had the same problem. I fixed it by exercising at night. I wait about an hour after I eat dinner. Then do some running mixed with weights and floor exercises. I do this for 30-60 mins. Then it a protein shake to make back some calories cause I don't want to eat that late at night. Then a shower and I am so tired I go right to bed.
  • Claire739
    Claire739 Posts: 114
    i have exactly the same problem! im at home throughout the day mind u but still stay focused and motivated until the evening!

    feel free to add me for support and we can try and get through it together if you want x
  • MindyLynn77
    MindyLynn77 Posts: 126
    im glad its not just me..but DAMN i wish it would go away!!!
  • a_dawn
    a_dawn Posts: 47
    If I have that problem, I drink a cup of warm green tea and it satisfies me till bedtime. It does have caffeine, but not enough to keep me awake. Good luck on finding a solution.
  • lizpfennig
    lizpfennig Posts: 14
    Don't deny yourself cause you'll just crave more, but make smart choices.

    Rid your house of the bad snack and bring in healthier options. Have cut up veggies prepared and ready to snack on so you can grab them as easy as a bag of chips. I love the Yoplait light yogurts, some of the "desert" flavors like, orange cream, apple turnover, raspberry white chocolate, etc., fill that sweet tooth craving and can even be a substitute for something like ice cream. The cocoa almonds someone mentioned are AWESOME. You, my friend, are not alone, we all have these cravings but the more you fight them the stronger they become, so supplement them with good options.

    I also heard that the scent of cinnamon or green apple is an appetite suppressant (don't know if it's true or not), maybe combine them and have half a green apple with a sprinkle of cinnamon. Could help - wouldn't hurt to try.

    Best! I know you can do it!